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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 17 : Reuni�n�2015-09-08�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 17� TD-PLEN�(2015-09-08)�



Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2015-09-08 al 2015-09-17

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2016-08-292016-03-14� [ 2015-09-08 ]� 2015-04-082014-09-172014-01-152013-08-262013-04-17

Resultados :71 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) �[�Origen:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 2203-PLEN ]
X.oiddev "Information technology - Use of object identifiers in the Internet of Things" (New): Output draft (Geneva, 8-17 September 2015) � Editor Q11/17 2015-09-15
[ 2195-PLEN ]
First draft of Rec. ITU-T X.pbact, "Privacy-based access control (PBAC) for telebiometrics" � Editor Q9/17 2015-09-15
[ 2190-PLEN ]
ITU-T SG17 comments on common text of DIS of X.1051-rev|ISO/IEC 27011 � Editors Q3/17 2015-09-15
[ 2189-PLEN ]
7th draft text for ITU-T X.1051-rev | ISO/IEC 27011, Information security control guidelines based on ISO/IEC 27002 for telecommunications organizations � Editors Q3/17 2015-09-15
[ 2187-PLEN ]
Revised draft Recommendation: Secure software update for Intelligent Transportation System communications devices (X.itssec-1) � Editor Q6/17 2015-09-15
[ 2184-PLEN ]
New work item template: Supplement X.sup-gisb � Editor Q3/17 2015-09-15
[ 2181-PLEN ]
Revised draft text of X.bhsm: Telebiomtric authentication framework using biometric hardware security module � Editor Q9/17 2015-09-15
[ 2179-PLEN ]
Sixth draft of a guideline to technical and operational countermeasure for telebiometric applications using mobile devices � Editor X.tam Q9/17 2015-09-15
[ 2177-PLEN ]
Revised draft text for X.sgsm, Information security management guidelines for small and medium-sized telecommunication organizations � Editors Q3/17 2015-09-15
[ 2176-PLEN ]
Report of editorial meeting of X.itssec-1 � Editor Q6/17 2015-09-15
[ 2173-PLEN ]
Revised text for X.cms � Editor Q11/17 2015-09-15
[ 2168-PLEN ]
The seventh draft Recommendation of ITU-T X.sap-5: Guidelines on local linkable anonymous authentication for electronic services (for consent) � Editor Q7/17 2015-09-15
[ 2167-PLEN ]
The revised baseline text for X.iotsec-1 � Editor Q6/17 2015-09-14
[ 2164-PLEN ]
Template for new work item on "Data security requirements for the monitoring service of cloud computing" � Editors Q8/17 2015-09-14
[ 2160-PLEN ]
Revision of the draft Recommendation X.sdnsec-1: Security services using the software-defined networking � Editors X.sdnsec-1 Q6/17 2015-09-14
[ 2158-PLEN ]
The baseline document of X.tfcmm for determination: Technical Framework for Countering Mobile Messaging Spam � Editors Q5/17 2015-09-14
[ 2156-PLEN ]
The 2nd draft of X.ticsc: Technical measures and mechanism on countering the spoofed call in the terminating network of VoLTE, supplement to X.1245 � Editors X.ticsc Q5/17 2015-09-13
[ 2155-PLEN ]
The baseline document of X.ticvs for Approval: Technologies involved in countering voice spam in telecommunication organizations � Editors X.ticvs Q5/17 2015-09-13
[ 2154-PLEN ]
1st revision of the draft Supplement ITU-T X.gcsfmpd: Supplement on guidance of countering spam for mobile phone developers � Editors Q5/17 2015-09-13
[ 2153-PLEN ]
Revised draft Recommendation text of ITU-T X.sgsec-1: Security functional architecture for smart grid services using telecommunication networks (for consent) � Editors Q6/17 2015-09-13
[ 2152-PLEN ]
Results of gap analysis on the draft Recommendations of Smart Grid security � Editors Q6/17 2015-09-13
[ 2151-PLEN ]
2nd revised text of the draft Recommendation ITU-T X.sgsec-2: Security guidelines for Home Area Network (HAN) devices in Smart Grid systems � Editors Q6/17 2015-09-13
[ 2150-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new X.sgsec-1 � Editors Q6/17 2015-09-13
[ 2149-PLEN ]
Template for new work item on "Security protection guidelines for value-added services for telecommunication operators" � Editors Q7/17 2015-09-13
[ 2146-PLEN ]
Propose new baseline text of X.websec-6: Security framework and requirements for open capabilities of telecommunication services � Editors Q7/17 2015-09-13
[ 2143-PLEN ]
Proposal for new baseline text of work item: X.gsiiso � Editors Q2/17 2015-09-12
[ 2140-PLEN ]
Template for a new work item on "Technical Framework for Countering Mobile in-application Advertising Spam" � Editors Q5/17 Q5/17 2015-09-12
[ 2139-PLEN ]
Proposal for new baseline text of work item: X.sbb � Editors Q4/17 2015-09-12
[ 2138-PLEN ]
The 2nd baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T X.eaaa, Enhanced entity authentication based on aggregated attributes � Editors Q7/17, Q10/17 2015-11-09
[ 2137-PLEN ]
Draft text for Recommendation ITU-T X.CSCDataSec: Guidelines for cloud service customer data security � Editors Q8/17 2015-11-09
[ 2136-PLEN ]
First draft of Recommendation X.sdnsec-2: "Security Requirements and reference architecture for Software-Defined Networking" � Editors of X.sdnsec-2 Q2/17 2015-11-09
[ 2133-PLEN ]
Revised text for Recommendation ITU-T X.1157 (X.sap-7), Technical capabilities of fraud detection and response for services with high assurance level requirements � Editors X.sap-7 Q7/17 2015-11-09
[ 2131-PLEN ]
The revised text of X.sgmvno, Security Guide for Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) � Editor Q2/17 2015-11-09
[ 2129-PLEN ]
The 1st revised text for ITU-T X.iotsec-2, security framework for Internet of Things9 � Editors Q6/17 2015-11-09
[ 2126-PLEN ]
Proposed revision to X.cogent, Design considerations for improved end-user perception of trustworthiness indicators � Editors Q4/17 2015-11-09
[ 2125-PLEN ]
Revised Draft text for Recommendation ITU-T X.sfcse: Security requirements for software as a service application environments (for determination) � Editors Q8/17 2015-11-09
[ 2124-PLEN ]
The baseline document of X.goscc for determination: Guidelines for the operational security of cloud computing (for determination) � Editors Q8/17 2015-11-09
[ 2122-PLEN ]
The 2nd revised text for ITU-T X.msec-9, Functional security requirements and architecture for mobile phone anti-theft measures � Editors Q6/17 2015-11-09
[ 2121-PLEN ]
The 7th revised text for common text ITU-T X.gpim | ISO/IEC 29151, Code of practice for Personally Identifiable Information protection � Editors Q3/17 2015-11-09
[ 2120-PLEN ]
The 2nd revised text for ITU-T X.sup-gpim, Code of practice for personally identifiable information protection based on ITU-T X.gpim for telecommunications organizations � Editors Q3/17 2015-11-09
[ 2119-PLEN ]
The 2nd revised text for ITU-T X.tigsc, Technical implementation guidelines for X.805 � Editor Q2/17 2015-11-09
[ 2117-PLEN ]
Draft new Supplement "Guidelines for using object identifiers (OID) for the Internet of Things" � X.oid-iot Editors Q11/17 2015-11-09
[ 2116-PLEN ]
Revised text for Recommendation ITU-T X.1341 (X.cmail), Certified mail transport and certified post office protocols � Editors Q11/17 2015-10-09
[ 2115-PLEN ]
The 2nd revised baseline text for X.websec-7: A reference monitor for online analytics services � Editors Q7/17 2015-10-09
[ 2114-PLEN ]
Draft Recommendation ITU-T X.1521 (X.cvss), Common Vulnerability Scoring System 3.0 (for determination) � Editor Q4/17 2015-10-09
[ 2111-PLEN ]
The 2nd revised text for ITU-T X.nessa: Access control models for incidents exchange networks � Editor Q4/17 2015-10-09
[ 2110-PLEN ]
New baseline text of work item: X.samtn � Editors Q4/17 2015-10-09
[ 2108-PLEN ]
The 2nd revised text for ITU-T X.simef: Session Information Message Exchange Format � Editors Q4/17 2015-10-09
[ 2105-PLEN ]
Revised draft text for X.cspim: Technical Requirements for Countering Instant Messaging Spam (SPIM) � Editors Q5/17 2015-10-09
[ 2104-PLEN ]
C440 (Proposal for a new work item: Data Security requirements for monitoring service in cloud) with revision marks � Editors Q8/17 2015-09-09
Resultados :71 documentos
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