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Page d'accueil : UIT-D : SG 01 : R�union�2016-09-19�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-D�SG 01� C�(2016-09-19)�


Commissions d'�tudes 1

R�union� du 2016-09-19 au 2016-09-23

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2015-04-13� 2017-03-272015-09-142014-09-15

Resultats:5 documents
Contributions �[�Source:�ITU-R Study Groups�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 268 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-R WP 1B to the ITU-D/ITU-R Joint Group on WTDC Resolution 9 on Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[CRS SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES] � ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 1B RES.9, ILS 2016-07-20
[ 264 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-R WP 1B to ITU-D/ITU-R Joint Group on Resolution 9 on the progress of ongoing work on WTDC Resolution 9 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) during the ITU-D Study Period 2014-2017 with respect to Chapter 1 on New/emerging spectrum management approaches � ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 1B RES.9, ILS 2016-07-08
[ 260 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-R WP 5D to ITU-D/ITU-R Joint Group on Resolution 9 on the progress of ongoing work on WTDC Resolution 9 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) during the ITU-D Study Period 2014-2017 � ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 5D RES.9, ILS 2016-07-08
[ 259 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-R WP 1C to ITU-D SG 1 on new Correspondence Group on the revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1392-2 on essential requirements for a spectrum monitoring system for developing countries � ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 1C RES.9, ILS 2016-06-28
[ 255 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-R Working Party 1B to the ITU-R/ITU-D Joint Group on WTDC Resolution 9 entitled "The progress of ongoing work on WTDC Resolution 9 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) during the ITU-D study period 2014-2017, with respect to Chapter 2" � ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 1B RES.9, ILS 2016-06-28
Resultats:5 documents
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