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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 12 : Reuni�n�2013-12-03�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 12� TD-GEN�(2013-12-03)�


Calidad de funcionamiento, calidad de servicio y calidad percibida

Periodo de estudios 2013

Reuni�n� del 2013-12-03 al 2013-12-12

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2016-10-202016-06-072016-01-122015-05-052014-12-122014-09-022014-03-25� [ 2013-12-03 ]� 2013-03-19

Resultados :31 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�Origen:�Chairman�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 366-GEN ]
Study Group 12 Closing Plenary presentation � Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Qall/12 2014-02-03
[ 361-GEN ]
WP3/12 webinar presentation � Chairman, WP3/12 Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12, Q11/12 2013-12-16
[ 360-GEN ]
WP2/12 webinar presentation � Chairman, WP2/12 Q9/12, Q8/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 2013-12-16
[ 359-GEN ]
WP1/12 webinar presentation � Chairman, WP1/12 Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12, Q10/12 2013-12-16
[ 356-GEN ]
Executive Summary of the Working Party 1/12 Meeting � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Working Party 1 Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12, Q10/12 2013-12-12
[ 355-GEN ]
Executive Summary of the Working Party 2/12 Meeting � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Working Party 2 Q9/12, Q8/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 2013-12-12
[ 354-GEN ]
Executive Summary of the Working Party 3/12 meeting � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Working Party 3 Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12, Q11/12 2013-12-12
[ 348-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for closing ITU-T SG12 Plenary � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 QALL/12 2013-12-11
[ 338-GEN ]
LS/r on updates to the list of IoT-related Questions � Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 337-GEN ]
LS/r on nomination of ITU-T SG12 contact to JCA-PP10 Res178 � Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 336-GEN ]
LS/r on change of lower bound of frequency range allocated in the Radio Regulations by WRC-12 [to TSAG] � Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 335-GEN ]
LS/r on status of translation in ITU-T [to TSAG] � Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 331-GEN ]
LS/r on request to provide contacts � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 330-GEN ]
LS/r on appointment of ITU-T Study Group 12 Vocabulary Rapporteurs � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 329-GEN ]
LS/r on nomination of ITU-T SG12 contact to JCA-AHF � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 328-GEN ]
LS/r on nomination of ITU-T SG12 contact to JCA-CIT � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 Q1/12 2013-12-10
[ 319-GEN ]
LS/o on working definition of the term "ICT" [to TDAG] � Chairman, Study Group 12 QALL/12 2013-12-09
[ 315-GEN ]
Report of the SG12 RG-AFR meeting (4 December 2013) � Chairman, RG-AFR RG-AFR, Q1/12 2013-12-06
[ 299-GEN ]
Draft agenda of the RG-AFR meeting � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 RG-AFR QALL/12 2013-12-04
[ 297-GEN ]
Presentation for ITU-T SG12 Orientation session for newcomers � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 QALL/12 2013-12-04
[ 294-GEN ]
Proposed draft Recommendation on "Framework for future developments in Network Operations Centre" � Chairman QSDG Q12/12 2013-12-03
[ 292-GEN ]
Study Group 12 Opening Plenary presentation � Chairman SG12 QALL/12 2013-12-03
[ 284-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Working Party 2/12 meeting � Chairman WP2/12 Q9/12, Q8/12, Q16/12, Q15/12, Q14/12 2013-12-03
[ 282-GEN ]
Draft agenda for Working Party 1/12 meeting � Chairman WP1/12 Q7/12, Q6/12, Q5/12, Q4/12, Q3/12, Q10/12 2013-12-02
[ 264-GEN ]
Report of the first meeting of the ITU-T SG12RG-AFR in 2013-2016 Study Period (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 19 July 2013) � Chairman, ITU-T SG12RG-AFR Q1/12 2013-11-29
[ 260-GEN ]
Current SG 12 roles and Liaison Rapporteurs � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 QALL/12 2013-11-29
[ 256-GEN ]
Draft Agenda � Chairman, ITU-T SG12 QALL/12 2013-11-28
[ 247-GEN ]
Draft agenda for WP3/12 meeting � Chairman , WP3/12 (Multimedia QoS and QoE) Q17/12, Q13/12, Q12/12, Q11/12 2013-11-27
[ 230-GEN ]
Final Report of FG CarCOM � Chairman, FG CarCom Q4/12, Q1/12 2013-11-18
[ 223-GEN ]
LS/i on Inputs on ICT Innovation Panel [to ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 and ITU-T Study Groups 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 and 17] � Chairman, FG Innovation Q1/12 2013-10-22
[ 214-GEN ]
LS/i on possible Amendment to G.1050-2011 for Testing Multimedia Over TCP � Chairman, TIA TR-30.3 Q17/12, Q14/12, Q13/12 2013-09-06
Resultados :31 documentos
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