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UIT-T�SG 13� C�


Redes futuras, incluidas las redes m�viles y las de la pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2009

Resultados :81 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�Huawei�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1374 ]
Proposal for initiating a new work item on Requirements, Use Cases and Functional Architecture of Network as a Service � Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell , China Unicom , Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. , Microsoft Corporation , TELEKOMUNIKACJA POLSKA S.A. , ZTE Corporation Q27/13 2012-05-22
[ 1250 ]
Proposal of editorial revise for Y.ipv6na � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q7/13 2012-05-21
[ 1188 ]
Proposal on separating user interface and admin interface into two separated documents � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. QALL/13 2012-01-23
[ 1187 ]
Proposal on how to inherit FGCC deliverables � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. QALL/13 2012-01-23
[ 1034 ]
Draft Y.ipv6migration � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q7/13 2011-09-28
[ 1033 ]
Proposal of editorial revise of Y.ipv6na � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q7/13 2011-09-28
[ 1032 ]
Proposal of updating functional requirements in Y.ipv6na � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q7/13 2011-09-28
[ 1031 ]
Proposal of updating references, definitions, and abbreviations in draft Y.ipv6migration � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q7/13 2011-09-28
[ 1030 ]
Propose to Add Content Management Flows to Describe the Content Delivery Function of DSN � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q19/13 2011-09-28
[ 1029 ]
Proposed baseline text of draft Recommendation for iSCP architecture � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q20/13 2011-09-28
[ 1028 ]
Proposed modification to IPTV-TM � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Q4/13 2011-09-28
[ 834 ]
Draft Y.ipv6na - update � Huawei Q7/13 2011-01-07
[ 764 ]
Draft Y.ipv6na - added content � Huawei Technologies Q7/13 2011-01-06
[ 738 ]
Propose to add sub-clause to describe the content storage function of DSN CDF � Huawei Technologies Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 737 ]
Propose to add sub-clause to describe the content delivery function of DSN CDF � Huawei Technologies Q19/13 2011-01-06
[ 736 ]
Draft Y.ipv6migration � Huawei Technologies Q7/13 2011-01-06
[ 519 ]
Proposed modifications to remove clause 8 of draft Y.ipv6migration � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q7/13 2010-04-09
[ 518 ]
Proposed modifications to clause 7 of draft Y.ipv6migration � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q7/13 2010-04-09
[ 517 ]
Proposed modifications to Y.IPTV-TM � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q4/13 2010-04-09
[ 516 ]
Proposed draft table of contents for DSN distributed network storage service � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q19/13 2010-04-09
[ 515 ]
Proposal to initiate a work item to study distributed network storage service � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q19/13 2010-04-09
[ 514 ]
Proposed to discuss OMAF in Y.dsnarch � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2010-04-09
[ 513 ]
Propose the functions of NCF and NLF in Y.dsnarch � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2010-04-09
[ 512 ]
Proposal to modify the functional architecture of DSN � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2010-04-09
[ 511 ]
Proposal to modify the scope and references in Y.dsnarch � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2010-04-09
[ 510 ]
Proposal to modify definitions and conventions in Y.dsnarch � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2010-04-09
[ 433 ]
Solving editors notes on manageable P2P functions in Y.iptv-netcontrol-fw � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q3/13 2009-08-27
[ 432 ]
Proposed modifications to clause 6 of draft Y.ipv6na � Huawei Technologies CO., LTD. Q7/13 2009-08-27
[ 431 ]
Proposed modifications to clause 6 of draft Y.ipv6migration � Huawei Technologies CO., LTD. Q7/13 2009-08-27
[ 430 ]
Proposed modification for sub-clause 6.3.2 and 6.4 of Y.PTDN � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-08-27
[ 429 ]
Proposed baseline text of draft recommendation for iSCP requirements � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-08-27
[ 428 ]
Proposed baseline text of draft recommendation for iSCP architecture � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-08-27
[ 427 ]
Proposed modification for sub-clause clause7.3 of Y.PTDN � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd Q20/13 2009-08-27
[ 426 ]
Proposed editorial changes to Y.IPTV-TM � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q4/13 2009-08-27
[ 425 ]
Proposal for security considerations to Y.IPTV-TM � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q4/13 2009-08-27
[ 424 ]
Proposal for revise virtual connection use case in Y.MC-SCEN � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 423 ]
Proposal for requirement of separated authorization and accounting for multi-connection � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 422 ]
Proposal for remove media transfer use case in Y.MC-SCEN � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 421 ]
Proposal for QoS Routing to section 6 of Y.IPTV-TM � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q4/13 2009-08-27
[ 420 ]
Proposal for new sub-clause for use case in Y.MC-SCEN � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 419 ]
Proposal for Interaction between different functions in section 7 of Y.IPTV-TM � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q4/13 2009-08-27
[ 418 ]
Proposal for detailed explanations of the 5th multi-connection generic scenario in Y.MC-SCEN � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 417 ]
Proposal for detailed explanations text of security consideration in Y.MC-REQ � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q9/13 2009-08-27
[ 416 ]
Proposed modification for Y.dsnscen about the "multimedia telephony service" � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 415 ]
Proposal to add requirement "Compatibility" to the chapter 6 of Y.dsnreq � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 414 ]
Some editor changes to Y.dsnreq � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 413 ]
Proposed modification of 6.1.3 load balance in Y.dsnreq � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 412 ]
Proposed modification of 6.2.6 distributed storage in Y.dsnreq � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 411 ]
Proposed modification for Y.dsnscen about the "service availability and reliability" and "load balance" � Huawei Technologies CO., Ltd. Q19/13 2009-08-27
[ 339 ]
Proposed clarification on the terminologies user, User Node and UE � ZTE Corporation , China Mobile , Huawei Technologies Q19/13 2009-08-26
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