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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 13 : Reuni�n�2021-07-16�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 13� TD-WP2�(2021-07-16)�


Future networks

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2021-07-16 al 2021-07-16

Lugar : E-Meeting

Otras reuniones : 2021-11-29� [ 2021-07-16 ]� 2021-03-012020-12-172020-12-072020-07-202020-03-132019-10-142019-06-282019-03-042018-11-022018-07-162018-04-182017-11-062017-07-142017-02-06

Resultados :19 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(WP2) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�19/13�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 787-WP2 ]
LS/o/r on consent of ITU-T Y.3526 (formerly Y.ccecm-reqts): "Cloud Computing - Functional requirements of edge cloud management" ( reply to SG11-LS181) [to SG11] � Rapporteur Q19/13 2021-07-16
[ 786-WP2 ]
Agenda of WP2/13 Plenary "Cloud Computing & Data Handling" (Virtual, 16 July 2021) � WP2/13 Chairmen Q7/13, Q19/13, Q18/13, Q17/13 2021-07-15
[ 785-WP2 ]
Meeting report of Q19/13 (Virtual, 5-16 July 2021) � Rapporteur Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 784-WP2 ]
Roadmap for Q19/13 (Virtual, 5-16 July 2021) � Rapporteur Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 783-WP2 ]
Ls/o on initiation of new work on "Cloud computing - Framework and functional requirements of micro-service monitoring" (Y.ccmm-reqts) [to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 38 and SG11] � Rapporteur Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 782-WP2 ]
Ls/o on initiation of new work on "Cloud computing - Requirements for AI based operation management of cloud service" (Y.ccabom-reqts) [to ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 38 and SG2] � Rapporteur Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 781-WP2 ]
A.1 justification for initiation of new draft Recommendations in Q19/13 � Rapporteur Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 780-WP2 ]
Initial draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ccmm-reqts: "Cloud computing - Framework and functional requirements of micro-service monitoring" � Editors Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 779-WP2 ]
Initial draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ccabom-reqts: "Cloud computing - Requirements for AI based operation management of cloud service" � Editors Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 778-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.ccvnf-dm: "Cloud computing - Data model framework for NaaS OSS virtualized network function" � Editors Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 777-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y. ccgmfdc: "Global Management Framework of Distributed Cloud" � Editors Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 776-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ccfrcm: "Cloud Computing - Framework and requirements of container management in inter-cloud" � Editors Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 775-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.3527 (formerly Y.e2efapm): "Cloud computing - End-to-end fault and performance management framework of network services in inter-cloud " - for consent � Editors Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 774-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.3526 (formerly Y.ccecm-reqts): "Cloud computing - Functional requirements of edge cloud management" - for consent � Editors Q19/13 2021-07-14
[ 735-WP2 ]
LS/i on SG17 new work item X.sgcnp 'Security guidelines for cloud native PaaS' [from ITU-T SG17] � ITU-T SG17 Q19/13, Q17/13 2021-06-17
[ 725-WP2 ]
LS/i/r on initiation of new work on Edge computing - Overview and requirements (SG13-LS175) [from ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T SG11 Q19/13, Q17/13 2021-06-08
[ 723-WP2 ]
Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.e2efapm: "Cloud Computing - End-to-end fault and performance management framework of inter-cloud network services" (output of e-meeting 12-14 May 2021) � Editors Q19/13 2021-05-18
[ 722-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.ccecm: "Cloud Computing - Requirements of edge cloud management" (output of e-meeting 12-14 May 2021) � Editors Q19/13 2021-05-18
[ 721-WP2 ]
Meeting report of Q19/13 (e-meeting, 12-14 May 2021) � Rapporteur Q19/13 2021-05-18
Resultados :19 documentos
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