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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 11 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 11� C�


Protocols and test specifications

Periodo de estudios 2013

Resultados :25 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�NEC Corporation�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 459 ]
Q.SVDC: Proposed addition of informative description on Inter-domain SDN controllers � NEC Corporation Q4/11 2016-06-14
[ 458 ]
Q.Arc-IPSMS: Proposed modification on References � NEC Corporation Q1/11 2016-06-14
[ 457 ]
Proposed text for the revision of Recommendation A.12 � NEC Corporation QALL/11 2016-06-14
[ 324 ]
Clean-up draft Q.FW-Cloud-iop for consent � NEC Corporation Q14/11 2015-11-19
[ 323 ]
Update for draft Q.FW-Cloud-iop � NEC Corporation Q14/11 2015-11-19
[ 322 ]
Clean-up draft Q.M2M_pro_overview for consent � NEC Corporation Q1/11 2015-11-19
[ 321 ]
Statistics of the current SG11 and consideration for the future works � NEC Corporation QALL/11 2015-11-19
[ 263 ]
Proposal for update Q.FW-Cloud-iop � NEC Corporation Q14/11 2015-04-09
[ 262 ]
Proposal to consent draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.IP-FAX-testing "Real-time Internet Protocol based on the T.38 supporting facsimile service testing framework at the user-to-network interface of next generation networks" � NEC Corporation , Oki Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Q10/11 2015-04-09
[ 261 ]
Proposal to consent draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.CDIV "Communications Diversion (CDIV) protocol specification as NGN Supplementary Service" � NEC Corporation Q2/11 2015-04-09
[ 260 ]
Proposals to update draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.M2M_pro_overview "Overview of APIs and protocols for M2M service layer" adding requirements in clause 7 �
This document has also been posted as C455 for IoT-GSI
NEC Corporation Q1/11 2015-04-09
[ 235 ]
Proposal for new work item on cloud computing interoperability testing of infrastructure capabilities � China Telecommunications Corporation , NEC Corporation Q14/11 2015-04-07
[ 163 ]
Proposal for approval of Q.Supp-CCI � NEC Corporation Q14/11 2014-06-26
[ 162 ]
Proposal to update clause 5 of Q.Supp-CCI � NEC Corporation Q14/11 2014-06-26
[ 161 ]
Proposal to update clause 4 of Q.Supp-CCI � NEC Corporation Q14/11 2014-06-26
[ 160 ]
Proposal to update clause 2 of Q.Supp-CCI � NEC Corporation Q14/11 2014-06-26
[ 158 ]
Proposal to update Q.IP-FAX-testing � NEC Corporation , OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) , Toshiba Tec Corporation Q10/11 2014-06-26
[ 157 ]
Proposal to update Q.CDIV � NEC Corporation Q2/11 2014-06-26
[ 156 ]
Proposals for FG-M2M deliverables in SG11 � National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) , NEC Corporation , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q2/11, Q10/11, Q1/11 2014-06-26
[ 90 ]
Proposal to update draft Q.IPFAX-testing � NEC Corporation , OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Q10/11 2013-10-25
[ 89 ]
Proposal to update draft Q.OIP/OIR � NEC Corporation Q2/11 2013-10-25
[ 88 ]
Proposal to update Q.TR-CCI � NEC Corporation Q14/11 2013-10-25
[ 87 ]
Report of the NGN testing and showcasing during APT/ITU Conformance and Interoperability event and proposal � NEC Corporation , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) , OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Q8/11, Q15/11, Q14/11, Q13/11, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 2013-10-25
[ 35 ]
Report and feedback on HATS NGN interoperability event (supported by ITU-T) and new work items proposed � NEC Corporation , OKI Electric Industry Company Ltd. (OKI) Q10/11 2013-02-12
[ 34 ]
Proposed draft Q.OIP/OIR � NEC Corporation Q2/11 2013-02-12
Resultados :25 documentos
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