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Page d'accueil : UIT-D : SG01 : R�union�2011-09-05�: Documents d'information� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-D�SG01� INF�(2011-09-05)�


Commission d'�tudes 1

R�union� du 2011-09-05 au 2011-09-09

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2013-09-092012-09-102010-09-20

Resultats:38 documents
Documents d'information��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 51 ]
Smart consumer choices - Tariff simulator and barometer � Belgium Q18-2/1 2011-09-07
[ 50 ]
Information on ITU Centre of Excellence capacity building activities and training opportunities in 2011 � BDT Programme 4 QALL 2011-09-07
[ 49 ]
Bridging The Standardization Gap � Telecommunication Standardization Bureau QALL 2011-09-05
[ 46 ]
Cybers�curit� dans les pays en d�veloppement � Democratic Republic of the Congo Q22-1/1 2011-09-02
[ 45 ]
Information about the new BDT Structure � Telecommunication Development Bureau QALL 2011-08-31
[ 44 ]
Matters arising from the 2011 TDAG Meeting (29 June - 1 July 2011) with relevance to the work of Study Groups � Telecommunication Development Bureau QALL 2011-09-01
[ 43 ]
Notification period in tariffs of incumbent's retail prices � T�rk Telekom Group Q12-3/1 2011-08-30
[ 42 ]
The non-ionizing radiation measurement practice of the National Media & Infocommunications Authority of Hungary � Hungary Q23/1 2011-08-24
[ 41 ]
IP-based telecommunications in Bangladesh � Bangladesh (People's Republic of) Q19-2/1 2011-08-24
[ 40 ]
Appareils �lectriques et �lectroniques � Switzerland (Confederation of) Q24/2, Q24/1 2011-08-22
[ 39 ]
Pakistan's input for the Survey on Question 19-2/1 � Pakistan (Islamic Republic of) Q19-2/1 2011-08-10
[ 38 ]
Facilitating the transition from IPV4 to IPV6 � BDT Focal Point for Question 19-2/1 Q19-2/1 2011-07-11
[ 37 ]
Cooperation between national regulatory authorities and competition authorities: case study of Egypt � Egypt (Arab Republic of) Q10-3/1 2011-08-18
[ 36 ]
Guidance on the environmentally sound management of used and end-of-life mobile telephones and computing equipment, and experience with e-waste management in developing countries and countries with economies in transition � United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Q24/1 2011-08-17
[ 35 ]
Co-Governance among government departments on licensing and authorization of Internet business in China � China (People's Republic of) Q10-3/1 2011-08-18
[ 34 ]
Strat�gie de la C�te d'Ivoire pour prot�ger la population contre les rayonnements non ionisants (RNI) � C�te d'Ivoire (Republic of) Q23/1 2011-08-09
[ 33 ]
Smart mobile security strategy of Korea and their implications � Korea (Republic of) Q22-1/1 2011-08-09
[ 32 ]
Promotion policy of Internet telephony in Korea � Korea (Republic of) Q19-2/1 2011-08-09
[ 31 ]
The informatization promotion fund in Korea � Korea (Republic of) Q07-3/1 2011-08-09
[ 30 ]
A methodology to facilitate recycling or rare metals from ICT wastes � Korea (Republic of) Q24/1 2011-08-09
[ 29 ]
New guidelines for the revision of mobile telephone insurance � Korea (Republic of) Q18-2/1 2011-08-09
[ 28 ]
Comprehensive anti-spam plan � Korea (Republic of) Q18-2/1 2011-08-09
[ 27 ]
Guideline for the broadcasting access rights of the disabled � Korea (Republic of) Q20-1/1 2011-08-09
[ 26 ]
Analysis of factors that influence both the demand of broadband services and the deployment of broadband networks � Egypt (Arab Republic of) Q25/2, Q07-3/1 2011-08-19
[ 25 ]
Contribution for the work of Question 18-2/1 � BDT Focal Point for Question 18-2/1 Q18-2/1 2011-08-19
[ 24 ]
Problems in implementing IP networks in Sierra Leone � Sierra Leone Q19-2/1 2011-08-19
[ 23 ]
Tariff issues in the evolution of NGN in the Gambia � Gambia (Republic of the) Q26/2, Q12-3/1 2011-08-19
[ 22 ]
Compilation of results on the concept of dominance based on responses to the ITU Tariff Policies Survey 2010 � BDT Focal Point for Question 10-3/1 Q10-3/1 2011-08-19
[ 21 ]
A snapshot of ICT market and regulatory trends � BDT Focal Point for Question 10-3/1 Q10-3/1 2011-08-19
[ 20 ]
Connectivit� rurale et acc�s universel � Burundi (Republic of) Q07-3/1 2011-08-19
[ 19 ]
Aper�u sur les difficult�s d'acc�s aux services de t�l�communications et aux technologies de l'information des personnes vivant avec handicaps (TIC) � Democratic Republic of the Congo Q20-1/1 2011-08-18
[ 18 ]
Regulatory policy concerning human exposure to electromagnetic fields in the Republic of Uzbekistan � Uzbekistan (Republic of) Q23/1 2011-08-19
[ 17 ]
Uganda's approach to implementing broadband connectivity in underserved areas � Uganda (Republic of) Q17-3/2, Q14-3/2, Q10-3/2, Q07-3/1 2011-08-18
[ 16 ]
Possible tariff model for NGN environment � Nepal (Republic of) Q12-3/1 2011-08-18
[ 15 ]
Enhanced broadband building authentication programme � Korea (Republic of) Q07-3/1 2011-08-18
[ 14 ]
Le nouvel environnement l�gislatif et r�glementaire des communications �lectroniques du Cameroun � Cameroon (Republic of) Q18-2/1, Q10-3/1 2011-08-08
[ 13 ]
Liaison Statement from ITU-T Study Group 11 to ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2: Handbook on Testing � Telecommunication Standardization Bureau QALL, LS 2011-07-28
[ 12 ]
Reply from ITU-R WP1C to Liaison Statements from ITU-T Study Group 5 on the automatic long term EMF measurement system and the appointment of the liaison Rapporteur in the aspect of the human exposure to electromagnetic fields � Radiocommunication Bureau Q23/1, LS 2011-07-25
Resultats:38 documents
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