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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG13 : Reuni�n�2023-03-13�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG13� TD-WP1�(2023-03-13)�


Future networks

Periodo de estudios 2022

Reuni�n� del 2023-03-13 al 2023-03-24

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2024-07-152024-03-042023-10-232023-07-26� [ 2023-03-13 ]� 2022-11-252022-11-142022-07-04

Resultados :30 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(WP1) �[�Origen:�Rapporteur�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 380-WP1 ]
LS/o on initiation of draft new Recommendation Y.IMT2020-MEVE-req-frame "Future networks including IMT-2020: requirements and framework for effectiveness of measurements and value evaluation of autonomous networks" � Rapporteur Q20/13 2023-03-23
[ 377-WP1 ]
LS/o on new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3160 (ex.Y.SLOA-arch): "Architectural framework of end-to-end service level objective guarantee for future networks including IMT-2020" � Rapporteur Q21/13 2023-03-22
[ 376-WP1 ]
Meeting report of Q20/13 (Geneva, 13-24 March 2023) � Rapporteur and Associate Rapporteurs Q20/13 2023-03-22
[ 375-WP1 ]
LS/o on Information about the consent of new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3123 (ex.Y.IMT2020-CEFEC): " Framework of edge computing capability exposure for IMT-2020 networks and beyond" � Rapporteur and Associate Rapporteurs Q20/13 2023-03-22
[ 373-WP1 ]
Report of the joint Q6/13, Q20/13, Q21/13, Q23/13 meeting on CNC (Geneva, 22 March 2023) � Rapporteurs Q6/13, Q23/13, Q21/13, Q20/13 2023-03-22
[ 368-WP1 ]
LS/o on Information and request of advice on the SG13 plan to initiate a new work item on "Requirements and framework of network function enhancements of IMT-2020 networks and beyond from the energy efficiency perspective" at its 23 October -3 November 2023 meeting � Rapporteur Q20/13 2023-03-22
[ 361-WP1 ]
LS/o on initiation of new work item Y.DTN-DataFrame: "Digital Twin Network - Framework and functional requirements of data domain in network digital twin layer" � Rapporteur Q22/13 2023-03-22
[ 360-WP1 ]
LS/o on information sharing about draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ICN-DLT "Requirements and Functional Framework of Information Centric Networking to support Distributed Ledger Technology in networks beyond IMT-2020" � Rapporteur Q22/13 2023-03-21
[ 359-WP1 ]
LS/o on initiation of new work item ITU-T Y.SCid-fra: "Self-controlled identity based on blockchain - Functional requirements and architecture" � Rapporteur Q22/13 2023-03-21
[ 348-WP1 ]
Meeting report of Q22/13 (Geneva, 13 - 24 March 2023) � Rapporteur and Associate Rapporteur Q22/13 2023-03-21
[ 347-WP1 ]
Meeting Report of Q6/13 (Geneva, 13-24 March 2023) � Rapporteurs and Acting Rapporteur Q6/13 2023-03-20
[ 346-WP1 ]
LS/o/r on work items related to deterministic networking and deterministic communication service in ITU-T SG13 (reply to IEEE 802.1-LS71) [to IEEE 802.1] � Rapporteur Q6/13 2023-03-20
[ 345-WP1 ]
LS/o on status of QoS related work in Q6/WP1 of ITU-T SG13 � Rapporteur Q6/13 2023-03-20
[ 342-WP1 ]
Living list of Q6/13 (Geneva, 13-24 March 2023) � Rapporteur Q6/13 2023-03-20
[ 328-WP1 ]
Meeting report of Q21/13 (Geneva, 13-24 March 2023) � Rapporteur Q21/13 2023-03-20
[ 327-WP1 ]
LS/o on initiation of new work item ITU-T Y.REOUPF: "Resource efficiency optimization for managing user plane function in IMT-2020 networks and beyond" � Rapporteur Q21/13 2023-03-20
[ 314-WP1 ]
Meeting report of Q23/13 (Geneva, 13-24 March 2023) � Rapporteur and Associate Rapporteur Q23/13 2023-03-20
[ 291-WP1 ]
Report of the joint Q20/13, Q21/13 meeting on CNC (Geneva, 16 March 2023) � Rapporteurs Q21/13, Q20/13 2023-03-17
[ 290-WP1 ]
Draft agenda of Q21/13 Meeting (Geneva, 13-24 March 2023) � Rapporteur Q21/13 2023-03-13
[ 288-WP1 ]
Draft agenda of Q22/13 meeting (Geneva, 13-24 March 2023) � Rapporteur and Associate Rapporteur Q22/13 2023-03-13
[ 287-WP1 ]
Draft agenda of Q6/13 meeting (Geneva, 13-24 March 2023) � Rapporteur and Acting Rapporteur Q6/13 2023-03-13
[ 285-WP1 ]
Draft agenda of Q23/13 meeting (Geneva, 13-24 March 2023) � Rapporteur and Associate Rapporteur Q23/13 2023-03-08
[ 284-WP1 ]
Draft agenda of Q20/13 meeting (Geneva, 13-24 March 2023) � Rapporteur and Associate Rapporteurs Q20/13 2023-03-07
[ 283-WP1 ]
Meeting report of Q20/13 (e-meeting, 16, 17 and 20 February 2023) � Rapporteur and Associate Rapporteurs Q20/13 2023-02-27
[ 277-WP1 ]
Meeting report of Q6/13 (e-meeting, 11-16 January 2023) � Rapporteur and Associate Rapporteur Q6/13 2023-02-13
[ 272-WP1 ]
Revised text for Y.3140 (Y.SBN-TR) "Service brokering network framework for Trusted Reality" based on AAP Last Call comments � Associate Rapporteur and Editors Q23/13 2023-02-08
[ 271-WP1 ]
AAP Last Call comments resolution log for Y.3140 (Y.SBN-TR) "Service brokering network framework for Trusted Reality" � Associate Rapporteur and Editors Q23/13 2023-02-08
[ 270-WP1 ]
AAP Last Call comments for ITU-T Y.3140 (formerly Y.SBN-TR) "Service brokering network framework for Trusted Reality" � Associate Rapporteur and Editors Q23/13 2023-02-08
[ 268-WP1 ]
Meeting report of Q21/13 (e-meeting, 30 January-3 February 2023) � Rapporteur Q21/13 2023-02-08
[ 267-WP1 ]
Meeting report of Q23/13 (output of e-meeting, 16-18 January 2023) � Rapporteur and Associate Rapporteur Q23/13 2023-01-18
Resultados :30 documentos
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