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ITU-T SG3 Regional Group for Africa (SG3RG-AFR)

Periodo de estudios 2013

Resultados :51 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�QALL/3�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 77 ]
Analysis of the roaming market in Togo � R�publique du Togo QALL/3 2016-01-06
[ 76 ]
Survey questionnaire: Study on roaming services and OTTs � R�publique du Togo QALL/3 2016-01-06
[ 75 ]
Redefining ACP services � Egypt QALL/3 2016-01-06
[ 74 ]
Support C142 by Tunisia, Uganda, India, Trinidad and Tobago and Tanzania and Zimbabwe � Egypt QALL/3 2016-01-06
[ 73 ]
International Mobile Roaming Recommendations for other Regions Based on EAC Experience � Kenya QALL/3 2016-01-06
[ 72 ]
Problems in the use of the Mobile Roaming System by roaming subscribers � Burundi QALL/3 2016-01-06
[ 71 ]
Emergent Mobile Broadband Pricing Models and their Competitive Effects in African Markets � Uganda QALL/3 2016-01-06
[ 70 ]
The impact of OTTs and the best way forward : A global ITU-T Draft Recommendation � Zimbabwe QALL/3 2016-01-06
[ 69 ]
Guidelines on universal service obligations and best practices � Tchad QALL/3 2016-01-06
[ 68 ]
Draft Recommendation on IMR (annexed to Report of Mobile Roaming Rapporteur Meeting of 16-17 September 2015) � Ghana QALL/3 2016-01-06
[ 67 ]
Questions for the coming study period � Tunisia QALL/3 2016-01-05
[ 63 ]
Universal service development in low-income rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa � R�publique Centrafricaine (RCA) QALL/3 2016-01-05
[ 61 ]
Projet de Recommandation UIT T "Co�ts, tarifs et concurrence pour les services financiers sur mobile" � Ghana QALL/3 2015-12-23
[ 57 ]
Method for determining the financial cost: case of C�te d'Ivoire � C�te d'Ivoire QALL/3 2015-12-22
[ 55 ]
The need for a method of estimating licence and frequency costs for African countries � C�te d'Ivoire QALL/3 2015-12-22
[ 54 ]
Measures to encourage investment in white spots � C�te d'Ivoire QALL/3 2015-12-22
[ 52 ]
Impact of emerging dynamic tariffing on market competitiveness and regulation � Malawi QALL/3 2015-12-21
[ 51 ]
Problems of universal access to telecommunication/ICT services � Niger QALL/3 2015-12-21
[ 49 ]
Impact of Multilateral Funding on Wholesale Pricing - International Internet Connectivity � The Gambia QALL/3 2015-12-17
[ 48 ]
The need to bring down roaming costs in a context of convergence of services � S�n�gal QALL/3 2015-12-09
[ 47 ]
Proposal on the study of Mobile Payments Services � Sudan QALL/3 2015-12-08
[ 46 ]
International Internet connectivity - The case of Burundi � Burundi QALL/3 2015-12-08
[ 45 ]
What strategies are there to revitalize incumbent telecommunication operators? The case of SOTELGUI � Guin�e QALL/3 2015-12-08
[ 44 ]
Support for the contribution of the Arab group on the draft Recommendation on international Internet connectivity � Comores QALL/3 2015-12-07
[ 43 ]
Revisions to the ToR for the SG3 Rapporteur Group on the Economic and Competitiveness Aspects of "Mobile Money" Services � CERT QALL/3 2015-12-07
[ 42 ]
M2M roaming � CERT QALL/3 2015-12-07
[ 41 ]
Governance of postal and/or telecommunication regulators � Guin�e QALL/3 2015-11-19
[ 40 ]
International aspects of universal service � Guin�e QALL/3 2015-11-19
[ 39 ]
Development of mobile money services in DRC and proposals in support of the work of the ITU-T Study Group 3 Rapporteur Group � R�publique d�mocratique du Congo QALL/3 2015-11-19
[ 38 ]
One network roaming and re-filing challenges � Kenya QALL/3 2015-02-04
[ 37 ]
Addressing high roaming charges, regulatory approach and impact on traffic � Kenya QALL/3 2015-02-04
[ 36 ]
Addressing regulatory and economic concerns in mobile money markets � Uganda , Burundi , Cameroon , Cote d'Ivoire , DRC , Ghana , Kenya , Malawi , Tanzania , Zimbabwe QALL/3 2015-02-03
[ 35 ]
Politique tarifaire du secteur des t�l�communications et TIC Cameroun � Cameroon QALL/3 2015-01-29
[ 34 ]
SADC Home and Away Roaming Project and How to Achieve Effective Competition in the Mobile Roaming Market � CRASA QALL/3 2015-01-27
[ 33 ]
International Mobile Roaming � Ghana QALL/3 2015-01-26
[ 32 ]
Universal service and broadband access: the case of Guinea � Guinea QALL/3 2015-01-26
[ 31 ]
Draft new Supplement to Recommendation ITU-T D.50 � Sonatel (Senegal) QALL/3 2015-01-26
[ 30 ]
Proposal for new draft Recommendation on International Roaming Costs and Tariffs � Ivory Coast and ReCATIC QALL/3 2015-01-21
[ 29 ]
Proposal on Mobile Roaming � Egypt and Sudan QALL/3 2015-01-21
[ 28 ]
The impact of technological progress on competition policy and the identification of market features � Egypt and Sudan QALL/3 2015-01-21
[ 27 ]
A survey to assist the study of the economic impact of OTTs � Egypt and Sudan QALL/3 2015-01-21
[ 26 ]
Economic impact of spectrum pricing � Guinea QALL/3 2015-01-21
[ 25 ]
Report of the Working Group on the draft revision of Recommendation D.600R and of the regional cost model � C�te d'Ivoire QALL/3 2015-01-21
[ 24 ]
Questionnaire on the impact of the Internet on voice and SMS � Agence de Regulation et de contr�le des Telecommunications (ARCT)- Burundi QALL/3 2015-01-14
[ 23 ]
Universal service � General Regulatory Authority (Sao Tome and Principe) QALL/3 2015-01-13
[ 22 ]
Relevant market definition and identification of operators with significant market power � General Regulatory Authority (Sao Tome and Principe) QALL/3 2015-01-13
[ 21 ]
Impact of infrastructure and technological developments on telecommunication service costs � Senegal QALL/3 2015-01-13
[ 20 ]
Universal access to broadband services in DRC: from vision to reality � Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)/ARPTC QALL/3 2015-01-13
[ 19 ]
Tariff policies: Experience of DRC � Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)/ARPTC QALL/3 2015-01-13
[ 18 ]
Hubbing � Guinea QALL/3 2015-01-13
Resultados :51 documentos
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