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Principes fondamentaux de la propagation

Resultats:63 documents
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Date
[ 63 ]
Liaison statement to WP 3J and 3M - Request for additional information concerning rain fade events and statistics in the bands 37.5-40.0 GHz and 42-42.5 GHz � JWP 4-9S 2003-05-08
[ 62 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.526-8 - Propagation by diffraction � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2003-04-17
[ 61 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 3J and 3M - FS protection criteria on the 38 and 40 GHz bands � WP 9A 2003-04-14
[ 60 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J and 3M - Impact of Recommendation ITU-R P.837-3 on FS links design using rain attenuation calculations in Recommendation ITU-R P.530 � WP 9A 2003-04-14
[ 59 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J, 3K and 3M on Propagation issues for systems beyond IMT-2000 � WP 8F - WG Spectrum 2002-10-16
[ 58 ]
Use of out-of-band and spurious domains � WP 1A 2002-08-06
[ 57 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 7C, 7D, 6E, 6S, 4A, 9D, 8A and 3J - Ultra-wideband emissions � WPs 1A and 1B 2002-07-31
[ 56 ]
Chairman's Report (Geneva, 22 to 31 May, 2002) � Chairman, WP 3J 2001-05-31
[ 55 ]
List of documents issued � BRSGD 2001-05-31
[ 54 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.1407 - Multipath propagation and parameterisation of its characteristics � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2001-05-31
[ 53 ]
Proposed revision to the method for predicting Vegetation Attenuation above 1 GHz in Recommendation ITU-R P.833-3 � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2001-05-31
[ 52 ]
Testing of a fade slope prediction model for Earth-space paths � European Space Agency (ESA) , France , Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2001-05-31
[ 51 ]
Preliminary draft new Recommendation - Statistics of fade slope on Earth-space paths � European Space Agency (ESA) , France , Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2001-05-31
[ 50 ]
Ka-band Earth-space path propagation data for Mexico � United States of America 2001-05-31
[ 49 ]
Support on improvement of ITU-R rain attenuation model using NASA tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) and associated radio-meteorological data � United States of America 2001-05-31
[ 48 ]
Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.676-5 � United States of America 2001-05-31
[ 47 ]
Seasonal variations of signal level on long-distance LF links � Russian Federation 2001-05-31
[ 46 ]
Concerning a Preliminary Draft New Recommendation on: Conversion of 1-minute rain rate statistics from various integration time data � Korea (Republic of) 2001-05-31
[ 45 ]
Proposed draft new Recommendation - Propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of space-to-Earth and Earth-to-space systems operating between 20 and 375 THz � United States of America 2001-05-31
[ 44 ]
Draft CPM text for Agenda item 7.2, pertaining to CPM-02 Report Section 7.3 on progress of studies for future conferences � United States of America 2001-05-31
[ 43 ]
New section to the "Working document towards a PDNR on effects of building materials and structures on radiowave propagation above about 100 MHz" � Japan 2001-05-31
[ 42 ]
Building shielding measurements at 11 GHz in an urban environment � Australia 2001-05-31
[ 41 ]
Information paper - Development towards a model for combined rain and sleet attenuation � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2001-05-31
[ 40 ]
Liaison statement from WP 4-9S - Additional information concerning rain fade events and statistics in the bands 37.5-40 GHz and 42-42.5 GHZ � WP 4-9S 2001-05-31
[ 39 ]
Seasonal variation of ground-wave field strenghts in the medium frequency band � United States of America 2001-05-31
[ 38 ]
LS on compatibility analysis between the EESS (passive) in the band 50.2-50.4 GHz and a possible new allocation to the GSS (space-to-Earth) in parts of the band 47.2-50.2 GHz � WP 4A 2001-05-31
[ 37 ]
Proposals for the amendment of Recommendation ITU-R P.841 - Conversion of annual statistics to worst-month statistics � Russian Federation 2001-05-31
[ 36 ]
Comparison of the results of the experiments on radio-wave diffraction over mountains with calculation using different theoretical methods � Russian Federation 2001-05-31
[ 35 ]
Contributions to databanks of SG 3 � Czech Republic 2001-05-31
[ 34 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 3J, 3M, 7C and 7D � TG 1/7 2001-05-31
[ 33 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R P.1546 improved Delta-N correction � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2001-05-31
[ 32 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 3J, 4A, 4B, 6E, 6S, 7B, 7D, 8A, 8B and 9D - Compatibility between Ultra Wideband (UWB) emissions and Radiocommunication Services � WPs 1A and 1B 2001-05-31
[ 31 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 3J concerning the organization in Study Group 3 Recommendations of information on the effect of building materials and structures on radio propagation � WP 3K 2001-05-31
[ 30 ]
Chairman's Report � CH, WP 3J 2001-05-31
[ 29 ]
List of documents � BRSGD 2001-05-31
[ 28 ]
Discussion Document on Recommendation ITU-R 836-2 - Water vapour: surface density and total columnar content � European Space Agency (ESA) 2001-05-31
[ 27 ]
Indoor reception measurements of UHF television signals � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2001-05-31
[ 26 ]
Comparison of Recommendation ITU-R P.837 predictions with measurements of rainfall intensity for several sites in Spain � Spain 2001-05-31
[ 25 ]
Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.837-2 � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2001-05-31
[ 24 ]
Draft update for Chapter 6 on Gaseous attenuation, for the WP 3J handbook on Radiometeorology � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2001-05-31
[ 23 ]
Rain attenuation at 15 and 18 GHz in converging links � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2001-05-31
[ 22 ]
Conversion of 1-minute rain rate statistics from various integration time data � Korea (Republic of) 2001-05-31
[ 21 ]
Proposed revision to Recommendation ITU-R P.526-7 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2001-05-31
[ 20 ]
Rainfall characteristics in the climatic regions of Brazil � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2001-05-31
[ 19 ]
Conversion of rainfall rate distribution to equivalent one-minute statistics � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2001-05-31
[ 18 ]
Proposed amendment to Recommendation ITU-R P.841 - Conversion of annual statistics to worst-month statistics � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 2001-05-31
[ 17 ]
Working Document toward a preliminary draft new Recommendation on propagation data and prediction methods required for the design of space-to-Earth and Earth-to-space Oticalcommunication systems � United States of America 2001-05-31
[ 16 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 3J and 3M - Terrestrial scatter models in the 36-37 GHz band applicable to passive sensors � WP 7C 2001-05-31
[ 15 ]
This Document has been withdrawn � Japan 2001-05-31
[ 14 ]
Testing of rain attenuation and total impairment prediction models at high frequency bands for Earth-space paths � European Space Agency (ESA) , France , Italy 2001-05-31
Resultats:63 documents
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