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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 17 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 17� C�



Periodo de estudios 2017

Resultados :39 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�Alibaba China Co. Ltd.�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1115 ]
4th Revised baseline text for X.tf-mpc: Technical Guidelines for Secure Multi-Party Computation (for consent) � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q15/17 2021-08-10
[ 1114 ]
Proposed new work item on: Security guidelines for implementation of lifecycle management of e-commerce business data � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q8/17 2021-08-10
[ 1038 ]
3rd Revised baseline text for X.tfmpc: Technical Guidelines for Secure Multi-Party Computation � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q4/17 2021-04-06
[ 967 ]
Revised baseline text for X.672: Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Object identifier resolution system � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q11/17 2020-08-11
[ 950 ]
2nd revised draft for X.tfmpc: Technical framework for Secure Multi-Party Computation � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q4/17 2020-08-11
[ 907 ]
Proposal for new work item: Risk identification to detect abnormal user accounts � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q7/17 2020-08-10
[ 843 ]
Revised baseline text for X.eaasd: Framework of enhanced authentication in telebiometric environments using anti-spoofing detection mechanisms � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q9/17, Q10/17 2020-03-04
[ 829 ]
6th Revised baseline text for X.tfrca: Risk identification to optimize authentication � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , Broadcom Corporation (United States) Q7/17 2020-03-04
[ 827 ]
Revised baseline text for X.672, Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Object identifier resolution system � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q11/17 2020-03-03
[ 826 ]
Revised draft of Technical Report (TR-ors) on "OID Resolution system: Problems, Requirements and Potential solutions" � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , United Kingdom Q11/17 2020-03-03
[ 816 ]
1st Revised draft for X.tfmpc: Technical framework for Secure Multi-Party Computation � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q4/17 2020-03-03
[ 720 ]
Proposal for a new work item on: A Decentralized Framework for Object Identifier Resolution � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q11/17 2019-08-14
[ 711 ]
Proposed 7th draft text for X.eaasd: Framework of enhanced authentication in telebiometric environments using anti-spoofing detection mechanisms � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q9/17, Q10/17 2019-08-14
[ 693 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Technical framework and application for Secure Multi-Party Computation � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q2/17 2019-08-13
[ 692 ]
Proposal for the 6th draft of X.sra-dlt: Security framework for distributed ledger technology � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q14/17 2019-08-13
[ 685 ]
Proposal for the fifth revised draft text for X.ssc: Security service chain architecture for the network and applications � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , Nokia Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd. (China) Q2/17 2019-08-13
[ 633 ]
Proposed 4th revised text for X.tfrca: Technical framework of risk control to support authentication � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q7/17 2019-08-13
[ 533 ]
Proposal for the 5th draft of X.eaasd "Framework of enhanced authentication in telebiometric environments using anti-spoofing detection mechanisms" � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q9/17, Q10/17 2019-01-08
[ 531 ]
Proposal for the 5th draft of X.sradlt "Security framework for distributed ledger technology" � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q14/17 2019-01-08
[ 530 ]
Proposal for the 4th of X.tfcas "Technical framework for countering advertising spam in user generated information" � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q5/17 2019-01-08
[ 513 ]
Proposed new contents for X.tfrca: Technical framework of risk identification to enhance authentication � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q7/17 2019-01-08
[ 404 ]
Proposal for the 4th draft of X.sradlt � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q14/17 2018-08-15
[ 403 ]
Proposed 4th draft of X.eaasd � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q9/17, Q10/17 2018-08-15
[ 402 ]
Proposal for the 3rd draft of X.tfcas � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q5/17 2018-08-15
[ 397 ]
New work item proposal: Technical framework of risk control for authentication based on big data analysis � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q7/17 2018-08-15
[ 231 ]
Revised text of X.tfcma: Technical Framework for Countering Mobile In-application Advertising Spam � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/17 2018-03-06
[ 228 ]
Proposal for the 3rd draft of X.eaasd � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q9/17, Q10/17 2018-03-06
[ 224 ]
Proposal for the 2nd draft of X.sradlt � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q14/17 2018-03-06
[ 223 ]
Proposal for the 2nd draft of X.tfcas � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q5/17 2018-03-06
[ 150 ]
Revised text of X.tfcma-Technical Framework for Countering Mobile In-application Advertising Spam � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q5/17 2017-08-15
[ 132 ]
New work item proposal: Security architecture for blockchain � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q2/17 2017-08-14
[ 131 ]
Proposal for the 2nd draft of X.eaasd � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q9/17, Q10/17 2017-08-14
[ 130 ]
Proposal for the baseline document of X.tfcas � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q5/17 2017-08-14
[ 129 ]
Proposal for the 4th draft of X.salcm � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q3/17, Q2/17 2017-08-14
[ 55 ]
New WI proposal: Technical framework for countering advertising spam in user generated content � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q5/17 2017-03-08
[ 32 ]
Proposed text of X.tfcma � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q5/17 2017-03-08
[ 26 ]
Proposal to establish a joint work item with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27 on ITU-T X.eaasd � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q9/17, Q10/17 2017-03-07
[ 25 ]
Baseline document of X.eaasd � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q9/17, Q10/17 2017-03-07
[ 24 ]
Third draft of X.salcm � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q3/17, Q2/17 2017-03-07
Resultados :39 documentos
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