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UIT-T�SG 17� C�



Periodo de estudios 2013

Resultados :61 documentos
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Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q5/17�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 605 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Technical Framework for Countering Telephone Fraud � China , China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2016-08-16
[ 588 ]
Proposal for the 1st revised text for Supplement to ITU-T X.1242 (X.gcspi), Guidelines on countermeasures against short message service (SMS) phishing and smishing attack � Korea (Rep. of) Q5/17 2016-08-16
[ 569 ]
Proposed text of X.tfcma: Technical Framework for Countering Mobile In-application Advertising Spam � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q5/17 2016-08-15
[ 563 ]
Applying for the agreement of X.ticsc: Technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the terminating network of VoLTE, supplement to X.1245 � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2016-08-15
[ 555 ]
Proposal new text for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2016-08-09
[ 534 ]
Proposal revised text of authorization management for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2016-02-29
[ 533 ]
Proposal new text of components functionality for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/17 2016-02-29
[ 532 ]
Proposal new text of introduction for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2016-02-29
[ 523 ]
Proposal for the baseline text for ITU-T X.gcspi, Guidelines on countermeasures against short message service (SMS) phishing and smishing attack � Korea (Rep. of) Q5/17 2016-02-29
[ 509 ]
Proposal of the 2nd revision on the draft Recommendation X.gcsfmpd, Supplement on guidance of countering spam for mobile phone developers � Korea (Rep. of) Q5/17 2016-02-29
[ 506 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Technical Framework for Countering RCS Messaging Spam � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q5/17 2016-02-29
[ 495 ]
The 3rd draft of X.ticsc: Technical measures and mechanisms on countering spoofed calls in the terminating network of voice over long term evolution (VoLTE), supplement to X.1245 � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q5/17 2016-02-27
[ 455 ]
Proposal for X.tfcmm: content revise for improvement � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2015-08-26
[ 446 ]
2nd draft of X.ticsc: Technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the terminating network of VoLTE � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q5/17 2015-08-26
[ 437 ]
Proposal new text of working procedure for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2015-08-25
[ 436 ]
Proposal new text of working procedure for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2015-08-25
[ 435 ]
Proposal new text of Components functionality for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/17 2015-08-25
[ 429 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Technical Framework for Countering Mobile In-application Advertising Spam � China, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q5/17 2015-08-25
[ 411 ]
Proposal for the 1st revision of draft Recommendation X.gcsfmpd, Supplement on guidance of countering spam for mobile phone developers � Korea (Rep. of) Q5/17 2015-08-25
[ 401 ]
Comments on X.1246 (X.ticvs: Technologies involved in countering voice spam in telecommunication organizations) � KDDI Corporation Q5/17 2015-08-25
[ 388 ]
Contribution of Guinea (Republic of) � Guinea Q5/17, Q4/17, Q3/17, Q2/17, Q10/17 2015-07-23
[ 357 ]
Proposal for X.tfcmm: content revise for improvement � China Unicom Q5/17 2015-03-25
[ 356 ]
Proposal for X.tfcmm: content revise for clause 3 � China Unicom Q5/17 2015-03-25
[ 347 ]
Proposal new text of technical requirements for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/17 2015-03-25
[ 346 ]
Proposal a new sub clause of technical requirements for X.cspim � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/17 2015-03-25
[ 339 ]
Proposal for the technical framework for X.cspim � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q5/17 2015-03-23
[ 338 ]
Proposal for a new clause for X.cspim � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q5/17 2015-03-23
[ 337 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Technical Framework for Countering Mobile In-application Advertising Spam � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , China Telecommunications Corporation , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q5/17 2015-03-23
[ 328 ]
New work item proposal for Supplement on technical countermeasures of spam for mobile phone developers � Korea (Rep. of) Q5/17 2015-03-20
[ 319 ]
Gap Analysis between IETF STIR [rfc7375] and X.ticvs to assist the finalization of X.ticvs � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q5/17 2015-03-19
[ 318 ]
First Draft of X.ticsc, Supplement to ITU-T X.1245, Technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the visited network of VoLTE � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/17 2015-03-19
[ 312 ]
Government policy of the Republic of Guinea on Cyber Security � Minist�re des Postes, T�l�communications et Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication Q5/17, Q4/17 2015-02-18
[ 299 ]
Comments on draft text x.ticvs � United Kingdom Q5/17 2014-09-04
[ 292 ]
Proposed revised text for X.cspim: Technical Requirements for Countering Instant Messaging Spam (SPIM) � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/17 2014-09-04
[ 289 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the visited network of VoLTE � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 288 ]
Revised draft text of X.ticvs: Technologies involved in countering voice spam in telecommunication organizations � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 281 ]
Proposal for X.tfcmm revise contents for Clause 9,10 � China Unicom Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 280 ]
Proposal for X.tfcmm add contents for Clause 8 � China Unicom Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 279 ]
Proposal for X.tfcmm: revise contents for Clause 4,6,7 � China Unicom Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 267 ]
Comments on X.cspim: Technical Requirements for Countering Instant Messaging Spam (SPIM) � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) , China Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 265 ]
Proposal for a new work item: Technical Framework for Countering Mobile Advertising Spam � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) , China Telecom Q5/17 2014-09-03
[ 255 ]
A new work item proposal for Supplement on guideline to technical and management Countermeasures Smishing Incident � Korea (Rep. of) Q5/17 2014-09-02
[ 220 ]
Inputs and discussion for TD 0659 X. ticvs � India , Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Q5/17 2014-01-02
[ 197 ]
Draft of Survey Questionnaire on Countering Spam � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q5/17 2014-01-01
[ 192 ]
Proposal for update Section 10 of X.tfcmm � China Unicom Q5/17 2013-12-31
[ 191 ]
Proposal for update Section 9 of X.tfcmm � China Unicom Q5/17 2013-12-31
[ 185 ]
Proposed new work item on Technical Requirements for Countering Instant Messaging Spam � China Telecommunications Corporation , China , ZTE Corporation Q5/17 2013-12-31
[ 180 ]
Revised draft text of X.ticvs: Technologies involved in countering voice spam in telecommunication organizations � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q5/17 2013-12-31
[ 175 ]
Suggestions on WTSA Resolution 52 survey questionnaire on countering spam � United States QALL/17, Q5/17 2013-12-30
[ 165 ]
Ciberseguridad en los pa�ses en desarrollo � Dem. Rep. of the Congo Q5/17, Q4/17 2013-11-30
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