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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG21 : Reuni�n�2025-01-13�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG21� TD-PLEN�(2025-01-13)�


Technologies for multimedia, content delivery and cable television

Periodo de estudios 2025

Reuni�n� del 2025-01-13 al 2025-01-24

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : [ 2025-01-13 ]�

Resultados :35 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�QALL/21�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 107-PLEN ]
Draft LSs from AHG-MV (Geneva, 13-24 January 2025) � Convenor AHG-MV QALL/21 2025-01-24
[ 106-PLEN ]
Revised ToR text of ITU-T SG21 Question 9 � Convenor AHG-MV QALL/21 2025-01-24
[ 74-PLEN ]
Draft oLSs developed by all Questions of SG21 � TSB QALL/21 2025-01-21
[ 69-PLEN ]
Report of AHG-MV meeting � Convenor AHG-MV QALL/21 2025-01-21
[ 41-PLEN ]
Dual numbering of approved Recommendation ITU-T Y.4234 "Requirements, capabilities and deployment models for e-learning in remote classrooms" � ITU-T SG20 and SG21 Chairs QALL/21 2025-01-16
[ 39-PLEN ]
Report of the informal consultation on the new AHG-FQS � Convener of the informal consultation QALL/21 2025-01-16
[ 34-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for the informal consultation on the proposed new AHG on FQS (Geneva, 13-24 January 2025) � Convener of the informal consultation QALL/21 2025-01-14
[ 30-PLEN ]
Liaison Report - Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards (CITS) and the Expert Group on Automated Driving and related Working Groups � CITS liaison officer QALL/21 2025-01-12
[ 29-PLEN ]
Information about AI and Multimedia Authenticity Standards Collaboration � TSB QALL/21 2025-01-10
[ 28-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for the Joint session of SG20 and SG21 on metaverse � Co-chairs of the joint session of SG20 and SG21 on metaverse QALL/21 2025-01-10
[ 26-PLEN ]
Report of SG16 activities delivered to APT (Bangkok, Thailand, 20-24 May 2024) � APT Liaison Officer QALL/21 2025-01-08
[ 24-PLEN ]
Communiqu� of the TSB Director CxO consultation meeting, 9 December 2024, Dubai, United Arab Emirates � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-18
[ 23-PLEN ]
List of draft Recommendations proposed for "Consent/Determination" and other deliverables for approval at SG21 meeting (Geneva, 13-24 January 2025)� � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-18
[ 22-PLEN ]
Question and Working Parties skeleton templates (agenda, liaison statements and reports) � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-18
[ 21-PLEN ]
Responses from Member State consultation on Determined draft Recommendations ITU-T F.743.27 (ex F.IVSP-PGI) and ITU-T F.743.28 (ex F.RIIS-CEC) - TSB CIRC 234 � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-18
[ 20-PLEN ]
Responses from Member State consultation on Determined draft Recommendation ITU-T F.748.39 (ex F.AICP-FRRC) - TSB CIRC 207 (Rev.1) � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-18
[ 19-PLEN ]
Highlights of WTSA-24 relevant to ITU-T Study Group 21 � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-18
[ 18-PLEN ]
IPR patents declarations since last SG9 and SG16 meetings (April 2024-January 2025) � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 17-PLEN ]
Status of texts Consented and Determined since the last SG9 and SG16 meetings � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 16-PLEN ]
Interim Rapporteurs meetings relevant for SG21, previously agreed by SG9 and SG16, held since last SG9 meeting (September 2024) and last WPs/16 meetings (August 2024) � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 15-PLEN ]
Guidance on conducting SG21 physical meeting with remote participation (Geneva, 13-24 January 2025) � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 14-PLEN ]
Bridging the standardization gap and Regional Groups � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 13-PLEN ]
Newcomer's welcome pack � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 12-PLEN ]
SG21 meeting facilities and useful information � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 11-PLEN ]
List of participants � � � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 10-PLEN ]
List of stale work items of ITU-T SG21 � TSB QALL/21, Q9/21, Q7/21, Q6/21, Q5/21, Q4/21, Q3/21, Q2/21, Q17/21, Q13/21, Q12/21, Q11/21, Q1/21 2024-12-04
[ 9-PLEN ]
List of incoming liaison statements � � � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 8-PLEN ]
List of documents and proposed allocation � � � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 7-PLEN ]
ITU-T SG21 - Future meetings, workshops, other events and promotion strategy � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 6-PLEN ]
ITU-T SG21 - Liaison Officers and other roles � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 5-PLEN ]
List of SG21 Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs � SG21 Management Team QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 4-PLEN ]
ITU-T SG21 - Proposed WP structure and leadership � SG21 Management Team QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 3-PLEN ]
ITU-T SG21 - Management Team � TSB QALL/21 2024-12-04
[ 2-PLEN ]
Timetable for ITU-T SG21 meeting (Geneva, 13-24 January 2025) � TSB QALL/21 2024-11-04
[ 1-PLEN ]
Draft agenda of ITU-T SG21 Plenary meeting (Geneva, 13-24 January 2025) � TSB QALL/21 2024-11-04
Resultados :35 documentos
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Contacto p�blico :� TSB EDH
Actualizado el :�2025-2-5