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P�gina principal : UIT-T : TSAG : Reuni�n�2012-01-10�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�TSAG� TD�(2012-01-10)�


Grupo Asesor para la Normalizaci�n de las Telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2012-01-10 al 2012-01-13

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-07-02� [ 2012-01-10 ]� 2011-02-082010-02-082009-04-28

Resultados :21 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�Origen:�Director, TSB�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 0344 ]
Terms of Reference for ITU-T Focus Groups, Joint Coordination Activities and Global Standards Initiatives � Director, TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-11
[ 0342 ]
Draft Circular letter with information on WTSA � Director, TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-11
[ 0330 ]
Update on WTSA-12 preparations � Director, TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-06
[ 0329 ]
Direct Document Posting - Report of system implementation � Director, TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-06
[ 0313 ]
Report of TSB Director's ad hoc group for IPR matters � Director, TSB QALL/TSAG 2011-12-23
[ 0310 ]
Study of Permanent Research Function proposed by ITU-T SG13 at TSAG 2011 � Director, TSB 2011-12-21
[ 0309 ]
Study Group Structure � Director, TSB 2011-12-21
[ 0308 ]
TSB Director's Report: Highlights of 2011 � Director, TSB 2011-12-21
[ 0307 ]
Kaleidoscope 2011 � Director, TSB 2011-12-21
[ 0305 ]
Draft TSB circular on Candidates for Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of ITU-T study groups and TSAG for 2013-2016 � Director, TSB 2011-12-20
[ 0304 ]
JCA, GSI, TSR - what they are, how they interwork, and some current issues � Director, TSB 2011-12-20
[ 0303 ]
Academia: Proposed rights for academia and TSB action plan � Director, TSB 2011-12-19
[ 0298 ]
Interim report on consultations regarding Resolution 178 � Director, TSB 2011-12-08
[ 0293 ]
Electronic Working Methods Services and Database Applications � Director, TSB 2011-11-25
[ 0292 ]
Consideration of whether a revision to ITU-T A.4 is appropriate � Director, TSB 2011-11-23
[ 0291 ]
Bridging the Standardization Gap -Achievements and Planned Activities for 2012 � Director, TSB 2011-11-18
[ 0286 ]
CTO (Chief Technology Officer) Meeting 2011 � Director, TSB 2011-11-14
[ 0285 ]
Draft four-year Rolling Operational Plan for the 2012 to 2015 timeframe � Director, TSB 2011-11-09
[ 0280 ]
Contribution to Council 2011 from the United Arab Emirates: Consultations among Member States and Sector Members regarding nominations for chairman and vice-chairman positions in the ITU Radiocommuncation Sector � Director, TSB 2011-10-26
[ 0279 ]
Contribution to Council 2011 from the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia: Number of vice chairman of the sector advisory groups, study groups and other groups � Director, TSB 2011-10-26
[ 0251 ]
Report of the tenth meeting of the IEC/ISO/ITU World Standards Cooperation (WSC) (Geneva, 18 February 2011) � Director, TSB 2011-03-14
Resultados :21 documentos
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