�[�Source:�JTG 4-7-8-9�]���![Documents / Contributions](/res/templates/dms/images/key.gif) |
[ 69 ]
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Liaison statement to Working Party 7C and Joint Rapporteurs Group 8A-9B - WRC-03 Agenda item 1.5, Resolution 736 (WRC-2000) resolves 2: sharing between EESS/SRS (active) and FWA in the band 5 250-5 350 MHz
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JTG 4-7-8-9
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2001-10-22 |
[ 68 ]
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Liaison statement to WPs 4A, 7C 8B, 8D and JRG 8A-9B - Sharing between altimeters operating in the Earth Exploration-Satellite Service (Active) and other services in the band 5 140-5 250 MHz
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JTG 4-7-8-9
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2001-10-22 |
[ 67 ]
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Liaison statement to WP 8B, WP 7C, WP 4A and JRG 8A-9B
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JTG 4-7-8-9
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2001-10-22 |
[ 66 ]
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Liaison statement to JRG 8A-9B and to WP 7C for information - Comments on the PDNRs on sharing between RLANs and the Earth Exploration Satellite Service (Active) in the band 5 250-5 350 MHz
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JTG 4-7-8-9
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2001-10-22 |
[ 58 ]
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Wireless high-speed unlicensed metropolitan area network
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Chairmen, WP 7C, JTG 4-7-8-9, JRG 8A-9B
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2001-10-22 |
[ 36 ]
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Liaison statement to WP 8B and JRG 8A-9B (for information to WP 9D) - WRC-03 Agenda item 1.5, Resolution 736 (WRC-2000) Resolves 1 and 2: Sharing between RLANs in the mobile service, fixed wireless access in the fixed service ?
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JTG 4-7-8-9
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2001-10-22 |
[ 35 ]
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Liaison statement to Working Party 7C and Joint Rapporteur Group 8A-9B (for Information to WP 9D) - Sharing between EES (active) service, RLAN in the mobile service and FWA in the fixed service
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JTG 4-7-8-9
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2001-10-22 |
[ 25 ]
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Liaison statement to Working Party 8B (for information to Working Party 7C and JRG 8A-9B) - Preliminary draft CPM text related to Resolves 3 of WRC-2000 Resolution 736, WRC-03 Agenda item 1.5
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JTG 4-7-8-9
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2001-10-22 |
Resultats:8 documents
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