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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG15 : Reuni�n�2009-09-28�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG15� C�(2009-09-28)�


Transport network structures

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2009-09-28 al 2009-10-09

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-09-102012-05-112011-12-052011-09-162011-02-142010-10-222010-05-312010-01-152009-05-152008-12-01

Resultados :83 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Contribuciones �[�AI/Cuesti�n:�9/15�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 745 ]
Supporting a broadband backhaul application in the PTN � Huawei Technologies Q9/15 2009-09-22
[ 725 ]
Editorial modification proposal for G.8032 version 2 � Republic of Korea Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 724 ]
FDB flush operation immune to delayed data frames � Republic of Korea Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 723 ]
FDB inconsistency problem caused by delayed data frames � Republic of Korea Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 722 ]
Proposal on the modification of initialization scheme in Ethernet ring protection network in G.8032v1. � ETRI Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 721 ]
Efficient network restoration scheme for G.8032 � Republic of Korea Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 720 ]
The appropriate use of Guard timer in pending state in G.8032 � Republic of Korea Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 701 ]
Proposal to define ATM, FR, PPP, HDLC, SDH over Ethernet mappings � Huawei Technologies Q9/15, Q10/15 2009-09-20
[ 700 ]
Proposal on Ring Protection � Huawei Technologies Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 699 ]
Proposal on PTN Equipment Types � Huawei Technologies Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 698 ]
Proposal on MVC and EVC in G.ptneq � Huawei Technologies Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 697 ]
Extension of APS for Generic Dual Node Interconnection Protection � Huawei Technologies Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 690 ]
Proposal on the state machine and APS PDU in G.8031 � Huawei Technologies Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 689 ]
Proposal on ACL-SNCG/I protection switching for microwave network in G.8031 � Huawei Technologies Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 688 ]
Proposal on extending linear protection switching for variable link in G.808.1 � Huawei Technologies 9/15 2009-09-20
[ 684 ]
Proposal on adding bandwidth notification function in G.808.1 and G.8031 � Huawei Technologies Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 667 ]
Improve Main ring flushing due to sub-ring topology change through Port based flushing � Tejas Networks Ltd Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 666 ]
FS operation during node failure � Tejas Networks Ltd Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 665 ]
BPR Operation � Tejas Networks Ltd Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 664 ]
Traffic Black Holing with Multiple Failures � Tejas Networks Ltd Q9/15 2009-09-20
[ 596 ]
FDB flush scheme for G.8032 Ethernet ring protection � ETRI Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 588 ]
Proposal for avoiding re-flushing (G.8032) � ZTE Corporation Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 584 ]
Solution to backward compatibility logic problem in G.8032v2 (G.8032) � ZTE Corporation Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 578 ]
Comments on blocking the both ends of RPL (G.8032) � ZTE Corporation Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 576 ]
Proposal for behaviour of RPL owner receiving an NR message with higher NODE_ID in G.8032v2 � NTT Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 575 ]
A set of methods for flushing FDB in G.8032v2 � NTT Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 574 ]
Support of protection mechanism in case of multi-ring network with double failures in G.8032v2 � NTT Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 573 ]
Clarification of state machine in case of Clear to remote MS/FS node in G.8032v2 � NTT Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 572 ]
ODUflex hitless resizing method � Huawei Technologies , China Mobile Communications Corp Q9/15, Q11/15 2009-09-18
[ 571 ]
Proposal for enhancements to Interconnection Flush logic in G.8032v2 � NTT Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 570 ]
Guidelines for configuration of VIDs and Ring-IDs of R-APS channels in G.8032v2 � NTT Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 566 ]
Considerations on the coexistence of Forced Switch and Signal Fail in G.8032 v2 � ETRI Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 559 ]
Proposals about MPLS-TP and Ethernet Protection Support Signal Degrade � CATR , China Mobile Communications Corp , MIIT Q9/15, Q10/15 2009-09-18
[ 555 ]
Comments and proposals on the Summary text of G.808.2 � HItachi Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 554 ]
Comments and proposals on the text of group protection in G.808.2 � Hitachi Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 553 ]
Comments and proposals on the Summary and Scope of G.808.1 � Hitachi Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 552 ]
Comments on the layer stack description in G.ptneq � Hitachi Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 546 ]
G.8032v2 Priority Logic description update � NSN Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 533 ]
HO and LO ODUk Shared Ring Protection (SRP) � Huawei Technologies , China Academy of Telecommunication Research, MII , China Mobile Communications Corporation Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 524 ]
Proposal to determine BS/GS based on near-end information in G.8021 � Alcatel-Lucent USA , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 523 ]
Proposal to clarify MI_CC_Enable only controls CCM generation in G.8021 � Alcatel-Lucent USA , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 522 ]
G.8031 handling of DNR and WTR requests in revertive and non revertive mode, respectively � Alcatel-Lucent USA , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 521 ]
G.8031 state transition when WTR timers differ at both ends � Alcatel-Lucent USA , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 520 ]
G.8031 state transitions when a Clear command is issued, or SF-P (or SF) recovers � Alcatel-Lucent USA , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 519 ]
G.8031 state transitions when working recovers from SF � Alcatel-Lucent USA , Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 518 ]
Maintaining the independence of the two ring interconnection options in G.8032v2 � Alcatel-Lucent USA Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 516 ]
Proposal to rename the "RPL Node" in G.8032v2 � Alcatel-Lucent USA Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 514 ]
Proposal to review and update G.8032 Study Points and Living List � Alcatel-Lucent USA Q9/15 2009-09-18
[ 512 ]
Proposed modifications to G.8021 and G.8032 for R-APS-specific dFOP-PM and dFOP-TO � Alcatel-Lucent USA, AimValley BV Q9/15 2009-09-17
[ 503 ]
G.8032v2 Priority Logic description update � NSN Q9/15 2009-09-17
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