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P�gina principal : UIT-T : TSAG : Reuni�n�2012-01-10�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�TSAG� TD�(2012-01-10)�


Grupo Asesor para la Normalizaci�n de las Telecomunicaciones

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2012-01-10 al 2012-01-13

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-07-02� [ 2012-01-10 ]� 2011-02-082010-02-082009-04-28

Resultados :46 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�QALL/TSAG�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 0358 ]
oLS-Liaison statement to JTC 1 about joint appointment of registration authorities � Chairman, TSAG QALL/TSAG 2012-01-13
[ 0357 ]
A-series supplement 3 � Co-conveners, Ad-hoc, ITU-T/IETF & A.Sup.3 QALL/TSAG 2012-01-13
[ 0356 ]
oLS-Contributions by Study Groups to CWG-WCIT12 � Chairman, TSAG QALL/TSAG 2012-01-13
[ 0355 ]
Guidance on CIT clause in ITU-T Recommendations � Convener, Drafting group QALL/TSAG 2012-01-13
[ 0354 ]
Report of ad hoc group on A.1 � Convener, Ad-hoc group A.1 QALL/TSAG 2012-01-13
[ 0353 ]
Report on the Ad Hoc meeting on the Revision of Recommendation A.7 � Convener & Acting Editor, Correspondence Group QALL/TSAG 2012-01-12
[ 0352 ]
Proposal: revised ToR of the Focus Group on "M2M service layer" � Convener, Ad-hoc, FG on M2M Service Layer QALL/TSAG 2012-01-12
[ 0351 ]
Report of the ad hoc session on future Smart Grid activities � Convener, Ad-hoc group, Smart Grid QALL/TSAG 2012-01-12
[ 0350 ]
Status report of SCV activities � Chairman, Standardization Committee for Vocabulary QALL/TSAG 2012-01-12
[ 0349 ]
Draft terms of reference of a JCA on cloud computing � Convener QALL/TSAG 2012-01-12
[ 0348 ]
Proposed text for ToR for JCA-SG&HN � Convener, Ad-hoc, Smart Grid activities QALL/TSAG 2012-01-12
[ 0347 ]
iLS-Liaison Statement on wireless hearing aid compatibility � Convener, JCA-AHF QALL/TSAG 2012-01-12
[ 0346 ]
Report of Ad-hoc Group on editing terms of reference of a Focus Group on "Bridging the Gap: from Innovations to Standards" (previously known as "Innovation to Standards in ICT") � Convener, Ad-hoc group, Innovation to Standards QALL/TSAG 2012-01-12
[ 0345 ]
Draft Terms of Reference for ITU-T Focus Group on Disaster Relief Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery � Convener, Ad-hoc group, disaster reflief & network QALL/TSAG 2012-01-11
[ 0344 ]
Terms of Reference for ITU-T Focus Groups, Joint Coordination Activities and Global Standards Initiatives � Director, TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-11
[ 0343 ]
Report of the ad hoc group on the future of the Focus Group on cloud computing � Convener QALL/TSAG 2012-01-11
[ 0342 ]
Draft Circular letter with information on WTSA � Director, TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-11
[ 0341 ]
Showcasing of the ITU IPTV Application Challenge on Thursday 12 January 2012 � Chairman, SG16 QALL/TSAG 2012-01-11
[ 0340 ]
Final List of Participants � TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-11
[ 0339 ]
Director, TSB, Welcome Remarks � TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-11
[ 0338 ]
Secretary General's Welcome Remarks � TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-10
[ 0337 ]
Term limit of ITU-T chairmen and vice-chairmen at WTSA-12 � TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-09
[ 0336 ]
Observations on SG 9 and SG16 coordination during the study period 2009-2012 � Chairmen, SGs9 & 16 QALL/TSAG 2012-01-09
[ 0335 ]
Study Group 11 evolving mandate at WTSA-12 � Chairman, SG11 QALL/TSAG 2012-01-09
[ 0334 ]
Reports of JCA-CIT � Convener, JCA-CIT QALL/TSAG 2012-01-09
[ 0333 ]
Reports of JCA-IdM � Co-Conveners, JCA-IdM QALL/TSAG 2012-01-09
[ 0332 ]
iLS-Proposed continuation of ITU-T Study Group 15 into the 2013-2016 Study Period � ITU-T SG15 QALL/TSAG 2012-01-08
[ 0331 ]
iLS-Reorganization of the work of Q4/15 into Q4a, 4b, 4c/15 (for endorsement) � ITU-T SG15 QALL/TSAG 2012-01-08
[ 0330 ]
Update on WTSA-12 preparations � Director, TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-06
[ 0329 ]
Direct Document Posting - Report of system implementation � Director, TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-06
[ 0328 ]
ISO/IEC JTC 1 liaison report to TSAG, February 2011 � ISO/IEC JTC 1 Liaison Officer to ITU-T QALL/TSAG 2012-01-06
[ 0327 ]
iLS-Proposal for including the outcome of the GISFI working groups in ITU- T Study Group discussions � GISFI QALL/TSAG 2012-01-06
[ 0325 ]
TSAG meeting facilities and information � TSB QALL/TSAG 2012-01-06
[ 0324 ]
iLS-Reply LS to Q26 on the needs of drivers with disabilities � Chairman, FG Distraction QALL/TSAG 2012-01-05
[ 0323 ]
Report of 14 December 2011 meeting of the Collaboration on ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) Communication Standards � Chairman, ITU-T SG16 QALL/TSAG 2012-01-06
[ 0322 ]
Progress Report on the Revision of Recommendation A.7 � Acting Editor & Corresponence Group Convener QALL/TSAG 2012-01-04
[ 0321 ]
JCA-IoT Progress Report to TSAG � Convener, JCA-IoT QALL/TSAG 2012-01-04
[ 0320 ]
iLS-Report to TSAG from SG 17 as the lead study group on languages and description techniques � ITU-T SG17 QALL/TSAG 2012-01-03
[ 0319 ]
Report on the Joint Co-ordination Activity on Home Networking (JCA-HN) � Convenor, JCA-HN QALL/TSAG 2012-01-03
[ 0318 ]
Proposed Appointment of Co-Conveners to the JCA-HN � Convenor, JCA-HN QALL/TSAG 2012-01-03
[ 0317 ]
Incoming LS on Collaboration with other SDOs � ITU-T Study Group 15 QALL/TSAG 2011-12-23
[ 0316 ]
Incoming LS on EWM and Infrastructure � ITU-T Study Group 15 QALL/TSAG 2011-12-23
[ 0314 ]
Reply to JCA-CIT (Ref: JCA-CIT-LS 4-E) on draft document on CIT needs � ITU-T Study Group 15 QALL/TSAG 2011-12-23
[ 0313 ]
Report of TSB Director's ad hoc group for IPR matters � Director, TSB QALL/TSAG 2011-12-23
[ 0312 ]
iLS - ITU-T FG Cloud final output documents � Focus Group on Cloud Computing QALL/TSAG 2011-12-21
[ 0250 ]
Draft agenda, document allocation and work plan (Geneva, 10-13 January 2012) � TSAG Management Team QALL/TSAG 2011-03-14
Resultados :46 documentos
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