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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 17 : Reuni�n�2009-09-16�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 17� C�(2009-09-16)�



Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2009-09-16 al 2009-09-25

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-08-292012-02-202011-08-242011-04-112010-12-082010-04-072009-02-11

Resultados :30 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�Korea�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 144 ]
Proposal for revised draft text of X.tif: Integrated framework for telebiometric data protection in telehealth and worldwide telemedicines � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2009-09-04
[ 143 ]
X.mcsec-1: proposed revised text for multicast security requirements and framework � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2009-09-04
[ 142 ]
Proposed modification of the document TD 0342, the draft Recommendation X.iptvsec-5, SCP interoperability scheme � Korea (Republic of) Q7/17, Q6/17 2009-09-04
[ 141 ]
Proposal of a revised draft text for X.idmsg: Security guidelines for identity management systems � Korea (Republic of) Q10/17 2009-09-04
[ 140 ]
Approaches for countering IMAS and introduction part of X.fcsip � Korea (Republic of) Q5/17 2009-09-04
[ 139 ]
Proposed revision of clause 7 to propose the framework for X.fcsip � Korea (Republic of) Q5/17 2009-09-04
[ 138 ]
Revised draft Recommendation X.gopw: Guideline on preventing malicious code spreading in a data communication network � Korea (Republic of) Q4/17 2009-09-04
[ 137 ]
Proposed 1st draft of Information security governance framework (X.isgf) � Korea (Republic of) Q3/17 2009-09-04
[ 136 ]
Proposal for the revised final draft Recommendation X.rfpg for determination � Korea (Republic of) Q10/17 2009-09-04
[ 135 ]
Proposed a study skeleton for new work item on cyber attack tracing event exchange format (TEEF) � Korea (Republic of) Q4/17 2009-09-04
[ 134 ]
Revised draft Recommendation X.usnsec-2 : USN middleware security guidelines � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2009-09-04
[ 133 ]
Proposed text for clause 7 and new clause 8 of X.priva, Criteria for assessing the level of protection for personally identifiable information in IdM � Korea (Republic of) Q10/17 2009-09-04
[ 132 ]
Proposal for revised text of clause 8 in X.iptvsec-2 based on TD 0340 Rev.1 � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2009-09-04
[ 131 ]
Proposal of revised draft Recommendation on Telebiometrics protection procedures Part 2 - A guideline for secure and efficient transmission of multi-modal biometric data � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2009-09-04
[ 130 ]
Proposal for the 2nd draft text for revised Recommendation X.1034: Guideline on extensible authentication protocol based authentication and key management in a data communication network � Korea (Republic of) Q2/17 2009-09-04
[ 129 ]
Proposal for establishing a new work item on the traceback framework and mechanisms and the 1st draft text for this new work item � Korea (Republic of) Q4/17 2009-09-04
[ 128 ]
Proposal for adding some functional capabilities of X.tb-ucc: Traceback use cases and capabilities � Korea (Republic of) Q4/17 2009-09-04
[ 127 ]
Addition of Appendix II to ITU-T draft Recommendation X.iptvsec-3 � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2009-09-04
[ 126 ]
Proposal for establishing a new work item on framework for preventing web-based attacks � Korea (Republic of) Q4/17 2009-09-04
[ 125 ]
Proposal for the 4th revised text on ITU-T X.usnsec-1|ISO CD 29180: Security framework for ubiquitous sensor network � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2009-09-04
[ 124 ]
Proposal for the 5th draft text on ITU-T draft Recommendation X.iptvsec-3 � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2009-09-04
[ 123 ]
Proposal for 3rd revised draft Recommendation X.ott : Authentication framework with one-time telebiometric template � Korea (Republic of) Q9/17 2009-09-04
[ 122 ]
A Proposal of draft text for draft Recommendation X.sips � Korea (Republic of) Q4/17 2009-09-04
[ 121 ]
Proposal for 1st draft text on Information asset maintenance guidelines in telecommunication organizations (X.iamg) � Korea (Republic of) Q3/17 2009-09-04
[ 120 ]
Proposal for revised draft text for X.bots : Frameworks for botnet detection and response � Korea (Republic of) Q4/17 2009-09-04
[ 119 ]
Proposal for draft text for X.ics: Function & interface for countering email spam sent by botnet � Korea (Republic of) Q5/17 2009-09-04
[ 118 ]
Proposed 1st draft text of Information security management guidelines for small and medium telecommunication organizations (X.ismg-sm) � Korea (Republic of) Q3/17 2009-09-04
[ 117 ]
Proposal for revised draft text of clause 9 of draft Recommendation X.usnsec-3: Secure routing mechanisms for wireless sensor network � Korea (Republic of) Q6/17 2009-09-04
[ 116 ]
Proposal for revised draft text of X.tcs-2: Technical means for countering VoIP spam � Korea (Republic of) Q5/17 2009-09-04
[ 115 ]
Modification of section chapters 4 and 13 of draft Recommendation X.fcsip � Korea (Republic of) Q5/17 2009-09-04
Resultados :30 documentos
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