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UIT-D�SG02� C�


Commissions d'�tudes 2

Resultats:14 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�RIFEN�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 290 ]
Deepening usage of ICTs to enhance digital gender inclusivity and leveraging digital skilling in rural and remote areas in Africa � RIFEN Q5/2, Q5/1 2024-10-21
[ 289 ]
India's AI Mission � RIFEN Q1/2 2024-10-17
[ 273 ]
Machine learning-based CVE and CWE analysis � RIFEN Q3/2 2024-09-29
[ 272 ]
The impact of digital twins and big data on healthcare optimization: challenges and opportunities � RIFEN Q2/2 2024-09-29
[ 271 ]
Cybersecurity and cyberspace protection in developing countries � RIFEN Q3/2 2024-09-29
[ 270 ]
Smart city models adapted to developing countries � RIFEN Q1/2 2024-09-29
[ 268 ]
Cybersecurity awareness for rural youth through online training organized by RIFEN-SADA � RIFEN Q5/1, Q3/2 2024-09-24
[ 264 ]
Contribution following the capacity building of the women of RIFEN with regard to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity � RIFEN Q5/2 2024-09-25
[ 259 ]
Using the Internet to develop and enhance digital skills - case of Burundi � RIFEN Q5/2, Q5/1, Q1/1 2024-09-21
[ 258 ]
STEM as enabling technologies for e-services and applications, including e health and e-education � RIFEN Q2/2 2024-09-21
[ 255 ]
Good practices for digital inclusion: report from the digital-barrier-free programme on inclusive capacity building organized by RIFEN � RIFEN Q7/1, Q5/2 2024-09-19
[ 247 ]
Impact of digital skills on adoption and effective use of ICTs by small and medium enterprises � RIFEN Q5/2 2024-09-16
[ 246 ]
Securing the contracting procedure and the production of deeds of purchase in the real estate sale process using blockchain technology and machine learning � RIFEN Q3/2 2024-09-16
[ 240 ]
Digital skilling must include consumer awareness and education � RIFEN Q6/1, Q5/2 2024-09-04
Resultats:14 documents
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