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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG20RG.AP : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


ITU-T SG20 Regional Group for the Asia Pacific Region

Periodo de estudios 2022

Resultados :20 documentos
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 20 ]
Proposed Draft Document on Requirements and Use Cases in IoT Domain � Ministry of Communications (India) ALL/20 2024-04-11
[ 19 ]
Impact of Emerging Technologies in development of IoT ecosystem, including Societal aspects and Ethical consideration � Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) , Ministry of Communications (India) ALL/20 2024-04-11
[ 18 ]
Proposed draft ToR of Sub-group: Blockchain in the IoT and smart cities and communities � China Unicom ALL/20 2024-04-10
[ 17 ]
ITU-T Y.Sup-IoT-BC "Applicability cases of blockchain in the IoT": proposed update for clause 7.2 � China Unicom Q2/20 2024-04-10
[ 16 ]
Revision of TD 1140 draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.Sec-outdoor-EPI "Security requirements and capability of IoT Management platform for outdoor electric power infrastructure" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q6/20 2024-04-10
[ 15 ]
Proposed revision of TD 1139, draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-acs-fra "Functional requirements and architecture of access control service of IoT platform enabled by zero trust technology in decentralized environments" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q6/20 2024-04-10
[ 14 ]
Revision of draft TD 1065 ITU-T Y.RemoteEd: "Requirements, capabilities and architectural frameworks for e-learning in remote classrooms" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q2/20 2024-04-10
[ 13 ]
Proposed revision of TD 1063 draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.SmartAqua-usecases "ITU-T Y.4000-series - Use cases of IoT-based smart aquaculture" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q2/20 2024-04-10
[ 12 ]
Proposed new work item - use of Low Bit Rate Data Application through Satellite for connecting IoT devices, to be used in remote area � ITU-APT Foundation of India (IAFI) QALL/20 2023-07-13
[ 11 ]
Impact of AI on the use of IoT devices in smart cities and communities in the Asia-Pacific region � ITU-APT Foundation of India (IAFI) QALL/20 2023-07-13
[ 10 ]
Proposal for a Liaison Statement to SG5 regarding revision of the E- Waste management guidelines due to increase in use IoT devices in Asia-Pacific region � ITU-APT Foundation of India (IAFI) ALL/20 2023-07-13
[ 9 ]
Proposed revision of SG20-TD744 draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.PGComNet-Reqts "Requirements of IoT-based power grid communication network" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q2/20 2023-07-13
[ 8 ]
Proposed revision of TD738 draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.SmartAgri-usecases "Use cases of IoT based smart agriculture" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q2/20 2023-07-13
[ 7 ]
Proposed revision of TD717 draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.FSPH "Framework for smart public health emergency management in smart and sustainable cities" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q2/20 2023-07-13
[ 6 ]
Proposed revision of TD632 draft Supplement ITU-T Y.Sup.SmartAqua-usecases "ITU-T Y.4000-series - Use cases of IoT-based smart aquaculture" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q2/20 2023-07-13
[ 5 ]
Proposed revision of TD 609, draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-acs-fra "Functional requirements and architecture of access control service of IoT platform enabled by zero trust technology in decentralized environments" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q6/20 2023-07-13
[ 4 ]
Revised draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.RemoteEd: "Requirements, capabilities and architectural frameworks for e-learning in remote classrooms" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q2/20 2023-07-13
[ 3 ]
Proposed revision of TD735 of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.dt-ITS "Requirements and capability framework of digital twin for intelligent transport system", SG20RG-AP meeting, virtual, 25-26 July 2023 � Ministry of Communications (India) Q2/20 2023-07-13
[ 2 ]
A.1 Justification form of proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.SCRA "Smart Cities Reference Architecture" � Ministry of Communications (India) Q3/20 2023-05-25
[ 1 ]
Proposed new work item on Smart Cities Reference Architecture (SCRA) � Ministry of Communications (India) Q3/20 2023-05-25
Resultados :20 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2024-04-11