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UIT-T�SG 17� C�



Periodo de estudios 2013

Resultados :174 documentos
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Contribuciones �[�Origen:�China�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 607 ]
Proposal for X.websec-6: content revise for improvement � China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q7/17 2016-08-16
[ 606 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Security Requirements and Framework for Big Data Analysis in Mobile Internet Services � China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q7/17 2016-08-16
[ 605 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Technical Framework for Countering Telephone Fraud � China , China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2016-08-16
[ 600 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Analysis on use cases that point to gaps in current online authentication solutions � China Unicom , China Q10/17 2016-08-16
[ 599 ]
Proposal for X.sbb:content improvement for determination � China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q4/17 2016-08-16
[ 576 ]
Proposed new work item-- Guidelines on security of big data platform services in cloud computing � China , China Mobile Communications Corporation Q8/17 2016-08-16
[ 574 ]
Proposal for a new work item on Security Requirements of Network as a Service (NaaS) in Cloud Computing � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom Q8/17 2016-08-16
[ 573 ]
Guidelines for using object identifiers (OID) for the Internet of Things (IoT) � China , ZTE Corporation Q11/17 2016-08-16
[ 571 ]
2nd draft proposal for X.salcm � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q2/17, (Q3/17) 2016-08-15
[ 570 ]
New work item proposal: Technical framework of enhanced telebiometric authentication using anti-spoofing detection � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q9/17 2016-08-15
[ 569 ]
Proposed text of X.tfcma: Technical Framework for Countering Mobile In-application Advertising Spam � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q5/17 2016-08-15
[ 566 ]
Proposal for new baseline texts for X.dsms � Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell , China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q8/17 2016-08-15
[ 565 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Risk control on the assets accessible by the internet for the telecommunication organizations � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom Q3/17 2016-08-15
[ 564 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Security requirements for communication as a service application environments � China , China Mobile Communications Corporation Q8/17 2016-08-15
[ 563 ]
Applying for the agreement of X.ticsc: Technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the terminating network of VoLTE, supplement to X.1245 � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2016-08-15
[ 562 ]
The finalized draft for determination of X.msec-11: Guidelines on mitigating the negative effects of infected terminals in mobile networks � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q6/17 2016-08-15
[ 561 ]
Proposed baseline text of Section 8.1-8.3 of threats analysis in X.websec-8(Security protection guidelines of value-added service for telecommunication operators) � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q7/17 2016-08-15
[ 560 ]
Proposal for the 4th revised text for draft Recommendation X.sdnsec-2: Security requirements and reference architecture for software-defined networking � Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell , China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q6/17, Q2/17 2016-08-14
[ 557 ]
Proposal new text for X.sgmvno � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/17 2016-08-10
[ 555 ]
Proposal new text for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2016-08-09
[ 544 ]
Proposal for a new work item to ITU-T Recommendation X DSMM � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. , China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q2/17, (Q3/17) 2016-03-01
[ 534 ]
Proposal revised text of authorization management for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2016-02-29
[ 533 ]
Proposal new text of components functionality for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/17 2016-02-29
[ 532 ]
Proposal new text of introduction for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2016-02-29
[ 530 ]
A proposed 3rd baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T X.websec-7, Security requirements for reference monitor � China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q7/17 2016-02-29
[ 529 ]
Proposed revised text for security requirements of X.sgmvno � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/17 2016-02-29
[ 528 ]
Proposed revised text for security threats of X.sgmvno � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/17 2016-02-29
[ 527 ]
Proposed new work item on Security Requirements of Public Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in Cloud Computing � China Telecommunications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q8/17 2016-02-29
[ 526 ]
Proposed new work item on Security Framework for VoLTE Operation � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q2/17 2016-02-29
[ 525 ]
Proposed editorial revision of the draft recommendation X.CSCdataSec � China (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)) Q8/17 2016-02-29
[ 502 ]
Propose new text of X.websec-6 � China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q7/17 2016-02-28
[ 501 ]
Proposal for X.sbb - analyze possible overlaps between X.msec-7 and X.sbb � China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q4/17 2016-02-28
[ 500 ]
Proposal for X.sbb - Content revise for overall improvement � China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q4/17 2016-02-28
[ 499 ]
Proposal for X.gsiiso - content revise for overall improvement � China Unicom Q2/17 2016-02-28
[ 498 ]
Proposed new text for X.oid-iot � China (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT)) , ZTE Corporation Q11/17 2016-02-28
[ 496 ]
Proposed control measures in X.websec-8 (Security protection guidelines of value-added service for telecommunication operators) � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q7/17 2016-02-27
[ 495 ]
The 3rd draft of X.ticsc: Technical measures and mechanisms on countering spoofed calls in the terminating network of voice over long term evolution (VoLTE), supplement to X.1245 � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q5/17 2016-02-27
[ 494 ]
A proposal of new work item: Guidelines on the management of infected terminals in mobile networks � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q6/17 2016-02-27
[ 491 ]
Proposal for the monitoring data lifecycle and security for draft Recommendation X.dsms � Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell , China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q8/17 2016-02-26
[ 490 ]
Proposal for the first revision of the structure for draft Recommendation X.dsms � Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell , China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q8/17 2016-02-26
[ 477 ]
Proposal for the 2nd revised text for draft Recommendation X.sdnsec-2: Security requirements and reference architecture for software-defined networking � Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell , China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q2/17 2016-02-23
[ 461 ]
A proposal for clauses 7.2, 7.3 and 8 of draft Recommendation ITU-T X.eaaa, Enhanced entity authentication based on aggregated attributes � China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q10/17 2015-08-26
[ 455 ]
Proposal for X.tfcmm: content revise for improvement � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2015-08-26
[ 454 ]
Propose new text of X.websec-6: Security framework and requirements for open capabilities of telecommunication services � China Unicom Q7/17 2015-08-26
[ 449 ]
Proposal for discussion - Credit assurance framework for operators' online services � China Unicom Q10/17 2015-08-26
[ 448 ]
Proposal for content improvement of X.sbb � China Unicom , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q4/17 2015-08-26
[ 446 ]
2nd draft of X.ticsc: Technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the terminating network of VoLTE � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q5/17 2015-08-26
[ 445 ]
Proposal for updating the contents of X.gsiiso � China Unicom Q2/17 2015-08-26
[ 443 ]
Proposal for the data security of X.sgmvno (Security Guide for Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/17 2015-08-26
[ 440 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Data security requirements for monitoring service in cloud � China Unicom , China , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q8/17 2015-08-25
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