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Enregistrement pour la production, l'archivage et la diffusion; films pour la t�l�vision

Resultats:26 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�Chairman, WP 6R�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 83 ]
Proposal for a new Question - Guidelines on functionalities of facilities based on the use of digital servers in broadcast programme recording, archiving and playout � Chairman, WP 6R 2003-01-09
[ 82 ]
Exact meaning of the acronym "LFE" � Chairman, WP 6R 2002-12-10
[ 80 ]
Report of the fifth meeting of Working Party 6R � Chairman, WP 6R 2002-09-23
[ 68 ]
Proposed editorial revision of Recommendation ITU-R BR.1220-1 � Chairman, WP 6R 2002-07-25
[ 66 ]
Report of the fourth meeting of Working Party 6R (Geneva, 18-22 March 2002) � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 63 ]
Handbooks and codes of practice - Exchange of sound and television programs � Vice-Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 57 ]
Review of vintage Recommendations � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 52 ]
Compression ratios for digital video � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 49 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BR.469-6 - Analogue composite television tape recording - Standards for the international exchange of television programmes on magnetic tape � Vice-Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 48 ]
Proposal for a new Recommendation - Archival of sound-program material in the form of files recorded on information technology media � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 45 ]
Report of the third meeting of WP 6R (Geneva, 24-28 September 2001) � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 39 ]
Studies carried out by ITU-R Working Party 6R � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 37 ]
Comment on Document 6R/33 � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 35 ]
Liaison statement - Rapporteur's Report on the exchange of digital sound recordings in the form of data files � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 33 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R BR.265-8 - Operating practices for the international exchange of programmes on film for television use � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 30 ]
Review of old Recommendations in the BR. Series � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 28 ]
Report of the second meeting of WP 6R - Geneva, March 21-23, 2001 � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 24 ]
Clarification of the intent of some Recommendations in the BR. Series � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 21 ]
Possible draft new Recommendation - Exchange of sound programmes as BWF files recorded on recordable data discs for broadcast use � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 20 ]
Proposed deletion of Recommendation ITU-R BR. 714 - International exchange of programmes electronically produced by means of high-definition television � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 19 ]
Proposed appendix to Recommendation ITU-R BR.1374 - Film camera viewfinders for television � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 18 ]
Proposal for guidelines on the use of film in television � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 17 ]
Report of the meeting of Working Party 6R � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 12 ]
Proposed clarification in the little of Recommendations BR.1292, BR.1356 and BR.1376 � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 5 ]
Proposed treatment of the Report of the WP 6R Rapporteur on file formats, interfaces and network protocols to be used in digital television recording for programme production � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
[ 4 ]
Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R BR.1220 - Requirements for the generation, recording and presentation of HDTV programmes intended for release in the "electronic cinema" � Chairman, WP 6R 2001-09-24
Resultats:26 documents
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