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ITU-T SG3 Regional Group for Africa (SG3RG-AFR)

Periodo de estudios 2013

Resultados :16 documentos
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�4/3�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 50 ]
Case Study of Zambia - Dispute Resolution Related to Charging for Passive Infrastructure Sharing Rentals � Zambia Q4/3 2015-12-17
[ 17 ]
Roaming Cost Model � Ghana Q4/3 2014-02-20
[ 16 ]
Roaming questionnaire for operators � Ghana Q4/3 2014-02-20
[ 13 ]
Draft new Supplement to Recommendation ITU-T D.50 � Rapporteur D.50 Q4/3 2014-02-03
[ 12 ]
Draft new Recommendation on roaming or draft new annex to Recommendation D.98 � C�te d'Ivoire Q4/3 2014-02-03
[ 11 ]
Draft revision of Recommendation D.600R and of the regional cost model � Rapporteur D.600R Q4/3 2014-02-03
[ 10 ]
Impact of the Internet on voice and SMS traffic � Senegal / Sonatel Q4/3 2014-01-31
[ 9 ]
International Internet connectivity � Senegal / Sonatel Q4/3 2014-01-31
[ 8 ]
Hubbing � Senagal / Sonatel Q4/3 2014-01-31
[ 7 ]
Commercial arrangements � Senegal / Sonatel Q4/3 2014-01-31
[ 6 ]
Follow-up on the implementation of national broadband network plans: The case of DRC � R�publique D�mocratique du Congo / ARPTC Q4/3 2014-01-28
[ 5 ]
Implementation and management of Internet exchange points (IXPs): The case of DRC � R�publique D�mocratique du Congo /ARPTC Q4/3 2014-01-22
[ 4 ]
Regulation of telecommunication tariffs in the Central African Republic � R�publique Centrafricaine 4/3 2013-01-28
[ 3 ]
Telecommunication Services and Economic Growth: Evidence from Rwanda � RURA, Rwanda 4/3 2013-01-25
[ 2 ]
Strategies for stimulating demand for broadband services and development of local content: Case of DRC � R�publique D�mocratique du Congo � RDC � 4/3 2013-01-22
[ 1 ]
Internet connectivity: The case of DRC � R�publique D�mocratique du Congo " RDC " 4/3 2013-01-18
Resultados :16 documentos
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