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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 16 : Reuni�n�2015-10-12�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 16� C�(2015-10-12)�



Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2015-10-12 al 2015-10-23

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2016-05-232015-02-092014-06-302014-02-282013-10-282013-01-14

Resultados :27 documentos
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�Q21/16�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1034 ]
New: Use cases and service scenarios of disaster information service using unmanned aerial vehicles: Proposed initial draft text (F.DSS-UAVUC) � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q21/16, Q14/16 2015-09-30
[ 1033 ]
New: Use cases and service scenarios of disaster information service using unmanned aerial vehicles: Proposal for a new work item � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q21/16, Q14/16 2015-09-30
[ 1022 ]
H.VHN: Proposed revised text � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q21/16 2015-09-29
[ 1015 ]
F.EMSarch: Proposal for updating data analysis requirements � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-29
[ 1013 ]
F.EMSarch: Proposal for security consideration � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-29
[ 1012 ]
F.EMSarch: Proposal for data types requirements for factory � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-29
[ 1004 ]
H.IVSArch: Proposal to add clause 7.2.4 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-29
[ 1003 ]
H.IVSArch: Proposal to add clause 7.2.3 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-29
[ 1001 ]
F.VSSIReqs: Proposed to add abbreviations and acronyms � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q21/16 2015-09-29
[ 995 ]
F.EMSarch: Proposal for updating multiple clauses � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q21/16 2015-09-29
[ 994 ]
New: Propose a new work item F.ICNVF on "Versatile Deployment Framework for Information Centric Networks" � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q21/16 2015-09-29
[ 993 ]
F.VSSIReqs: Proposed modifications to scenarios � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q21/16 2015-09-29
[ 976 ]
F.MAFFReqs: add the main content � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Q21/16 2015-09-28
[ 969 ]
F.VCDN-Reqs: Proposal to add detailed description to clause 9.3 "Service management requirements" � China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q21/16 2015-09-28
[ 968 ]
F.VCDN-Reqs: Proposal to add detailed description to clause 9.1 "Service provision requirements" � China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q21/16 2015-09-28
[ 951 ]
H.VCDN-arch: propose to modify Figure 2--VCDN domain and functional relationship � China Unicom , ZTE Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-28
[ 946 ]
New: Proposal for a new work item on draft ITU-T Rec. H.VSSIArch: "Architectural requirements for video surveillance system internetworking" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-25
[ 945 ]
New: Proposal for a new work item ITU-T H.CSVSArch: "Architectural requirements for cloud storage in video surveillance" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-25
[ 944 ]
F.VSSIReqs: Updated text proposed for consent � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-25
[ 943 ]
F.CSVSReqs: Updated text proposed for consent � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-25
[ 940 ]
H.IQAS: Updated text proposed for consent � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q21/16 2015-09-25
[ 934 ]
Architecture and requirements for a language e-learning service based on speech/NLP technology � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q21/16 2015-09-25
[ 933 ]
New: Proposed new work item for a language e-learning service framework based on speech/NLP technology � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q21/16 2015-09-25
[ 931 ]
F.CCNMMS: Proposed Changes � Korea (Rep. of) Q21/16 2015-09-25
[ 911 ]
H.IVSArch: Proposed new content for functional entity ICU � ZTE Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-19
[ 909 ]
H.IVSArch: Proposed new content for functional entity IPU � China Telecommunications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q21/16 2015-09-18
[ 889 ]
H.VHN: Editorial comments � MCIT (Indonesia) Q21/16 2015-09-17
Resultados :27 documentos
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