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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 17 : Reuni�n�2020-08-24�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 17� TD-PLEN�(2020-08-24)�



Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2020-08-24 al 2020-09-03

Lugar : E-Meeting

Otras reuniones : 2022-01-072021-08-242021-04-202021-01-07� [ 2020-08-24 ]� 2020-05-292020-03-172019-08-272019-01-222018-08-292018-03-202017-08-292017-03-22

Resultados :56 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) �[�Origen:�Chairman�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 3393-PLEN ]
Draft agenda for special SG17 e-plenary (29 January 2021) � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-08-31
[ 3387-PLEN ]
Broadcom proposals in C869 as input document to the SG17 Task Force to prepare the next Study Period � Chairman WP3/17 QALL/17 2020-08-31
[ 3374-PLEN ]
Draft WTSA report, Part I: General � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-08-31
[ 3373-PLEN ]
Proposed set of Questions for SG17 for the 2021-2024 study period (final) � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-08-31
[ 3372-PLEN ]
Proposed WTSA Resolution 2 text for SG17's mandate for the next study period (final) � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-08-31
[ 3322-PLEN ]
Question text for merged Q9/17 + Q10/17 � Chairman SG17 Q9/17, Q10/17 2020-08-28
[ 3283-PLEN ]
Proposal for improving the incubation mechanism allocation part � Chairman Special Session QALL/17 2020-08-26
[ 3268-PLEN ]
Further considerations on TTCN and Q12/17 � Chairman WP3/17 QALL/17 2020-08-24
[ 3267-PLEN ]
Action plan on TTCN and Q12/17 � Chairman WP3/17 QALL/17 2020-08-24
[ 3263-PLEN ]
Study Group 17 Interregnum Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-08-23
[ 3240-PLEN ]
Security Questions in other study groups proposed for the next study period � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-08-17
[ 3239-PLEN ]
Plan for special sessions on WTSA20 preparation � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-08-17
[ 3228-PLEN ]
Terms of reference for the task force on preparation for the next study period (2021-2024) � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-08-11
[ 3221-PLEN ]
TSAG RG WP (Virtual, 5-7 August 2020) meeting highlights relevant to ITU-T SG17 � SG17 Chairman QALL/17 2020-08-10
[ 3210-PLEN ]
Materials for last conference call for CG (July 24) on WTSA20 preparation � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-07-27
[ 3209-PLEN ]
Draft update of SG17 material in WTSA Resolution 2 for discussion in July 24 2020 CG-WTSA20-prep conference call � Chairman CG-WTSA20-prep QALL/17 2020-07-21
[ 3208-PLEN ]
Report of the Review Committee � Chairman Review Committee Q1/17 2020-07-20
[ 3187-PLEN ]
Report of Special session on Security Architecture Development � Chairman special session QALL/17 2020-07-14
[ 3186-PLEN ]
Agenda of Special session on Security Architecture Development � Chairman special session QALL/17 2020-07-14
[ 3185-PLEN ]
Report of Special session on Transformation of Security Studies � Chairman special session QALL/17 2020-07-14
[ 3184-PLEN ]
Agenda of special session on transformation of security studies � Chairman special session QALL/17 2020-07-14
[ 3171-PLEN ]
Material for Points of guidance to study groups for the development of the post-2020 work programme and List of Recommendations under the responsibility of the respective study groups and TSAG in the 2021-2024 study period � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-07-12
[ 3170-PLEN ]
Draft aggregated set of texts of Questions for SG17 for the next study period (CG WTSA20 prep) � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-07-11
[ 3169-PLEN ]
Draft update of SG17 materials in WTSA Resolution 2 (CG WTSA20 prep) � Chairman CG-SG17-wtsa20-prep QALL/17 2020-07-11
[ 3157-PLEN ]
Report of special session on incubation � Chairman special session QALL/17 2020-07-06
[ 3156-PLEN ]
Agenda of special session on incubation � Chairman special session QALL/17 2020-07-06
[ 3148-PLEN ]
Materials for General area of responsibility and SG17 lead study group roles � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-29
[ 3129-PLEN ]
Material for reviewing Question titles and texts (as of June 2020) for discussion of CG on WTSA20 preparation � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-22
[ 3126-PLEN ]
Interim reports of all conference calls for CG on SG17 preparation for WTSA20 (May 2020 - July 2020) � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-15
[ 3125-PLEN ]
Agenda of all conference calls for CG on SG17 preparation for WTSA20 (May 2020 - July 2020) � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-15
[ 3101-PLEN ]
Report of special session on SG17 preparation for WTSA-20 � Chairman special session QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3100-PLEN ]
Agenda of special session on SG17 preparation for WTSA-20 � Chairman special session QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3087-PLEN ]
Material for DP3 (Q9/17, Q10/17, Q11/17, Q12/17 issue) (as of June 2020) for discussion of CG on WTSA20 preparation � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3077-PLEN ]
Relationships of ITU-T Study Group17 with ISO, IEC and ISO/IEC JTC 1 � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3076-PLEN ]
Report of ITU-T SG17 to the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-20), Part I: General � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3052-PLEN ]
Project leaders, liaison officers, representatives, contact points and other leadership positions � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3051-PLEN ]
SG17 Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3050-PLEN ]
Timetable for Working Party closing plenaries and Q1/17 review (Wednesday 2 September 2020) � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3049-PLEN ]
ITU-T SG17 - An overview for newcomers � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3048-PLEN ]
ITU-T SG17 Opening Plenary slide set � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3046-PLEN ]
Report of the Open extended SG17 management meeting (Sun 23 August) � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3045-PLEN ]
Agenda of the Open extended SG17 management meeting (Sun 23 August 2020, 13:30-15:00) � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3044-PLEN ]
Agenda of SG17 closing plenary � Chairman SG17 QALL/17 2020-06-09
[ 3029-PLEN ]
Agenda of WP4/17 closing plenary � Chairman WP4/17 Q9/17, Q11/17, Q10/17 2020-06-08
[ 3028-PLEN ]
Agenda of WP3/17 closing plenary � Chairman WP3/17 Q8/17, Q7/17, Q12/17 2020-06-08
[ 3027-PLEN ]
Agenda of WP2/17 closing plenary � Chairman WP2/17 Q5/17, Q4/17, Q14/17 2020-06-08
[ 3026-PLEN ]
Agenda of WP1/17 closing plenary � Chairman WP1/17 Q6/17, Q3/17, Q2/17, Q13/17 2020-06-08
[ 3025-PLEN ]
Agenda of WP4/17 opening plenary � Chairman WP4/17 Q9/17, Q11/17, Q10/17 2020-06-08
[ 3024-PLEN ]
Agenda of WP3/17 opening plenary � Chairman WP3/17 Q8/17, Q7/17, Q12/17 2020-06-08
[ 3023-PLEN ]
Agenda of WP2/17 opening plenary � Chairman WP2/17 Q5/17, Q4/17, Q14/17 2020-06-08
Resultados :56 documentos
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