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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG05 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG05� C�


EMF, environment, climate action, sustainable digitalization, and circular economy

Periodo de estudios 2022

Resultados :14 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�Orange Polska S.A. (Poland)�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 477 ]
Proposal of the modification of the Term of References of Q3/5 "Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) due to digital technologies" � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2024-05-28
[ 472 ]
Information to be included in ITU-T Recommendation K.Reflection "Impact of the metallic structures for the EMF exposure level". � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2024-05-23
[ 470 ]
Proposal of the draft new Recommendation ITU-T K.peak "Comparison between peak and real exposure in the long-term considerations" � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2024-05-20
[ 468 ]
Proposal of the revision of the A.1 justification of the Recommendation ITU-T K.peaks "Comparison between peak and real exposure in the long-term considerations" � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2024-05-04
[ 467 ]
Proposal of new work item - the revision of the Recommendation ITU-T K.91 "Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields". � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2024-05-04
[ 466 ]
Proposal of new work item - the revision of the Recommendation ITU-T K.100 "Measurement of radio frequency electromagnetic fields to determine compliance with human exposure limits when a base station is put into service". � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2024-05-04
[ 367 ]
Proposal of the part to be included in new Recommendation ITU-T K.peaks "Comparison between peak and real exposure in the long-term considerations" � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2023-10-27
[ 366 ]
Proposal of the revision of the Recommendation ITU-T K.91 "Guidance for assessment, evaluation and monitoring of human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields" � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2023-10-27
[ 364 ]
Proposal of the revision of the Recommendation ITU-T K.83 " Monitoring of electromagnetic field levels" � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2023-10-27
[ 210 ]
Proposal of the guide to the list of the ITU-T Recommendations, Supplements and other informative texts. � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q4/5, Q3/5, Q2/5, Q1/5 2023-05-21
[ 209 ]
Proposal of the second draft of the ITU-T Recommendation K.zones " Guidance on Determining the Compliance Boundaries (the exclusion zone) of a Live Antenna" � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2023-05-21
[ 143 ]
Proposal of the text to be included in the ITU-T Recommendation K.reflections "Impact of the metallic structures for the EMF exposure level" � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2022-10-02
[ 142 ]
Proposal of the text to be included in the ITU-T Recommendation K.peak "Comparison between peak and real exposure in the long-term considerations" � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2022-10-02
[ 21 ]
Proposal of the text to be included in the ITU-T Recommendation K.reflection "Impact of the metallic structures for the EMF exposure level" � Orange Polska S.A. (Poland) Q3/5 2022-06-06
Resultados :14 documentos
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