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P�gina principal : UIT-T : IPTV-GSI : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n


Internet Protocol Television Global Standards Initiative

Periodo de estudios 2013

Resultados :13 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�Keio University�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 275 ]
F.SLD: Proposed updates based on discussions at the ITU Workshop on Standards for Safe Listening (Geneva, 6 June 2016) � Keio University Q28/16 2016-08-31
[ 270 ]
F.Relay: Proposal to add an Appendix on IPTV for VRS � Keio University Q26/16 2016-08-30
[ 269 ]
HSTP.IPTV-MEH: Proposed text for the technical Paper on multimedia application framework (MAFR) for e-health services � Keio University Q28/16, Q13/16 2016-08-30
[ 268 ]
New HSTP.AEHH: Proposal to start work on a new Technical Paper on "Audio enhancement for the hard-of-hearing � KDDI , Keio University Q26/16 2016-08-30
[ 267 ]
H.702: Proposal to create a corrigendum � OKI , Keio University , Waseda University Q26/16, Q13/16 2016-08-30
[ 266 ]
HSTP.CONF-H702: Proposed modifications � OKI , Keio University , Waseda University Q26/16, Q13/16 2016-08-30
[ 250 ]
New H.MBI-BHQ: Proposal to create a new work item on requirements on key performance indicators related to the use of brain healthcare quotient in MBI Platform" � Keio University , NEC Q28/16 2016-08-29
[ 249 ]
H.MBI-PF: Proposal to add text in clause 8.4 and Appendix I � Keio University , NEC , NICT Q28/16 2016-08-29
[ 208 ]
F.SLD: Proposed text to be added to "Guidelines for safe listening devices/systems" � KDDI , Keio University Q28/16 2016-02-18
[ 207 ]
H.MBI-PF: Proposed change of text in clauses 7&8 � Keio University , NEC Corporation , NICT Q28/16 2016-02-18
[ 206 ]
H.MBI-PF: Proposed addition of a practical use-case for MBI platforms � Keio University , NEC , NICT Q28/16 2016-02-18
[ 205 ]
H.MBI-PF: Proposed addition of text on key items for standardization � Keio University , NEC , NICT Q28/16 2016-02-18
[ 204 ]
H.MBI-PF: Proposed addition of description of an MBI functional framework � Keio University , NEC , NICT Q28/16 2016-02-18
Resultados :13 documentos
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