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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG11 : Reuni�n�2025-02-19�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG11� TD-GEN�(2025-02-19)�


Protocols and test specifications

Periodo de estudios 2025

Reuni�n� del 2025-02-19 al 2025-02-28

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : [ 2025-02-19 ]�

Resultados :162 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 209-GEN ]
LS/i on initiation of new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.DIoT-data-space "The architecture of blockchain based distributed infrastructure for trusted data space" [ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 QALL/11 2025-02-03
[ 208-GEN ]
LS/i on the Second Submission of TSAG to the Council Working Group for strategic and financial plans 2028-2031 [from TSAG] � Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group QALL/11 2025-02-03
[ 207-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.ETFRM "Evolution of Testbeds Federations Reference Model" � Editor Q16/11 2025-02-03
[ 206-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.TADIR "Testbed as a Service application program interfaces descriptions and interoperability requirements" � Editor Q16/11 2025-02-03
[ 205-GEN ]
LS/i on Draft Terms of Reference of the Joint Coordination Activities on metaverse standardization [from ITU-T SGs 20 & 21] � ITU-T Study Group 20 and ITU-T Study Group 21 QALL/11 2025-01-31
[ 204-GEN ]
LS/i on Revised Title and Terms of Reference of JCA-IoT and SC&C [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 QALL/11 2025-01-31
[ 203-GEN ]
LS/i on initiation of new work item on draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.DIoT-req-cap, "General requirements and capability framework of decentralized/distributed Internet of things" [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 Q12/11 2025-01-31
[ 202-GEN ]
LS/i on the initiation of two new work items related to identity for metaverse [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 QALL/11 2025-01-31
[ 201-GEN ]
LS/i on the establishment of a new Question under ITU-T Study Group 20 [from ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 20 QALL/11 2025-01-31
[ 200-GEN ]
Network of Women in ITU-T (NoW in ITU-T) � TSB QALL/11 2025-01-29
[ 198-GEN ]
Action plan of SG11 for the study period (2025-2028) � SG11 Chair QALL/11 2025-01-16
[ 197-GEN ]
LS/i on the addition of UWB abbreviation to the ITU Terms and Definitions database and request to provide a definition for this term [from CCT] � CCT Q12/11 2025-01-13
[ 196-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to provide inputs to the "Machine learning standardization roadmap" [from JCA-ML] � JCA-ML Q6/11 2025-01-13
[ 195-GEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new Q.VoiNR-test "VoNR/ViNR interconnection testing for interworking and roaming scenarios" � Editor Q16/11 2025-01-13
[ 194-GEN ]
LS/i on the definitions for term smartphone from ITU-T Study Group 17 [from SCV] � SCV QALL/11 2024-12-19
[ 193-GEN ]
LS/i on the definitions for term calling line identification certificate (CLIC) from ITU-T Study Group 11 [from SCV] � SCV Q2/11 2024-12-19
[ 192-GEN ]
LS/i on the validation of terms and definitions developed by ITU-T Study Group 11 (10 December meeting) [from SCV] � SCV Q4/11, Q2/11, Q13/11 2024-12-19
[ 191-GEN ]
LS/i on call for contributions to new Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence Native for Telecommunication Networks (FG-AINN) [from FG-AINN] � FG-AINN QALL/11 2024-12-18
[ 190-GEN ]
LS/i on the appointment of a vocabulary rapporteur [from SCV] � SCV QALL/11 2024-12-17
[ 189-GEN ]
LS/i/r on draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.Req_Frame_RRDN "Requirements and framework for rapid response to sudden natural disasters in network" (reply SG11-LS174 ) [from ITU-D SG1] � ITU-D Study Group 1 Q3/11 2024-12-03
[ 188-GEN ]
LS/i on use of telecommunications/ICTs for disaster risk reduction and management [from ITU-D SG1] � ITU-D Study Group 1 Q3/11 2024-12-03
[ 187-GEN ]
Draft Report of Q13/11 "Monitoring parameters for protocols used in emerging networks, including cloud/edge computing and software-defined networking/network function virtualization (SDN/NFV)" interim RGM e-meeting (15-17 July 2024) � Rapporteur Q13/11 Q13/11 2024-11-27
[ 186-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.MMAI "Methods and metrics for monitoring ML/AI in future networks including IMT-2020" (E-meeting, 15-17 July 2024) � Editors Q13/11 2024-11-27
[ 185-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.CED "Monitoring parameters for cloud-edge-device collaboration system" (E-meeting, 15-17 July 2024) � Editors Q13/11 2024-11-27
[ 184-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.CPNP "Set of parameters for monitoring computing power network" (E-meeting, 15-17 July 2024) � Editors Q13/11 2024-11-27
[ 183-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.MMPS "Requirements and Reference Model of minimum monitoring parameter set generation of Multi-modality communication services in Digital Twin Network" (E-Meeting, 15-17 July 2024) � Editors Q13/11 2024-11-27
[ 182-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft new technical report ITU-T TR.MPM-SRv6 "Methods for Performance Monitoring of SRv6 Network" (E-meeting, 15-17 July 2024) � Editors Q13/11 2024-11-27
[ 181-GEN ]
Draft Report of Q8/11 RGM "Protocols supporting distributed content networking, information centric network (ICN) technologies for future networks, IMT-2020 networks and beyond" (e-meeting, 22-26 July 2024) � Rapporteur Q8/11 Q8/11 2024-11-27
[ 180-GEN ]
Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-srdtf "Managed P2P communications: Signalling requirements for digital twin federation" (e-meeting, 22-26 July 2024) � Editor Q8/11 2024-11-26
[ 179-GEN ]
Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.HP2P-fvtp "Hybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) communications: Transport protocol for feature based video services" (e-meeting, 22-26 July 2024) � Editors Q8/11 2024-11-26
[ 178-GEN ]
Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.HP2P-fvcp "Hybrid peer-to-peer(P2P) communications: Control protocol for feature-based video services" (e-meeting, 22-26 July 2024) � Editors Q8/11 2024-11-26
[ 177-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.HP2P-svcfrw "Hybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) communications: service framework" (e-meeting 22-26 July 2024) � Editors Q8/11 2024-11-26
[ 176-GEN ]
LS/i on Invitation to provide inputs to the "Glossary of terms and definitions for machine learning" [JCA-ML] � JCA-ML Q6/11 2024-11-26
[ 175-GEN ]
Draft Report of Q8/11 RGM "Protocols supporting distributed content networking, information centric network (ICN) technologies for future networks, IMT-2020 networks and beyond" (e-meeting, 4-8 November 2024) � Rapporteur Q8/11 Q8/11 2024-11-26
[ 174-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-srdtf "Managed P2P communications: Signalling requirements for digital twin federation" (e-meeting, 4-8 November 2024) � Editors Q8/11 2024-11-26
[ 173-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.HP2P-svcfrw "Hybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) communications: service framework" (e-meeting, 4-8 November 2024) � Editors Q8/11 2024-11-26
[ 172-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.HP2P-fvcp "Hybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) communications: Control protocol for feature-based video services" (e-meeting, 4-8 November 2024) � Editors Q8/11 2024-11-26
[ 171-GEN ]
Draft Report of Q4/11 "Protocols for control, management and orchestration of network resources" interim RGM e-meeting (9-10 July 2024) � Rapporteur Q4/11 Q4/11 2024-11-26
[ 170-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.cpi "Signalling requirements for computing power identification in computing power network" (E-meeting, 9-10 July 2024) � Editors Q4/11 2024-11-26
[ 169-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft revised Recommendation ITU-T Q.3741-rev "Signalling requirements for SD-WAN service" (E-meeting, 9-10 July 2024) � Editors Q4/11 2024-11-26
[ 168-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft new Supplement ITU-T Q.Suppl.heter_SI "Signalling requirements of SFC with non-uniformly encoded SI in SFP changing scenarios" (E-meeting, 9-10 July 2024) � Editors Q4/11 2024-11-26
[ 167-GEN ]
LS/i/r on initiation of new work item ITU-T Q.IEM_arch_req [from ETSI TC EMTEL] � ETSI TC EMTEL Q3/11 2024-11-22
[ 166-GEN ]
LS/i/r on Draft New Technical Report TR.SP-UAV and Draft New Recommendation ITU-T Q.MPSG (reply SG11-LS157 and SG11-LS199) [from ICAO] � ICAO Q2/11 2024-11-22
[ 165-GEN ]
LS/i on highlights from the final meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Digital COVID-19 Certificates (JCA-DCC) [from JCA-DCC] � JCA-DCC Q2/11 2024-11-22
[ 164-GEN ]
LS/i on highlights from the fourth meeting of the Joint Coordination Activity on Quantum Key Distribution Network (JCA-QKDN) [from JCA-QKDN] � JCA-QKDN Q6/11, Q2/11, Q1/11 2024-11-22
[ 163-GEN ]
LS/i on the draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.Req_Frame_RRDN "Requirements and framework for rapid response to sudden natural disasters in network" [from ITU-D SG1] � ITU-D Study Group 1 Q3/11 2024-11-22
[ 162-GEN ]
LS/i on the establishment of the Working Group 2 on Vehicular communications for advanced emergency braking, including to protect VRUs [from CITS EGCTAD] � CITS EGCTAD QALL/11 2024-11-22
[ 161-GEN ]
LS/i on the establishment of the Working Group on "Requirements for merging automatically into congested lanes" [from CITS EGCTAD] � CITS EGCTAD QALL/11 2024-11-22
[ 160-GEN ]
LS/i/r on ongoing work on Network Digital twin (reply to ETSI ISG ZSM-(24)000087-LS10) [from 3GPP TSG SA5] � 3GPP TSG SA5 Q8/11, Q7/11, Q6/11, Q12/11 2024-11-22
[ 159-GEN ]
LS/i on Results of the seventh and final meeting of the FG-MV [from FG-MV] � FG-MV QALL/11 2024-11-22
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