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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG20 : Reuni�n�2015-10-19�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG20� TD-GEN�(2015-10-19)�


IoT and its applications including smart cities and communities (SC&C)

Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2015-10-19 al 2015-10-23

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2017-03-13� 2016-07-252016-01-18� [ 2015-10-19 ]�

Resultados :10 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�Origen:�Rapporteur Q5/20�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 95-GEN ]
Draft Report of Question 5/20 (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) � Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2015-10-22
[ 85-GEN ]
A.1 template for proposed new Supplement Supp.SC-plan to Y.4000 series - Master plan for smart sustainable cities � Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2015-10-22
[ 84-GEN ]
A.1 template for proposed new Supplement Supp.SC-buildings to Y.4000 series - Intelligent sustainable buildings for smart sustainable cities � Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2015-10-22
[ 83-GEN ]
A.1 template for proposed new Supplement Supp.SC-stakeholders to Y.4000 series - Setting the framework for an ICT architecture of a smart sustainable city � Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2015-10-22
[ 82-GEN ]
A.1 template for proposed new Supplement Supp.SC-guide, to Y.4000 series - Smart sustainable cities: a guide for city leaders � Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2015-10-22
[ 81-GEN ]
A.1 template for proposed new Draft Recommendation Y.SC-Overview, Overview of smart cities and communities, and the role of information and communication technologies � Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2015-10-22
[ 80-GEN ]
A.1 template for proposed new Draft Recommendation Y.SC-Interop, Identifier service requirements for the interoperability of Smart City applications � Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2015-10-22
[ 79-GEN ]
A.1 template for proposed new Draft Recommendation Y.SC-Residential, Requirements of Smart Residential Communities � Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2015-10-22
[ 78-GEN ]
A.1 template for proposed new Draft Recommendation Y.SC-OpenData, Framework of Open Data in Smart Cities � Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2015-10-22
[ 33-GEN ]
Draft agenda and timetable for Question 5/20 meeting (Geneva, 19-23 October 2015) � Rapporteur Q5/20 Q5/20 2015-10-19
Resultados :10 documentos
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