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Page d'accueil : UIT-D : SG01 : R�union�2013-09-09�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-D�SG01� C�(2013-09-09)�


Commission d'�tudes 1

R�union� du 2013-09-09 au 2013-09-13

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-09-102011-09-052010-09-20

Resultats:29 documents
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�LS�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 302 ]
Liaison Statement from the Chairman of ITU-D Study Group 1: Agreed Working Definition of the Term "ICT" � Chairman, ITU-D Study Group 1 SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, LS, CG 2013-10-30
[ 300 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 22-1/1 to ITU-T JCA-COP on activities related to child online protection � Co-Rapporteur for Question 22-1/1 Q22-1/1, LS 2013-09-13
[ 299 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 22-1/1 to ITU-T Study Group 17 on Q22-1/1 contact points � Co-Rapporteur for Question 22-1/1 Q22-1/1, LS 2013-09-13
[ 298 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 22-1/1 to ITU-T Study Group 17 Question 5 on activities related to spam � Co-Rapporteur for Question 22-1/1 Q22-1/1, LS 2013-09-13
[ 297 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 22-1/1 to ITU-T Study Group 17 Question 2 on Information from Rwanda � Co-Rapporteur for Question 22-1/1 Q22-1/1, LS 2013-09-13
[ 295 ]
Liaison Statement from JCA-AHF to ITU-D SG1 Q20-1/1 - Draft revisions for ITU-D Handbook on Emergency Telecommunications � Chairman, ITU-T JCA-AHF Q20-1/1, LS 2013-08-30
[ 294 ]
Liaison Statement from the ITU-T Focus Group on Innovation to ITU-D SG1 and SG 2 on Collaboration on document successful cases of ICT Innovations in emerging economies � ITU-T Focus Group on Innovation SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, LS 2013-09-02
[ 289 ]
Liaison Statement from JCA-AHF to ITU-D SG1 - Draft Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors meeting report (24 April 2013) � Chairman, ITU-T JCA-AHF QALL, Q20-1/1, LS 2013-08-30
[ 263 ]
Liaison statement from TSAG for BDT on WTSA-12 Action Plan � Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group QALL, LS 2013-06-29
[ 245 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-T SG3 to ITU-D SG1 - Invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT" [to ITU-T SG2, TSAG and ITU-D SG1's Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT"] � ITU-T Study Group 3 QALL, LS, CG 2013-06-13
[ 244 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T JCA-COP to ITU-D SG 1 Q22-1/1 on presentations made at the 18 April 2013 meeting of JCA-COP � ITU-T JCA-COP Q22-1/1, LS 2013-06-10
[ 243 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-SG WP5A to ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 on Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1076 � ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 5A Q20-1/1, Q14-3/2, LS 2013-06-05
[ 232 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-SG WP5B to ITU-D SG 1 and 2 on a draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1076 � ITU-R Study Groups - Working Party 5B Q20-1/1, Q14-3/2, LS 2013-05-24
[ 231 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T JCA-AHF to ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 on Nomination of JCA-AHF representatives [to ITU-D Study Groups] � ITU-T JCA-AHF SG2-QALL, SG1-QALL, LS 2013-05-23
[ 230 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T JCA-AHF to ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 20-1/1 on Draft EN 301 549 "Accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe" under Public Enquiry (ETSI TC HF - HF(13)60_019) [to ETSI TC HF] � ITU-T JCA-AHF Q20-1/1, LS 2013-05-23
[ 229 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T JCA-AHF to ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 on Technical characteristics of wireless aids for hearing impaired people operating in the VHF and UHF frequency range (COM 16-LS 14) [to ITU-R WP5A and ITU-T SG 16] � ITU-T JCA-AHF Q20-1/1, Q14-3/2, LS 2013-05-23
[ 227 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG17 to ITU-D SG1 Q22-1/1 on cybersecurity � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q22-1/1, LS 2013-05-08
[ 226 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T JCA-AHF to ITU-D Q20-1/1, Q14-3/2 and Q22-1/2 on contact person for JCA-AHF � ITU-T JCA-AHF Q22-1/2, Q20-1/1, Q14-3/2, LS 2013-05-06
[ 225 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T JCA-AHF to ITU-D Q20-1/1, Q14-3/2 and Q22-1/2 about new work items on e-health (COM 16 - LS 19 -E) � ITU-T JCA-AHF Q22-1/2, Q20-1/1, Q14-3/2, LS 2013-05-06
[ 224 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG17 to ITU-D SG1 - Invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term 'ICT' (reply to ITU-D SG 1 - LS 3 -E) to ITU-D SG1 Chairman � ITU-T Study Group 17 QALL, LS, CG 2013-05-03
[ 223 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG17 to ITU-D SG1 on providing security in the use of ICT within Critical Infrastructures � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q22-1/1, LS 2013-05-03
[ 222 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG17 to ITU-D SG1 about a request to provide security contacts � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q22-1/1, LS 2013-05-03
[ 221 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG17 to ITU-D SG1 Question 22-1/1 on draft practices to reduce spam (reply to ITU-D Q22/1 - LS 3) � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q22-1/1, LS 2013-05-03
[ 220 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T FG-AVA to ITU-D Q22-1/2 on LSOR from FG AVA to ITU-D on draft third edition of "Handbook on Emergency Telecommunications" � ITU-T Focus Group on AVA Q22-1/2, Q20-1/1, LS 2013-04-15
[ 219 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG12 to ITU-D SG1 - Invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT" to ITU-D SG1 (ITU-D SG 1 LS 3) � ITU-T Study Group 12 QALL, LS, CG 2013-04-23
[ 218 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG11 to ITU-D SG1 - Correspondent group on the elaboration of working definition of ICT � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL, LS, CG 2013-03-15
[ 217 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG2 to ITU-D SG1 - ITU-T SG2 input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT" � ITU-T Study Group 2 QALL, LS, CG 2013-02-19
[ 216 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG5 to ITU-D SG1 - Liaison on definition of Information and Communication Technology, ICT � ITU-T Study Group 5 QALL, LS 2013-02-15
[ 215 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T SG16 to ITU-D SG1 - Invitation to participate in and provide input to the work of the Correspondence Group on the Elaboration of a working definition of the term "ICT" � ITU-T Study Group 16 QALL, LS, CG 2013-02-05
Resultats:29 documents
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