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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG17 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG17� C�



Periodo de estudios 2022

Resultados :19 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�Aetna (United States)�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 678 ]
Stable baseline text for X.1250rev: Baseline capabilities for enhanced identity management and interoperability � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2024-08-13
[ 677 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1254.rev "Entity authentication assurance framework" � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2024-08-13
[ 484 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1250rev: Baseline capabilities for enhanced identity management and interoperability � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2024-01-29
[ 483 ]
Proposal for new work item X.1254Rev: Entity authentication assurance framework � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2024-01-26
[ 482 ]
Revised baseline text for X.gpwd: Threat Analysis and guidelines for securing password and passwordless authentication solutions � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2024-01-26
[ 326 ]
Revised baseline text for combined X.1250rev and X.1251rev: Baseline capabilities for enhanced identity management and interoperability � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2023-07-28
[ 325 ]
Revised baseline text for X.gpwd: Threat Analysis and guidelines for securing password and passwordless authentication solutions � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2023-06-28
[ 224 ]
Speedy Approval of CTAP21 and UAF21 based on FIDO CG progress � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2023-02-03
[ 215 ]
Revised baseline text for XSTR-SUSS: Successful use of security standards to 3rd Edition � Aetna (United States) Q1/17 2023-01-30
[ 213 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1251rev: A framework for user control of digital identity � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2023-01-30
[ 212 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1250rev: Baseline capabilities for enhanced identity management and interoperability � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2023-01-30
[ 211 ]
Revised baseline text for X.gpwd: Threat Analysis and guidelines for securing password and passwordless authentication solutions � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2023-01-30
[ 113 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1251rev: A framework for user control of digital identity � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2022-07-29
[ 112 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1250rev: Baseline capabilities for enhanced global identity management and interoperability � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2022-07-29
[ 111 ]
Revised baseline text for X.gpwd: Threat Analysis and guidelines for securing password and password-less authentication solutions � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2022-07-29
[ 6 ]
Revised baseline text for X.tec-idms: Management and protection techniques for user data protection in distributed identity systems � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2022-04-05
[ 5 ]
Revised baseline text for X.gpwd: Threat Analysis and guidelines for securing password and password-less authentication solutions � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2022-04-05
[ 4 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1251rev: A framework for user control of digital identity � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2022-04-05
[ 2 ]
Revised baseline text for X.1250rev: Baseline capabilities for enhanced global identity management and interoperability � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2022-04-05
Resultados :19 documentos
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Actualizado el :�2025-3-7