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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 16 : Reuni�n�2013-10-28�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 16� C�(2013-10-28)�



Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2013-10-28 al 2013-11-08

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2016-05-232015-10-122015-02-092014-06-302014-02-282013-01-14

Resultados :33 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�China�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 437 ]
F.LIMSreqs: Proposal of an appendix on the delay tolerance level of applications � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-17
[ 436 ]
F.PDRDReqs: Proposal of a new work item on scenarios and requirements for personal devices registration and discovery � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-17
[ 435 ]
F.LIMSreqs: Proposed modifications � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-17
[ 434 ]
F.LIMSreqs: Proposal to add requirements � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-17
[ 433 ]
F.NBLICreqs: Proposal to add a new scenario for translation from digital string representations to geographic representations � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-17
[ 432 ]
F.NBLICreqs: Proposal to add a new scenario on translation from address representations to geographic representations or vice-versa � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-17
[ 431 ]
F.USN-ALI: Proposed update � China Telecommunications Corporation Q25/16 2013-10-17
[ 430 ]
H.IoT-MobSN : Proposal of a new work item on "Requirements of mobile phone as sink node for IoT application and services" � China Telecommunications Corporation Q25/16 2013-10-17
[ 346 ]
TDES.3 for consent � China Telecommunications Corporation Q13/16 2013-10-15
[ 328 ]
H.VSMprot: Proposal to add clause 5.2 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-14
[ 326 ]
H.VSMprot: Proposal to change in clause 5 and add clause 5.1 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-14
[ 325 ]
H.P2PVSArch: Proposal to change in clause 7 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-14
[ 324 ]
H.P2PVSArch: Proposal to change in clause 6 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-14
[ 323 ]
H.IVSReqs: Proposal to add new scenarios in clauses 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-14
[ 322 ]
H.IVSReqs: Proposal to add new scenarios in clause 5.4 and 5.5 � China Telecommunications Corporation Q21/16 2013-10-14
[ 321 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to add clause 10.2 "data structure of the usage log report" � China Unicom Q13/16 2013-10-14
[ 320 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to update clause 8.7 "Usage log metadata" � China Unicom Q13/16 2013-10-14
[ 319 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to update the structure of tables in clause 8 � China Unicom Q13/16 2013-10-14
[ 318 ]
H.IPTV-CPI: Proposed to add AV content metadata structure in clause 8 � China Unicom Q13/16 2013-10-14
[ 317 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposed to simplify some contents � China Unicom Q13/16 2013-10-14
[ 316 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.5: Proposed to add IPTV network interface � China Unicom Q13/16 2013-10-14
[ 315 ]
H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to modify clause 5 � China Unicom Q27/16 2013-10-14
[ 313 ]
H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to modify clause 6 � China Unicom Q27/16 2013-10-14
[ 312 ]
H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to change in clause 7 and 8 � China Unicom Q27/16 2013-10-14
[ 311 ]
H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to add terms and abbreviations � China Unicom Q27/16 2013-10-14
[ 310 ]
H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to add summary text � China Unicom Q27/16 2013-10-14
[ 309 ]
H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to add scope text � China Unicom Q27/16 2013-10-14
[ 308 ]
H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to add new contents � China Unicom Q27/16 2013-10-14
[ 307 ]
H.VGP-FAM: Proposal to update the Bibliography clause � China Unicom Q27/16 2013-10-14
[ 306 ]
G.V2A: Proposal of base text � China Unicom Q27/16 2013-10-14
[ 303 ]
Proposal for the Definition of VG and VGP � China Telecommunications Corporation Q27/16 2013-10-12
[ 302 ]
F.VG-REQ: Proposed draft � China Telecommunications Corporation Q27/16 2013-10-12
[ 294 ]
TDES.3: updates to the current draft for consent � China Telecommunications Corporation Q13/16 2013-10-11
Resultados :33 documentos
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