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Tous les services mobiles par satellite et le service de radiorep�rage par satellite

Resultats:12 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�Canada�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 381 ]
Considerations for sharing the frequency band 1 215 to 1 300 MHz between RNSS and radars in the radiodetermination service (Agenda item 1.15 - Resolution 606) � Canada 2002-09-12
[ 380 ]
Discussion of AMS(R)S resource provisioning � Canada 2002-09-12
[ 376 ]
Proposed revisions to Recommendations ITU-R M.1143 and ITU-R M.1319 � Canada 2002-09-11
[ 375 ]
Some operational and environmental factors related to air traffic control surveillance radars in the frequency band 1 215-1 300 MHz � Canada 2002-09-11
[ 374 ]
Proposed modifications to Recommendation ITU-R M.1184-1 - Technical characteristics of mobile satellite systems in the frequency bands below 3 GHz for use in developing criteria for sharing between the mobile-satellite service (MSS) and other services � Canada 2002-09-11
[ 346 ]
Radionavigation satellite systems interference with canadian radar installations in the 1 212- 1 300 MHz frequency band � Canada 2001-10-23
[ 345 ]
Calculation of the interference from an RNSS satellite constellation into air navigation radar receivers in the ARNS 1 215-1 300 MHz frequency band - Agenda item 1.15: Resolution 606 � Canada 2001-10-23
[ 304 ]
Proposed new method to satisfy WRC-03 agenda item 1.15, Resolution 606 (WRC-2000) � Canada 2001-10-23
[ 303 ]
Proposed CPM text for WRC-03 agenda item 1.15, Resolution 605 � Canada 2001-10-23
[ 302 ]
Draft CPM text regarding WRC-03 Agenda item 1.31, Res.226 (WRC-2000) � Canada 2001-10-23
[ 189 ]
Calculation of the interference limit from an RNSS satellite constellation into aircraft DME receivers in the ARNS 1 164-1 215 MHz frequency band � Canada 2001-10-23
[ 79 ]
Priorization and real-time pre-emptive access for MSS and AMS(R)S � Canada 2001-10-23
Resultats:12 documents
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