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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 17 : Reuni�n�2010-04-07�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 17� TD�(2010-04-07)�



Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2010-04-07 al 2010-04-16

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-08-292012-02-202011-08-242011-04-112010-12-08� [ 2010-04-07 ]� 2009-09-162009-02-11

Resultados :26 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(PLEN) �[�Origen:�Q.13/17�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 933-PLEN ]
Update on tool support (jUCMNav) for the User Requirements Notation (TAH32) � Q.13/17 Associate Rapporteur QALL/17 2010-04-14
[ 926-PLEN ]
Draft revised Z.150 (TAH31) � Q.13/17 Associate Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-13
[ 924-PLEN ]
For information - EAMDE (TAH30) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur QALL/17 2010-04-13
[ 908-PLEN ]
Report to TSAG from SG 17 as the Lead Study Group on Languages and description techniques (TAH18) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q14/17, Q13/17, Q12/17 2010-04-13
[ 898-PLEN ]
Progress on Z.109 (TAH29) � Q.13/17 Associate Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-12
[ 890-PLEN ]
Status of Z-series Recommendations under Q.13/17 (TAH28) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-11
[ 889-PLEN ]
Status of X-series Recommendations under Q.13/17 (TAH27) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-11
[ 888-PLEN ]
Summaries for work items under development under Q.13/17 (TAH21) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-11
[ 886-PLEN ]
SDL-2010 Route Map (TAH08) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-11
[ 876-PLEN ]
Syntax of SDL-2010 cf SDL-2000 (TAH26) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-09
[ 875-PLEN ]
Draft Z.106 Common interchange format for SDL-2010 (TAG16) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-09
[ 874-PLEN ]
Draft Z.105 Specification and Description Language: SDL-2010 combined with ASN.1 modules (TAG15) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-09
[ 873-PLEN ]
Draft Z.104 Specification and description language: Data and action language in SDL-2010 (TAG14) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-09
[ 872-PLEN ]
Draft Z.103 Specification and Description Language: Shorthand notation and annotation in SDL-2010 (TAH13) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-09
[ 871-PLEN ]
Draft Z.102 Specification and description language: Comprehensive SDL-2010 (TAG12) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-09
[ 870-PLEN ]
Draft Z.101 Specification and Description Language: Basic SDL-2010 (TAH11) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-09
[ 869-PLEN ]
Draft Z.100 Specification and Description Language: Overview of SDL-2010 (TAH10) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-09
[ 868-PLEN ]
Progress on SDL-2010 (TAH25) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-09
[ 867-PLEN ]
Report on Question 13/17 (TAH03) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-09
[ 866-PLEN ]
Document list Q.13/17 meeting Oct 2009-Apr 2010 by correspondence and at ITU Geneva (TAH01) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-09
[ 865-PLEN ]
Agenda for Geneva Q.13/17 meeting (TAH02) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-08
[ 843-PLEN ]
Minor changes to Draft Z.109 SDL-2010 combined with UML (TAH24) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-04-07
[ 837-PLEN ]
Collaboration with the SDL Forum Society � Q.13/17 Rapporteur QALL/17 2010-04-07
[ 784-PLEN ]
Technical report on the SDL-UML Profile: Open issues (TAH19r1) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-03-25
[ 732-PLEN ]
Draft Z.109 SDL-2010 combined with UML (TAH09) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-03-01
[ 730-PLEN ]
SDL-DS: Time management in the Specification and Description Language through an event scheduling simulation engine (TAH22) � Q.13/17 Rapporteur Q13/17 2010-02-12
Resultados :26 documentos
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