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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 16 : Reuni�n�2009-01-27�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 16� C�(2009-01-27)�


Codificaci�n, sistemas y aplicaciones multimedios

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2009-01-27 al 2009-02-06

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-04-302011-11-212011-03-142010-07-192009-10-262009-07-102009-06-26

Resultados :20 documentos
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�France�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 150 ]
Objective evaluation and submission of G.718 floating point Annex �
Note from TSB: The content of this contribution is the same as COM16-C.48
LM Ericsson , France Telecom , Huawei , Motorola , Panasonic , Texas Instruments Q9/16 2009-01-19
[ 149 ]
Maintenance of G.718 �
Note from TSB: The content of this contribution is the same as COM16-C.49
Panasonic , France Telecom , Huawei , LM Ericsson , Motorola Q9/16 2009-01-19
[ 121 ]
Comments on draft new H.IDscheme "ID schemes for multimedia access triggered by tag-based identification" � France Telecom Q22/16, Q21/16 2009-01-19
[ 107 ]
Draft technical papers collecting ITU-T G.71x and G.72x performance � France Telecom Q10/16 2009-01-19
[ 106 ]
Proposed stereo Terms of References for the superwideband/stereo extension to G.722 and G.711.1 � France Telecom Q10/16 2009-01-19
[ 105 ]
Pre- and post processing for G.711: test results with G.711.1 noise shaper and postfilter in French language � France Telecom Q10/16 2009-01-19
[ 104 ]
Proposal for standardization of pre and post processing procedures for G.711 � France Telecom Q10/16 2009-01-19
[ 101 ]
V.152 Implementers Guide - Semantical clarifications � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-19
[ 24 ]
ITU-T Rec. T.38 - Proposal for a new Annex on "Signalled and provisioned T.38 parameters" � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-12
[ 23 ]
Draft ITU-T Rec. V.IP2IP-VxF - Update proposal for clause I.5 "Aspect of redundant packet transport" � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-12
[ 22 ]
Draft ITU-T Rec. V.IP2IP-VxF - Update proposal for clause I.4 "Dejitter buffer aspects" � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-12
[ 20 ]
Draft ITU-T Rec. V.IP2IP-VxF - Method(s) for discrimination between native and emulation mode - New clause 7.3 � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-12
[ 19 ]
Draft ITU-T Rec. V.IP2IP-VxF - Update proposal for clause 10 on capability negotiation/determination � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-12
[ 18 ]
Draft ITU-T Rec. V.IP2IP-VxF - Update proposal for clause 9.1 "Gateway Transfer Delay" � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-12
[ 17 ]
Draft ITU-T Rec. V.IP2IP-VxF - Update proposal for clause 8.2 "Data rate management for V.34 facsimile" � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-12
[ 16 ]
Draft ITU-T Rec. V.IP2IP-VxF - Update proposal for clause 8.1 "T.30 procedures" � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-12
[ 15 ]
Draft ITU-T Rec. V.IP2IP-VxF - Update proposal for clause 4 "Abbreviations" � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-12
[ 14 ]
Draft ITU-T Rec. V.IP2IP-VxF - Update proposal for clause 3 "Definitions" � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-12
[ 12 ]
Draft ITU-T Rec. V.IP2IP-VxF - Update proposal for clause 1 "Scope" � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland , Alcatel Shanghai Bell , Alcatel-Lucent France Q14/16 2009-01-12
[ 6 ]
H.248.1 Implementors' Guide - Corrections in Annex A.2 ASN.1 syntax specification � Alcatel-Lucent France , Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland Q3/16 2009-01-09
Resultados :20 documentos
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Contacto p�blico :� TSB EDH
Actualizado el :�2025-2-5