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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 13 : Reuni�n�2019-03-04�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 13� C�(2019-03-04)�


Future networks

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2019-03-04 al 2019-03-14

Lugar : Zimbabwe [Victoria Falls]

Otras reuniones : 2021-11-292021-07-162021-03-012020-12-172020-12-072020-07-202020-03-132019-10-142019-06-282018-11-022018-07-162018-04-182017-11-062017-07-142017-02-06

Resultados :51 documentos
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Contribuciones �[�Origen:�China�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 637 ]
Proposal for updating clause 7.2 Functional description for traffic routing management in Y.FMC-SM � China Unicom Q23/13 2019-02-19
[ 636 ]
Proposal for adding FMC network slice control requirement in7.1 and unified customization of QoS capabilities requirement in 7.3 in Y.FMC-CE � China Unicom Q23/13 2019-02-19
[ 635 ]
Proposal for adding Customizing the FMC network and MEC computing platform in clause 6 in Y.FMC-EC � China Unicom Q23/13 2019-02-19
[ 634 ]
Propose to initiate a new draft Recommendation on the requirements of network evolution for support network and cloud interworking scenarios � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/13 2019-02-19
[ 619 ]
Proposal for NaaS service operational policy framework in Y.cslm-metadata � China Unicom Q19/13 2019-02-19
[ 613 ]
Proposal for updating session management design considerations and information flows of session establishment of Y.FMC-SM � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) Q23/13 2019-02-18
[ 612 ]
Proposal for updating mobility management functional architecture of Y.FMC-MM � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) Q23/13 2019-02-18
[ 611 ]
Proposal to update ITU-T Y.ICN-TL "Requirements and Mechanisms of Transport Layer for ICN in IMT-2020 " � Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Q22/13 2019-02-18
[ 610 ]
Proposal to update ITU-T Y.ICN-RF "Requirements and Capabilities of ICN Routing and Forwarding based on Control and User Plane Separation in IMT-2020" � Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Q22/13 2019-02-18
[ 608 ]
Proposal to update clause 7 of the draft Recommendation Y.ICN-DS-frame "Framework for directory service for management of huge number of heterogeneously named objects in IMT-2020" � Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Q22/13 2019-02-18
[ 607 ]
Proposal to consent the Draft Recommendation Y.ICN-ReqN - Requirements and capabilities of name mapping and resolution using information centric networking in IMT-2020 � Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (China) Q22/13 2019-02-18
[ 606 ]
Proposal for consent of Y.PTDN-T-Interface by updating clause 2, 6, 7 and Appendix A � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q22/13 2019-02-18
[ 605 ]
Proposed to add a new subclause 6.1 into Y_e2efapm � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q19/13 2019-02-18
[ 604 ]
Proposed to add some terms and abbreviations for Y_e2efapm � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q19/13 2019-02-18
[ 603 ]
Proposed to modify clause 7.1 of Y_cslm-metadata � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q19/13 2019-02-18
[ 602 ]
Y.BaaS-reqts: Proposed descriptions on roles and activities for blockchain as a service in Clause 7.2 � ZTE Corporation (China) Q17/13 2019-02-17
[ 601 ]
Y.BaaS-reqts: Proposed descriptions on core features for Clause 6.2 � ZTE Corporation (China) Q17/13 2019-02-17
[ 600 ]
Proposal for modification about general mechanism of traffic awareness for ITU-T Y.MecTA-ML � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q7/13 2019-02-17
[ 599 ]
Proposal for modification about general requirements of ITU-T Y.bDDN-Req � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q7/13 2019-02-17
[ 598 ]
Proposal for modification about clause 1,2,4,7 and 9 of ITU-T Y.DPI-ArchFN � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q7/13 2019-02-17
[ 597 ]
Proposal for improving description about DPI in NFV context of ITU-T Y.DPI-ArchFN � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q7/13 2019-02-17
[ 596 ]
Proposal to modify the description of draft recommendation Y.bDDN-req � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q7/13 2019-02-17
[ 595 ]
Proposal to modify clause 5,7 and 10 description in draft recommendation Y.bDDN-FunArch � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q7/13 2019-02-17
[ 594 ]
Propose a new Recommendation on "The control and management mechanisms of big data driven networking" � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q7/13 2019-02-17
[ 593 ]
Proposal for modification about overview and adding DPI-node based coordination mechanism of ITU-T Y.bDPI-Mec � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q7/13 2019-02-16
[ 591 ]
Proposal for add functional requirements related to resource orchestration for convergence in the application and control layer � China Information Communication Technologies Group Q23/13 2019-02-16
[ 590 ]
Proposal of new work item : Cloud computing - funtional requirements for distributed transaction processing � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , China Unicom Q17/13 2019-02-16
[ 589 ]
Proposal for initiating a new work item on general framework and model architecture of Decentralized Internet Infrastructure (DII) � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) Q2/13 2019-02-15
[ 587 ]
Proposal for adding detailed description for network function apply to the IMT-2020 network concerning the exposure of the network slice management capability in Y.IMT2020-CE-Req � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q20/13 2019-02-15
[ 585 ]
Proposal for adding detailed description for network function apply to the IMT-2020 network concerning the exposure of the network data analytics exposure capability in Y.IMT2020-CE-Req � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q20/13 2019-02-15
[ 584 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IMT2020-CEF: Capability exposure procedure in IMT-2020 networks slice � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q20/13 2019-02-15
[ 583 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IMT2020-CEF: Capability exposure procedure in IMT-2020 networks - QoS � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q20/13 2019-02-15
[ 582 ]
Y.NGNe-BC-reqts: proposal for updating the clause 2/3/4/6/7/appendix � China Unicom Q2/13 2019-02-15
[ 581 ]
New: proposal for initiating a new work item on requirements and framework of decentralized root DNS based on blockchain for next generation network evolution � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q2/13 2019-02-15
[ 580 ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IMT2020-CEF, "Capability exposure procedure in IMT-2020 networks"-general aspect � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q20/13 2019-02-15
[ 579 ]
Proposal for initiating a new work item on scene requirement for supporting intelligent network slice in IMT-2020 networks � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q21/13 2019-02-15
[ 578 ]
Y.NGNe-O-arch:Propose to add descriptions of SOFE and ROFE � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/13 2019-02-15
[ 577 ]
Y.NGNe-O-arch:Propose to modify descriptions of MCFE � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/13 2019-02-15
[ 572 ]
Y.ccdc-reqts : Proposal for enhancement of high-level functional requirements of distributed cloud � China Telecommunications Corporation Q17/13 2019-02-14
[ 571 ]
Y.ccdc-reqts : Proposal for enhancement of distributed cloud characteristics � China Telecommunications Corporation Q17/13 2019-02-14
[ 570 ]
Proposal for adding the process of big data integration &requirements for probabilistic schema alignment and entity recognition in Y.bdi-reqts � China Unicom Q17/13 2019-02-14
[ 569 ]
Proposal to update the overview of Y.bdi-reqts � China Unicom Q17/13 2019-02-14
[ 568 ]
Y.ccdc-reqts : Proposal for enhancement of distributed cloud concept � China Telecommunications Corporation Q17/13 2019-02-14
[ 565 ]
Machine learning in 5G and future networks: use cases and basic requirements � KT, Intel, Vodafone, ETRI, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Mobile, Tsinghua University, China Unicom, KDDI Corporation, Hitachi Ltd, NEC Corporation, NICT, The University of Tokyo, Turkcell Q20/13 2019-02-14
[ 560 ]
Y.MLaas - Proposal on enhancement of overview of machine learning � China Telecommunications Corporation Q17/13 2019-02-13
[ 557 ]
Proposal of a new work item "ITU-T Y.ec-vr-req: Requirements for edge computing enabled virtual reality delivery in IMT-2020" � Hubei University (China) Q6/13 2019-02-11
[ 556 ]
Proposals for " Y.qos-ml-arc: Architecture of machine learning based QoS assurance for IMT-2020 network" � Hubei University (China) Q6/13 2019-02-11
[ 555 ]
Proposals for " ITU-T IMT2020-qos-fa: QoS functional architecture for IMT-2020 network " � Hubei University (China) Q6/13 2019-02-11
[ 554 ]
Proposals for "Y.IMT2020-qos-req: QoS requirements for IMT-2020 network" � Hubei University (China) Q6/13 2019-02-11
[ 553 ]
Propose to add Procedures of FMC-SS to Y. FMC-SS � China Telecommunications Corporation Q23/13 2019-02-11
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