Contributions�� |
[ 126 ]
� |
Final List of Participants - Study Group 4
� |
Director, BR
� |
� |
2003-03-20 |
[ 125 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R S.1003 - Environmental protection of the geostationary-satellite orbit
� |
SG 4
� |
� |
2003-03-20 |
[ 124 ]
� |
List of documents for the Study Group 4 meeting (20 March 2003)
� |
� |
� |
2003-03-19 |
[ 123 ]
� |
Proposed draft new Question - Fixed satellite-service systems using wideband spreading signals
� |
� |
� |
2003-03-19 |
[ 122 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Projet de modification de la Recommandation UIT-R S.524-7 - Niveaux maximaux admissibles de la densit� de p.i.r.e. hors axe rayonn�e par les stations terriennes des r�seaux � satellite g�ostationnaire du service fixe
par satellite fonctionnant dans les bandes de fr�quences
des 6 GHz, des 13 GHz, des 14 GHz et des 30 GHz
� |
� |
� |
2003-03-19 |
[ 121 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[Doc. 4/121] - Methodologies for the calculation of the worst-case interference levels from non-geostationary fixed-satellite service systems using highly-elliptical orbits into geostationary fixed-satellite service satellite networks operating in the 10 to 30 GHz frequency range
� |
� |
� |
2003-03-19 |
[ 120 ]
� |
Comments of WP 4A on Document 4/109
� |
� |
� |
2003-03-19 |
[ 119 ]
� |
Modification to draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[Doc.4/58] - Interference mitigation techniques and frequency sharing in the range 37.5-42.5 GHz and 47.2-50.2 GHz between GSO FSS networks and non-GSO FSS networks
� |
� |
� |
2003-03-19 |
[ 118 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[Doc.4/118] - Guidelines to be used in the event of non-compliance with single-entry operational and/or additional operational limits in Section II of Article 22
� |
� |
� |
2003-03-19 |
[ 117 ]
(Rev.1)� |
rojet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R S.[DOC. 4/117] - Sp�cifications g�n�rales d'un logiciel d'automatisation de l'examen des fiches de notification de r�seaux � satellite pour en v�rifier la conformit� � l'Article 5
� |
� |
� |
2003-03-19 |
[ 116 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Draft new Recommendation ITU-R S. [Doc. 4/116] - Methodologies for evaluation of worst-case interference levels among certain types of non-GSO FSS systems in situations where no in-line interference exists
� |
� |
204/10, 231/4
� |
2003-03-19 |
[ 115 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R S.580-5
Diagrammes de rayonnement � utiliser comme objectifs
de conception pour les antennes des stations terriennes
fonctionnant avec des satellites g�ostationnaires
� |
� |
� |
2003-03-19 |
[ 114 ]
� |
Proposed edits to Recommendation ITU-R S.1587
� |
United States of America
� |
� |
2003-03-17 |
[ 113 ]
� |
Handbook Group Report
� |
SG4 Handbook Group Chairman
� |
� |
2003-02-25 |
[ 112 ]
� |
Chairman's Report (15-17 October 2001 meeting)
� |
Chairman, SG 4
� |
� |
2003-02-17 |
[ 111 ]
� |
Liaison statement - New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Plan and Work Plan
� |
� |
� |
2003-02-05 |
[ 110 ]
� |
Liaison statement to ITU-R Study Groups 1, 4, 6 and 8 - Satellite regulation in developing countries
� |
Rapporteur, ITU-D
� |
� |
2002-09-26 |
[ 109 ]
� |
Observations soumises en r�ponse � la Circulaire Administrative CAR/133
� |
BR Secretariat
� |
� |
2002-09-12 |
[ 108 ]
� |
Liaison statement to ITU-R SG 4 and SG 8 and ITU-T SG 9
� |
� |
� |
2002-09-09 |
[ 107 ]
� |
Rapport du Pr�sident du Groupe d'action mixte 4-7-8
(Gen�ve, 13-17 maiI 2002)
� |
Ch. JTG 4-7-8
� |
� |
2002-07-09 |
[ 106 ]
� |
Compte rendu de la r�union commune des Commissions d'�tudes 4 et 9 de l'UIT-R
� |
SG 4 & 9
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 105 ]
� |
Executive Report on the third and final meeting of Joint Task Group 4-7-8-9 (30 April - 8 May 2002)
� |
Chairman, JTG 4-7-8-9
� |
� |
2002-06-28 |
[ 104 ]
� |
Status of draft new Recommendation ITU-R S.[DOC.4/58(REV.1)] - Interference mitigation techniques and frequency sharing in the range 37.5-42.5 GHz and 47.2-50.2 GHz between GSO FSS networks and non-GSO FSS systems
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 103 ]
� |
Observations formul�es suite � la Lettre circulaire CAR/122
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 102 ]
� |
Projet de nouvelle Question [Doc. 4/102] - Elaboration de m�thodes permettant d'�valuer les niveaux des rayonnements non d�sir�s provenant des satellites avant leur lancement
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 101 ]
� |
Projet de nouvelle Question - Consid�rations techniques et op�rationnelles relatives � la publication anticip�e, la coordination et la notification des r�seaux du service fixe � satellite
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 100 ]
� |
Projet de modification de la Recommandation UIT-R 1325-2 - M�thodes de simulation pour la d�termination des statistiques relatives au brouillage � court terme entre des syst�mes � satellites non g�ostationnaires du service fixe par satellite utilisant les m�mes fr�quences dans le m�me sens et d'autres syst�mes du service fixe � satellites non g�ostationnaires ou g�ostationnaires
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 99 ]
� |
Summary of draft Recommendations
� |
WP 4-9S
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 98 ]
� |
Executive summary of the meeting of Working Party 4-9S
� |
Ch. WP 4-9S
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 97 ]
� |
Final list of Participants JSG 4&9
� |
� |
� |
2002-07-18 |
[ 96 ]
� |
List of ocuments issued
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 95 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R SF.[Doc. 4/95-9/154] - Distance minimale � partir de la c�te au-del� de laquelle les stations terriennes en mouvement embarqu�es ne causeraient pas de brouillages inacceptables au service fixe fonctionnant dans les bandes 5 925-6 425 MHz et 14-14,5 GHz
� |
SG 4 & 9
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 94 ]
� |
Proposal for deletion of Recommendation ITU-R SF.615-1 and consequential editorial amendments to certain Recommendations in accordance with Resolution ITU-R 44
� |
WP 4-9S
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 93 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R SF.765 - Intersection des lobes des antennes de faisceaux hertziens avec les orbites des stations spatiales du service fixe par satellite
� |
WP 4-9S
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 92 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R SF.[Doc. 4/92-9/151] - Directives concernant la d�termination des brouillages caus�s � des stations du service fixe par les stations terriennes de navire situ�es en de�� de la distance minimale*
� |
WP 4-9S
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 91 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R SF.[Doc. 4/91-9/150] - Utilisation de fr�quences par les stations terriennes de navire �mettant dans certaines bandes attribu�es au service fixe par satellite
� |
SG 4 & 9
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 90 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R SF.[Doc. 4/90-9/149] - M�thode de d�termination des statistiques de puissance surfacique � utiliser dans les �tudes de partage entre syst�me hertzien fixe et plusieurs satellites du SFS
� |
WP 4-9S
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 89 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Projet de nouvelle Recommandation UIT-R SF.[Doc. 4/89-9/148] - M�thode d'�valuation des brouillages caus�s par les liaisons descendantes du service fixe utilisant des stations sur plates-formes � haute altitude, aux liaisons montantes du service fixe par satellite g�ostationnaire dans la bande 27,5-28,35 GHz.
� |
SG 4 & 9
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 88 ]
� |
Preliminary status of SF-series Recommendations on frequency sharing and coordination between systems in the fixed-satellite service and fixed service systems
� |
SG 4 & 9
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 87 ]
� |
Liaison statement - New direction with respect to draft Recommendation G.821.1
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 86 ]
� |
Summary record of the meeting of Study Group 4 - (15-17 October 2001)
� |
SG 4
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 85 ]
� |
DNR ITU-R SF.[4/85-9/108]-Example approach for determination of the composite area within which interference to fixed service stations form earth stations on board vessels when operating in motion near a coastline whould need to be evaluated
� |
WP 4-9S
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 84 ]
� |
Summary Record for the Joint Meeting of ITU-R Study Groups 4 and 9 (Geneva, 24 October 2001)
� |
SG 4 & 9
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 83 ]
� |
List of participants
� |
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 82 ]
� |
Summary of Draft Recommendations
� |
WP 4-9S
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 81 ]
� |
Executive Report of the meetings of WP 4-9S
� |
WP 4-9S
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 80 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proj. de nouv. Rec. UIT-R SF.[Doc. 4/80-9/101] - M�thode permet. d'�valuer l'incidence des brouil. espace vers Terre caus�s par des syst. du serv. fixe par satel. � des syst. du serv. fixe dans des bandes de fr�qu. o� les pr�cipitations
� |
SG 4 & 9
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 79 ]
� |
Draft revision of Question ITU-R 240/4 - Criteria for frequency sharing between the fixed-satellite service
� |
WP 4-9S
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 78 ]
� |
Draft revision of Question ITU-R 209/9 - Criteria for frequency sharing between the fixed service and the fixed-satellite service using highly elliptical orbits as it affects the fixed service
� |
WP 4-9S
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
[ 77 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Proj. de r�v. de la Rec. UIT-R SF.674-1 - D�termination des cons�quences sur le service fixe fonction. dans la bande 11,7-12,2 GHz, du d�passement par les r�seaux du serv. fixe par satel. OSG de la R�gion 2 des seuils de puissance ...
� |
SG 4 & 9
� |
� |
2001-10-15 |
Resultats:126 documents R�sultats :�
1 -
2 -
� |
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