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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG15 : Reuni�n�2011-12-05�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG15� TD-GEN�(2011-12-05)�


Transport network structures

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2011-12-05 al 2011-12-16

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-09-10� 2012-05-11� [ 2011-12-05 ]� 2011-09-162011-02-142010-10-222010-05-312010-01-152009-09-282009-05-152008-12-01

Resultados :56 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Documentos Temporales �(GEN) �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�ALL/15�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 310-GEN ]
oLS: Reply to JCA-CIT (Ref: JCA-CIT-LS 4-E) on draft document on CIT needs � ITU-T Study Group 15 QALL/15 2011-12-15
[ 309-GEN ]
iLS: LS to TSAG and ITU-T SGs on pre-defined form to document the establishment of work items towards new Recommendations � ITU-T SG16 QALL/15 2011-12-12
[ 308-GEN ]
iLS: Reply LS to TSAG, JCA-CIT and ITU-T SGs on draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs for review and comment by the Study Groups (JCA-CIT-LS4) � ITU-T SG16 QALL/15 2011-12-12
[ 304-GEN ]
Tutorial session material � Vice-Chairmen Innovation, Marketing and Promotion QALL/15 2011-12-07
[ 303-GEN ]
Final list of participants � TSB QALL/15 2011-12-06
[ 300-GEN ]
Report on IETF Common Control and Management Protocol � Liaison Rapporteur to IETF on Common Control and M QALL/15 2011-12-05
[ 298-GEN ]
Schedule of ITU-T meetings for 2012, 2013 and 2014 � TSB QALL/15 2011-12-03
[ 297-GEN ]
Conclusions of the second ITU-T | JTC 1 joint leadership meeting, 6 November 2011 � ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1 QALL/15 2011-12-03
[ 296-GEN ]
Report on IETF Transport Network Management � Liaison Rapporteur to IETF on Transport Network Ma QALL/15 2011-12-03
[ 295-GEN ]
Report on SG2 and JCA-Mgt on network management related activities � Liaison Rapporteur to SG2 on Transport Network Man QALL/15 2011-12-03
[ 294-GEN ]
iLS: Meeting report of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF) Geneva, 24 November 2011 � JCA-AHF QALL/15 2011-12-03
[ 293-GEN ]
Update on ITU-T Technology Watch activities � TSB QALL/15 2011-12-03
[ 292-GEN ]
iLS: White paper on FTTH and ACTEL Melbourne meeting minutes � IEC ACTEL QALL/15 2011-12-02
[ 289-GEN ]
ITU-T Newslog - ITU/IETF agreement � TSB QALL/15 2011-11-29
[ 288-GEN ]
iLS: ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 25 meeting schedule and work programme � ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 QALL/15 2011-11-29
[ 287-GEN ]
Newcomers' welcome pack for SG15 meeting (Geneva, 5-16 December 2011) � TSB QALL/15 2011-11-29
[ 286-GEN ]
iLS: Reply to JCA-CIT (Ref: JCA-CIT-LS 4-E) on draft document on CIT needs � ITU-T SG9 QALL/15 2011-11-28
[ 285-GEN ]
iLS: Utilization of telecommunications/ICTs for disaster preparedness, mitigation and response � ITU-R WP5A QALL/15 2011-11-24
[ 284-GEN ]
Update on MEF � Liaison Rapporteur to MEF QALL/15 2011-11-24
[ 283-GEN ]
Summary of progress in OIF Physical and Link Layer (PLL) Working Group � Liaison Rapporteur OIF (PLL) QALL/15 2011-11-24
[ 282-GEN ]
Report on TM Forum Integration Program (TIP) activities � Liaison Rapporteur to TM Forum on TIP activities QALL/15 2011-11-23
[ 281-GEN ]
Update on IEEE 802.1 � Liaison Rapporteur to IEEE 802.1 QALL/15 2011-11-23
[ 280-GEN ]
Summary of progress in IEEE 802.3 � Liaison Rapporteur IEEE 802.3 QALL/15 2011-11-22
[ 279-GEN ]
Email exchange between the Director of TSB and the IETF Chair � Director TSB QALL/15 2011-11-18
[ 278-GEN ]
iLS: Email Correspondence Between IETF Chair and TSB Director � IETF IESG QALL/15 2011-11-18
[ 277-GEN ]
iLS: Wideband E-model � ITU-T SG12 QALL/15 2011-11-18
[ 276-GEN ]
iLS: Liaison statement to Working Party 5D and ITU-T Study Group 13 (with a copy to ITU-T Study Group 15): Report ITU-R F.2060, "Fixed service use in the IMT transport network" � ITU-R WP5C QALL/15 2011-11-18
[ 274-GEN ]
iLS: Draft Handbook on "Network performance testing and control monitoring for guarantee required QoS for NGN services" � ITU-T SG11 QALL/15 2011-11-02
[ 273-GEN ]
iLS: Reply to [JCA-CIT - LS 5 - E] regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � ITU-T SG11 QALL/15 2011-11-02
[ 272-GEN ]
iLS: Request for feedback on draft revision of Supplement 62 to ITU-T Q series Recommendations � ITU-T SG11 QALL/15 2011-11-02
[ 271-GEN ]
iLS: ITU-T SG15 and ITU-R SG5 are invited to provide the names of experts to support the work on the relevant deliverables of ITU-D SG2 Question 22-1/2 � ITU-D SG2 QALL/15 2011-10-24
[ 270-GEN ]
iLS: New work items in Broadband Forum concerning Machine-to-Machine (M2M) solutions � BBF QALL/15 2011-10-14
[ 269-GEN ]
iLS: LS to all JCA-IoT Contacts on IoT Standards Roadmap � JCA-IoT QALL/15 2011-09-23
[ 268-GEN ]
iLS: Reply to Ref: COM 16 - LS 257 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT QALL/15 2011-09-23
[ 267-GEN ]
iLS: Reply to Ref: COM 2 - LS 103 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT QALL/15 2011-09-22
[ 266-GEN ]
iLS: Reply to COM 11 - LS 65 Rev.1 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT QALL/15 2011-09-22
[ 265-GEN ]
iLS: LS to ISO/IEC JTC 1 and SWG-A on the nomination of new ITU-T FG AVA LS officer � FG AVA QALL/15 2011-09-22
[ 264-GEN ]
iLS: Current draft deliverables from ITU-T Focus Group on Smart Grid � FG Smart QALL/15 2011-09-22
[ 263-GEN ]
ITU logistics update � TSB QALL/15 2011-09-16
[ 262-GEN ]
Final list of participants (16 December 2011) � TSB QALL/15 2011-09-16
[ 261-GEN ]
Introduction of the Direct Document Posting system for contributions � TSB QALL/15 2011-09-15
[ 259-GEN ]
iLS: Liaison to ITU-D SG1 and 2 on "USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asks the Global Accessibility Community for Comments for the new Industry Guideline on Mobile Medical Applications" � JCA-AHF QALL/15 2011-09-05
[ 257-GEN ]
iLS: SG2 Report and Request in its role as Lead SG on Telecommunication Management � ITU-T SG2 QALL/15 2011-06-21
[ 256-GEN ]
iLS: Revision of Report ITU-R F.2060 - Fixed service use in the IMT transport network � ITU-R WP5C QALL/15 2011-06-20
[ 255-GEN ]
iLS: LS to IEC TC 100, ISO/IEC JTC 1 and SWG-A on first meeting of ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (FG AVA) and nomination of LS officers � ITU-T FG AVA QALL/15 2011-06-20
[ 254-GEN ]
iLS: LS on the first meeting of ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (FG AVA) � ITU-T FG AVA QALL/15 2011-06-20
[ 253-GEN ]
iLS: Termination of the JCA-Mgt � ITU-T SG2 QALL/15 2011-06-16
[ 252-GEN ]
iLS: Liaison Statement to all ITU-T study groups on strengthening their role and responsibilities in the maintenance of terms and definitions � TSAG QALL/15 2011-06-01
[ 251-GEN ]
iLS: Reply on JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs for review and comment by the Study Groups � ITU-T SG11 QALL/15 2011-06-01
[ 248-GEN ]
iLS: Liaison on definitions and terminology � ITU-T SG17 QALL/15 2011-05-04
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