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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 5 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 5� C�


Environment, climate change and circular economy

Periodo de estudios 2017

Resultados :23 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�ADTRAN�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 469 ]
Clarification for internal Ethernet cable tests � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2019-04-26
[ 468 ]
Discrepancy in K.20, table 1a � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2019-04-26
[ 467 ]
Alternative for test 2.4 Ethernet mains power contact - 2 of 2 � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2019-04-26
[ 466 ]
Test 2.4 Ethernet mains power contact - 1 of 2 � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2019-04-26
[ 465 ]
Note 4 in table2b reflects installation practices � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2019-04-26
[ 464 ]
Transverse surge for single pair internal ports � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2019-04-26
[ 463 ]
Capacitor selection for Ethernet transverse surge � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2019-04-26
[ 330 ]
PoE transverse coupling element � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2018-08-26
[ 329 ]
Series type ports in K.20, K.21 and K.45 � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2018-08-26
[ 328 ]
Intra-system ports for K.45 (maximum cable length of 6 meters) � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2018-08-26
[ 327 ]
Intra-system port exemption for K.20 � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2018-08-26
[ 326 ]
K.20 internal building tests for Ethernet are too extreme for intended environment. � ADTRAN (United States) Q2/5 2018-08-26
[ 231 ]
K.45 cable length of 6 meters or less are exempt from testing � ADTRAN Q2/5 2018-04-23
[ 229 ]
K.20 internal cable length of 10 meters or less are exempt from testing. � ADTRAN Q2/5 2018-04-19
[ 90 ]
Confusion with what tests need to be done for PoE interfaces. � ADTRAN Q2/5 2017-10-09
[ 89 ]
External enhanced transverse test of 6 kV is too extreme for normal Ethernet port topologies. � ADTRAN Q2/5 2017-10-09
[ 88 ]
Align Ethernet & PoE K.20 internal transverse surge tests � ADTRAN Q2/5 2017-10-09
[ 87 ]
Simultaneous port to earth test are extreme for internal building applications. � ADTRAN Q2/5 2017-10-09
[ 86 ]
Test description in the test tables is incorrect for the type of test (A.6.7-3a). � ADTRAN Q2/5 2017-10-09
[ 85 ]
Shield bond test levels are extreme for internal building applications � ADTRAN Q2/5 2017-10-09
[ 84 ]
Test description in the test tables is incorrect for the type of test (A.6.7-6). � ADTRAN Q2/5 2017-10-09
[ 80 ]
Addressing all shielded data ports including USB � ADTRAN Q2/5 2017-09-19
[ 78 ]
K.20 & K.21 internal cable length of 10 meter or less are exempt � ADTRAN Q2/5 2017-09-13
Resultados :23 documentos
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