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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG3RG-AFR : Reuni�n�2020-07-06�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG3RG-AFR� TD�(2020-07-06)�


SG3 Regional Group for Africa

Periodo de estudios 2017

Reuni�n� del 2020-07-06 al 2020-07-10

Lugar : E-Meeting

Otras reuniones : 2022-05-02� 2021-07-262021-04-06� [ 2020-07-06 ]� 2019-02-182018-02-052017-01-31

Resultados :20 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) �[�Origen:�TSB�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 140-PLEN ]
ITU-T A.5 Qualifications and Justifications - Presentation � TSB QALL/3 2020-07-08
[ 139-PLEN ]
Leadership Training Session - Presentation � TSB QALL/3 2020-07-08
[ 138-PLEN ]
Information of MyMeetings Interpretation Channels � TSB QALL/3 2020-07-06
[ 137-PLEN ]
List of Participants (virtual, 6-10 July 2020) � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-12
[ 134-PLEN ]
TSB Circular 243: Member States consultation on Determined draft new Recommendations ITU-T D.265 (D.ModelTTC), ITU-T D.266 (D.OTTMNO) and ITU-T D.267 (D.DigID) proposed for approval at the meeting of ITU-T Study Group 3 meeting (Geneva, 24-28 August 2020) � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 131-PLEN ]
Report of the SG3RG-EECAT meeting held in Minsk, Belarus 4 March 2020 � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 130-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-ARB meeting held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 23-24 October 2019 � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 129-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-AO meeting held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-4 October 2019 � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 128-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-LAC meeting held in Managua, Nicaragua, 25-29 March 2019 � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 127-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-AFR meeting held in Antananarivo, Madagascar, 18-22 February 2019 � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 126-PLEN ]
Report of the Plenary of Study Group 3, Tariff and accounting principles and international telecommunication/ICT economic and policy issues, virtual, 31 March - 9 April 2020 � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 125-PLEN ]
List of SG3 Stale Work Items � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 124-PLEN ]
List of SG3 Work Items � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 123-PLEN ]
BSG e-learning courses � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 122-PLEN ]
Guidelines for the preparation of Contributions to ITU-T: Relevant ITU-T A-series Recommendation � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 119-PLEN ]
SG3 Mailing Lists � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 118-PLEN ]
General overview of ITU-T SG3 and its Regional Groups � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 117-PLEN ]
List of available documents to SG3RG-AFR � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 116-PLEN ]
Guide for moderating and chairing ITU-T remote participation sessions � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
[ 114-PLEN ]
Draft Meeting Time Plan � TSB QALL/3 2020-06-03
Resultados :20 documentos
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Contacto p�blico :� TSB EDH
Actualizado el :�2025-2-3