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[30]� European Vision for ITU-D



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96728 octets 2021-03-05 [30]�

Document :

UIT-D�RPM IRM� Contribution� 30

Titre :

European Vision for ITU-D

Re�u le :


Source :

European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations

R�union :


Disponibilit� :

Document public

R�sum� :

This document provides the common view of European countries on the vision of the ITU Development sector with its global role in connecting the unconnected with ITU-D's primary task to support the use and deployment of digital infrastructure and technologies in the field of telecommunication/ICT indicating the main focus areas. Contribution also suggest the main focus areas for BDT with emphasize of the ongoing BDT reform.

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Mis � jour le :�2021-03-05