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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG12 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG12� C�


Performance, QoS and QoE

Periodo de estudios 2022

Resultados :16 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany)�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 216 ]
Proposal for a new metric to describe image intelligibility � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q19/12 2024-04-01
[ 196 ]
Proposal for a novel methodology to assess latency characteristics using a single-pattern stimulus � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q17/12 2024-03-27
[ 190 ]
Taxonomy of tool classes for crowdsourcing and proposal for a new work item on dedicated probes to test fixed broadband networks � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q12/12 2024-03-21
[ 149 ]
Findings from the questionnaire to National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) on DFS QoS Regulation � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) Q20/12 2023-09-05
[ 135 ]
Proposal to create a curated repository of elements related to mathematical calculations often used in standardization documents � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) Q2/12 2023-08-28
[ 132 ]
A framework for description of entities and interactions in use cases related to Digital Financial Services � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) Q20/12 2023-08-24
[ 127 ]
A general single-number metric on RF levels expressing fitness-for-purpose � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) Q13/12 2023-07-25
[ 126 ]
Metric and methodology to assess the fitness of mobile network coverage for supervisor-assisted autonomous driving � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12 2023-07-25
[ 76 ]
Questionnaire to be shared with Regulators � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) Q20/12 2022-12-20
[ 72 ]
Proposed revised text for P.Suppl_DFS: Considerations on the automation of testing of Digital Financial Services testing � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) Q20/12 2022-12-19
[ 71 ]
Proposed revised text for P.DFSInter: Extended methodology for cross-country and inter-operator Digital Financial Services testing � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) Q20/12 2022-12-19
[ 70 ]
Proposed revised text for E.NUI: A general single-number metric on RF levels expressing fitness-for-purpose � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) Q13/12 2022-12-16
[ 35 ]
Questionnaire to be shared with Regulators and Operators � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Uganda Q20/12 2022-05-24
[ 15 ]
Proposed structure for draft new Recommendation P.DFS_Inter � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q20/12 2022-05-18
[ 14 ]
A novel concept of selecting test cases - introducing "proxy classes" � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) Q17/12 2022-05-18
[ 13 ]
Considerations on the automation of Digital Financial Services testing � Focus Infocom Ges. F. Informatik u. Telekomm. mbH (Germany) , Opticom GmbH (Germany) , Uganda Q20/12 2022-05-18
Resultados :16 documentos
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