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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG21 : Reuni�n�2025-01-13�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG21� TD-WP2�(2025-01-13)�


Technologies for multimedia, content delivery and cable television

Periodo de estudios 2025

Reuni�n� del 2025-01-13 al 2025-01-24

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : [ 2025-01-13 ]�

Resultados :38 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(WP2) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q2/21�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 71-WP2 ]
Draft LSs from WP2/21 (Geneva, 13-24 January 2025) � Chair WP2/21 Q4/21, Q3/21, Q2/21, Q1/21 2025-01-24
[ 69-WP2 ]
Living list of TDs based on deliverables of FG-AI4H � Chair WP2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-23
[ 61-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-AI4H-Clinical "Clinical evaluation of AI for health" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-22
[ 49-WP2 ]
Draft LSs from Q2/21 (Geneva, 13-24 January 2025) � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-21
[ 48-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T H.SV-DS "Safe-viewing devices and systems" � Editor H.SV-DS Q2/21 2025-01-21
[ 47-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T F.CarePlatReqs "Requirements for critical care monitoring service platform" � Editor F.CarePlatReqs Q2/21 2025-01-19
[ 46-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T H.SL-AD "Accurate Dosimetry for Safe-listening Transducer" � Editor H.SL-AD Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 45-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T F.Med-VHN "Telemedicine service framework based on distributed virtual healthcare network" � Editor F.Med-VHN Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 44-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP.BHQ-UC "Use cases of Brain Healthcare Quotients" � Editor HSTP.BHQ-UC Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 43-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T F.Med-MTS "Requirements on Maritime Telehealth System" � Editor F.Med-MTS Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 42-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T FSTP.UHD-Colour "Use-cases of colorimetry for telemedicine systems using ultra-high definition imaging" � Editor FSTP.UHD-Colour Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 41-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T FSTP.CONF-UHD-Colour "Conformance Specification for colorimetry for telemedicine systems using ultra-high definition imaging" � Editor FSTP.CONF-UHD-Colour Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 40-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-AI4H-Regulatory "Regulatory considerations on artificial intelligence for health" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 39-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-Radiology "Gap analysis of AI for radiology" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 38-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-AI4H-Ophthalmo "Gap analysis of AI for ophthalmology" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 37-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-AI4H-Neuro "Gap analysis of AI for neurological disorders" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 36-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-MSK "Gap analysis of AI for musculoskeletal medicine" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 35-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-AI4H-IMDRF "Mapping of IMDRF essential principles to AI for health software" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 32-WP2 ]
Report of Question 2/21 meeting � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 30-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-AI4H-Endoscopy "Gap analysis of AI for endoscopy" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 29-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-AI4H-Dental-Research "Artificial intelligence in dental research: A checklist for authors and reviewers" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 28-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-AI4H-Dental-Ethics "Ethical considerations on artificial intelligence in dentistry: A framework and checklist" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 27-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-AI4H-Dental-Core "Artificial intelligence for oral and dental healthcare: Core education curriculum" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 26-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-Dental "Gap analysis of AI for dental diagnostics and digital dentistry" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 25-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T HSTP-AI4H-DataAnon "Data annotation for AI for Health" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 24-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T H.AI4H-Terms "Common unified terms in artificial intelligence for health" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 23-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Technical Paper ITU-T FSTP-WHO-AI-Ethics "Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health" � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-18
[ 22-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T F.PreTG "Requirements and framework for pre-triage guidance platform" � Editor F.PreTG Q2/21 2025-01-17
[ 21-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T F.TP-IHA "Requirements and framework for telehealth platform for institutional healthy ageing" � Editor F.TP-IHA Q2/21 2025-01-17
[ 20-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T F.HPP-Req "Requirements and framework for the health portrait platform" � Editor F.HPP-Req Q2/21 2025-01-17
[ 15-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T F.PGHR "Framework for management of person-generated health record in digital health platforms" � Editor F.PGHR Q2/21 2025-01-16
[ 14-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation F.mMRI-Rural "Framework for moveable MRI systems for rural and remote areas" � Editor F.mMRI-Rural Q2/21 2025-01-16
[ 13-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T F.HR-AP "Framework for access permission of person-generated health record in digital health platforms" � Editor F.HR-AP Q2/21 2025-01-16
[ 12-WP2 ]
Output - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T F.FAST "Requirements and framework for stroke detection services" � Editor F.FAST Q2/21 2025-01-15
[ 10-WP2 ]
Draft agenda and documentation of Q2/21 (Geneva, 13-24 January 2025) � Rapporteur Q2/21 Q2/21 2025-01-13
[ 5-WP2 ]
Report of Rapporteur meeting of Question 28/16 (e-meeting, 20-21 November 2024) � Rapporteur Q28/16 Q2/21 2024-12-19
[ 2-WP2 ]
Work Programme of WP2/21 � TSB Q4/21, Q3/21, Q2/21, Q1/21 2024-12-12
[ 1-WP2 ]
Draft agenda of WP2/21 plenaries (Geneva, 13-24 January 2025)� � WP2 Chair Q4/21, Q3/21, Q2/21, Q1/21 2024-12-12
Resultados :38 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2025-2-5