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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 16 : Reuni�n�2015-02-09�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 16� TD-PLEN�(2015-02-09)�



Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2015-02-09 al 2015-02-20

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2016-05-232015-10-12� [ 2015-02-09 ]� 2014-06-302014-02-282013-10-282013-01-14

Resultados :17 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) �[�Origen:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 352-PLEN ]
Consent: H.781 (ex H.DS-ARCH) "Digital signage: Functional architecture" (New) � Editor H.DS-ARCH Q14/16 2015-02-19
[ 351-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised H.721 (V2) � Editor H.721 Q13/16 2015-02-19
[ 347-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.765 (ex H.IPTV-Widget, ex HSTP.IPTV-Widget) � Editor H.765 Q13/16 2015-02-19
[ 346-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft new H.460.27 (ex H.460.SessionID) � Editor H.460.SessionID Q2/16 2015-02-18
[ 345-PLEN ]
Consent: H.460.27 (ex H.460.SessionID) "End-to-end session identifier for H.323 systems" (New) � Editor H.460.SessionID Q2/16 2015-02-18
[ 344-PLEN ]
Consent: F.743.1 (ex H.IVSReqs) "Requirements for intelligent visual surveillance" (New) � Editor H.IVSReqs Q21/16 2015-02-17
[ 343-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.78 "Gateway control protocol: Bearer-level message backhauling and application level gateway" (Rev.) � Editor H.248.78 Q3/16 2015-02-17
[ 342-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised H.248.78 � Editor H.248.78 Q3/16 2015-02-17
[ 341-PLEN ]
Consent: H.765 (ex H.IPTV-Widget) "Packaged IPTV application (widget) service" (New) � Editors H.IPTV-Widget Q13/16 2015-02-17
[ 339-PLEN ]
Consent: H.741.4 Amd.1 "IPTV application event handling: Transport mechanisms for audience measurement: XML schema on the data structures for message delivery" (New) � Editor H.741.4 Q13/16 2015-02-17
[ 338-PLEN ]
Consent: H.721 (V2) "IPTV terminal devices: Basic model" (Rev.) � Editor H.721 Q13/16 2015-02-17
[ 337-PLEN ]
Approval: HSTP.CONF-H721 "Conformance testing specification for H.721" (Rev.) � Editor HSTP-CONF-H.721 Q13/16 2015-02-17
[ 336-PLEN ]
Approval: H.741.3 Amd.1 "IPTV application event handling: Audience measurement for IPTV distributed content services: XML schema on the measurement data structures for Linear TV service" (New) � Editor H.741.3 Amd.1 Q13/16 2015-02-17
[ 334-PLEN ]
Approval: H.741.1 Cor.1 "IPTV application event handling: Audience measurement operations for IPTV services: Correction on XML namespaces" (New) � Editor H.741.1 Q13/16 2015-02-17
[ 333-PLEN ]
A.5 justification information for draft revised H.460.22 � Editor H.460.22 Q2/16 2015-02-17
[ 332-PLEN ]
Consent: H.248.81 Amd.2 "Gateway control protocol: Guidelines on the use of the international emergency preference scheme (IEPS) call indicator and priority indicator in ITU-T H.248 profiles: DiffServ signaling approach" (New) � Editor H.248.81 Q3/16 2015-02-16
[ 319-PLEN ]
Consent: H.460.22 "Negotiation of security protocols for H.225.0 call signalling" (Rev.) � Editor H.460.22 Q2/16 2015-02-15
Resultados :17 documentos
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