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Page d'accueil : UIT-D : CMDT-2014 : R�union�2014-03-30�: Distribution Limit�e� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-D�CMDT-2014� DL�(2014-03-30)�


Conf�rence mondiale de d�veloppement des t�l�communications 2014

R�union� du 2014-03-30 au 2014-04-10

Lieu : Emirats arabes unis [Dubai]

Autres r�unions : [ 2014-03-30 ]�

Resultats:26 documents
Distribution Limit�e �[�Source:�COM3�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 40 ]
Draft Dubai Action Plan - Objective 5 � Ad hoc COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 39 ]
Draft Dubai Action Plan - Objective 4 � COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 38 ]
Question 18-2/1 � COM3 Ad Hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 37 ]
Question 12-3/1 � COM3 Ad Hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 36 ]
Dubai Action Plan for Objective 2 � Ad hoc COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 35 ]
Revised Draft Dubai Action Plan for Objective 3 � Ad hoc COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 34 ]
Draft new Question: Creating the Smart Society: Social and Economic Development through ICT applications � COM3 Ad Hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 33 ]
Revised Resolution 69 � Ad hoc COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 32 ]
Ad hoc Drafting group of Committee 3 on Resolution 45 � Ad hoc COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 31 ]
Proposal on Continuation of Question 25/2 on Access Technologies for Broadband Telecommunications, Including IMT, for Developing Countries � Ad hoc COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 30 ]
Presentation Dubai Action Plan (DuAP) / Objective 2 � COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 29 ]
Draft Dubai Action Plan (DuAP) / Objective 2 � Ad hoc COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 28 ]
Revision of Resolution 47 � COM3 COM3AhOb2 2014-04-04
[ 27 ]
New Question on Conformance and Interoperability � COM3 COM3AhOb2 2014-04-03
[ 25 ]
Review of the Draft DUAP for Output 4.4 � Ad hoc COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-03
[ 22 ]
Review of the Draft DUAP for Output 4.1 � COM3 COM3 2014-04-03
[ 21 ]
Review of the Draft DUAP for Output 4.2 � COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-03
[ 20 ]
Topics to be done inside the Dubai Action Plan - DuAP � COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-03
[ 19 ]
Proposed modification to Resolution 69 � COM3 COM3Adhoc 2014-04-03
[ 18 ]
Informal Drafting Group on Resolution 34 (COM3 Ad hoc group on objective 5) � Ad Hoc COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-04
[ 17 ]
Table of Questions allocated to Objective 2 � COM3 AdHocCOM3 2014-04-02
[ 16 ]
Revision of Resolution 8 " Collection and dissemination of information and statistics" � COM3 AdHocCOM3 2014-04-02
[ 15 ]
Presentation of Draft Dubai Action Plan for Objective 4 and outputs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4. � COM3 AdHocCOM3 2014-04-02
[ 14 ]
Revised Proposal of modification to Resolution 55 (Doha, 2006) "Promoting gender equality towards all-inclusive information societies from CITEL" � COM3 AdHocCOM3 2014-04-02
[ 13 ]
Presentation for the second meeting of adhoc on objective 5 � COM3 AdhocCOM3 2014-04-02
[ 11 ]
Objective 5 (Topics to be done inside the Dubai Action Plan - DuAP) � COM3 2014-04-01
Resultats:26 documents
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