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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG3RG-AFR : Reuni�n�2014-02-20�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG3RG-AFR� TD�(2014-02-20)�


ITU-T SG3 Regional Group for Africa (SG3RG-AFR)

Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2014-02-20 al 2014-02-21

Lugar : Congo [Brazzaville]

Otras reuniones : 2016-01-192015-02-03� [ 2014-02-20 ]� 2013-02-04

Resultados :29 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�4/3�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 46-PLEN ]
Draft Report of SG3RG-AFR meeting held in Brazzaville, Congo (Republic of) on 20-21 February 2014 � Co-Chairman, SG3RG-AFR Q4/3 2014-02-27
[ 45-PLEN ]
Rapporteur of Working group on draft Recommendation on roaming cost model � Rapporteur of Working group on draft Recommendation on roaming cost model Q4/3 2014-02-25
[ 44-PLEN ]
Rapport du groupe de travail/ lignes directrices pour la r�vision de la D.600R � Rapporteur du groupe de travail/ lignes directrices pour la r�vision de la D.600R Q4/3 2014-02-25
[ 43-PLEN ]
Groupe charg� de l'analyse de l'impact de l'Internet sur le trafic Voix et SMS � Rapporteur du Groupe charg� de l'analyse de l'impact de l'Internet sur le trafic Voix et SMS Q4/3 2014-02-25
[ 42-PLEN ]
Groupe d'�tudes Hubbing � Rapporteur du Groupe d'�tudes Hubbing Q4/3 2014-02-25
[ 41-PLEN ]
The economic impact of spectrum pricing on international telecommunications � Rapporteur of the Spectrum Working Group Q4/3 2014-02-21
[ 40-PLEN ]
Guidelines on establishment of a National Standardization Secretariat � TSB Q4/3 2014-02-03
[ 39-PLEN ]
Presentation on the submission of Contributions to ITU-T � TSB Q4/3 2013-11-20
[ 38-PLEN ]
Guidelines for the preparation of Contributions to ITU-T: Relevant ITU A-series Recommendation � TSB Q4/3 2013-11-20
[ 37-PLEN ]
Chairman's Discussion Paper on Working Methods and Structure of SG3 � Chairman of Study Group 3 Q4/3 2013-11-20
[ 36-PLEN ]
Summary report of the ITU High-Level Workshop on Regulatory and Economic Aspects of Roaming (23-24 September 2013) � TSB Q4/3 2013-11-20
[ 35-PLEN ]
Draft ITU-T cost model on international mobile roaming for regulators � TSB Q4/3 2013-11-20
[ 34-PLEN ]
Regulatory analysis of international mobile roaming services - A 'How to' Guide for Governments and Regulators � BDT Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 33-PLEN ]
Results of ITU Tariff Policies Survey on Mobile Roaming (2012) � BDT Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 32-PLEN ]
Results of ITU Tariff Policies Survey 2013 on International Internet Connectivity � BDT Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 31-PLEN ]
Results of ITU Tariff Policies Survey 2013 for Costs and Tariffs � BDT Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 30-PLEN ]
Draft Terms of Reference � TSB Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 29-PLEN ]
Summary of Outcomes of the 5th WTPF (14-16 May 2013) � ITU Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 28-PLEN ]
WTSA-12 and WCIT-12: Significant items of relevance for the work of Study Group 3 � TSB Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 27-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-AFR meeting held in Cairo (Egypt) on 6-7 February 2013 � Co-Chairmen, SG3RG-AFR Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 26-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-ARB meeting held in Manama, Bahrain, 28-29 October 2013 � Chairman of SG3RG-ARB Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 25-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-LAC meeting held in Mexico City, Mexico, 21-22 March 2013 � Chairman, SG3RG-LAC Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 24-PLEN ]
Report of SG3RG-AO meeting held in Tokyo, 9-10 April 2013 � Chairman, SG3RG-AO Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 22-PLEN ]
Report of Working Party 2/3, Geneva, 27-31 May 2013 � ITU-T Study Group 3 Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 21-PLEN ]
Report of Working Party 1/3, Geneva, 27-31 May 2013 � ITU-T Study Group 3 Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 20-PLEN ]
Report of the Study Group 3 Meeting, Geneva, 27-31 May 2013 � ITU-T Study Group 3 Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 19-PLEN ]
General overview of ITU-T Study Group 3 and its regional groups � TSB Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 18-PLEN ]
List of participants � TSB Q4/3 2013-11-13
[ 17-PLEN ]
Draft Agenda � SG3RG-AFR Chairmen Q4/3 2013-11-14
Resultados :29 documentos
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