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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 13 : Reuni�n�2015-04-20�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 13� TD-WP1�(2015-04-20)�


Redes futuras, incluida la computaci�n en nube, las redes m�viles y las de la pr�xima generaci�n (NGN)

Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2015-04-20 al 2015-05-01

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2016-06-272016-04-292015-11-302015-07-23� [ 2015-04-20 ]� 2014-11-212014-07-072014-02-282013-11-042013-06-282013-02-18

Resultados :28 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(WP1) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�2/13�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 360-WP1 ]
Updated general Living List of Q.2/13 (Geneva, 20 April-1 May 2015) � Rapporteur of Q.2/13 Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 359-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.EHM-cap-framework "Capability framework for e-health monitoring services" - output of Q.2/13 IoT-GSI Geneva meeting, 21-27 April 2015 � Editors Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 358-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation "Requirements and capabilities of Internet of Things for support of wearable devices and related services" (Y.IoT-WDS-Reqts) - output of IoT-GSI meeting, Geneva, 21-27 April, 2015 � Editor Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 357-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation "Requirements of the Plug and Play capability of the IoT" (Y.IoT-PnP-Reqts): output of the April 2015 Q2/13 meeting at the 10th IoT-GSI event � Editors Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 356-WP1 ]
The updated version of draft Recommendation Y.IoT-AC-Reqts "Requirements for accounting and charging capabilities of the Internet of Things" � Editors Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 355-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation "Network requirements of the IoT" (Y.IoT-network-reqts) - output of Q.2/13 IoT-GSI Geneva meeting, 21-27 April 2015 � Editors Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 354-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IoT-BigData-reqts "Specific requirements and capabilities of the IoT for Big Data" - output of Q.2/13 IoT-GSI Geneva meeting, 21-27 April 2015 � Editors Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 353-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IoT-semantic-reqts-framework "Semantic related requirements and framework of the Internet of Things" - output of Q.2/13 Geneva meeting, April 2015 � Editors Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 352-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation "IoT application support models" (Y. IoT-app-models) - output of IoT-GSI Q2/13 meeting, 20 April - 1 May 2015, Geneva � Editors Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 351-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.NGNe-Freedata-Rests, output of Q.2/13 meeting, 20 April-1 May 2015, Geneva � Editors Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 350-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.I?N-Reqts "Requirements and capabilities for Information Control Networks and related applications" - output of Q.2/13 meeting, 20 April - 1 May 2015 � Editors Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 349-WP1 ]
Y. NGNe1 (Overview of NGN evolution phase 1), output of Q.2/13 meeting, Geneva, 20 April-01 May, 2015 � Editor Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 348-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation of Y.NGNe-VCN-Reqts, output of Q.2/13 meeting , April 2015, Geneva � Editors Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 347-WP1 ]
Output version of draft Recommendation "Requirements and capability framework for NICE implementation making usage of software defined networking technologies (S-NICE) " (Y.S-NICE-reqts) � Editors Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 346-WP1 ]
Q2/13 meeting report - Geneva, 20 April-1 May 2015 � Rapporteur Q2/13 2015-04-28
[ 335-WP1 ]
[Draft] Agenda for WP 1 Closing Plenary "NGN-e and IMT" � Co-chairmen for WP1/13 "NGN-e and IMT" Q5/13, Q4/13, Q3/13, Q2/13, Q1/13 2015-04-24
[ 329-WP1 ]
Agenda of WP 1 Opening Plenary "NGN-e and IMT" � Co-chairmen, WP 1 "NGN-e and IMT" Q5/13, Q4/13, Q3/13, Q2/13, Q1/13 2015-04-20
[ 328-WP1 ]
Agenda of Q2/13 April 2015 meeting � Rapporteur, Q2/13 Q2/13 2015-04-20
[ 325-WP1 ]
LS/i on the draft APT report on e-Health [from APT ASTAP] � APT ASTAP Q2/13 2015-03-25
[ 319-WP1 ]
LS/o/r on progress on e-health standardization and future work (reply to Ref.: SG16 - LS 132) [to SG16, JCA-IoT] � ITU-T Study Group 13 Q2/13 2015-02-17
[ 318-WP1 ]
Baseline version of proposed new Draft Recommendation Y.IoT-AC-reqts "Requirements for accounting and charging capabilities of the Internet of Things" - output of Q.2/13 e-meeting, 4 5, 10, 11 and 13 February 2015 � Editors Q2/13 2015-02-17
[ 317-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.EHM-cap-framework "Capability framework for e-health monitoring services" - output of Q.2/13 e-meeting, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 13 February 2015 � Editors Q2/13 2015-02-17
[ 316-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation "Network requirements of the IoT" (Y.IoT-network-reqts) - output of Q2/13 e-meeting, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 13 February 2015 � Editors Q2/13 2015-02-17
[ 315-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IoT-semantic-reqts-framework "Semantic related requirements and framework of the Internet of Things" - output of Q.2/13 e-meeting, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 13 February 2015 � Editors Q2/13 2015-02-17
[ 314-WP1 ]
Draft Recommendation "IoT application support models" (Y. IoT-app-models) - output of Q2/13 e-meeting, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 13 February 2015 � Editors Q2/13 2015-02-17
[ 313-WP1 ]
Output version of draft Recommendation "Requirements and capability framework for NICE implementation making usage of software defined networking technologies (S-NICE) " (Y.S-NICE-reqts), 4, 5, 10, 11 and 13 February 2015 Q2/13 e-meeting � Editors Q2/13 2015-02-17
[ 312-WP1 ]
Q2/13 meeting report - electronic meeting, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 13 February 2015 � Rapporteur Q2/13 2015-02-17
[ 311-WP1 ]
LS/i/r on comments on ITU-T Q2/13 work on information control networks and related applications (reply to SG13-LS060) [from ITU-R WP 6B] � ITU-R Working Party 6B Q2/13 2015-01-06
Resultados :28 documentos
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