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UIT-T�SG 13� C�


Redes futuras, incluidas las redes m�viles y las de la pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2009

Resultados :67 documentos
Resultados :� 1 - 2 �-�Siguiente Next
Contribuciones �[�Origen:�AT�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 1004 ]
Proposed additions to draft Y.ETS-Sec (Minimum Security Requirements for Interconnection of Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS)) � AT&T, Inc. , Telcordia Technologies Q16/13 2011-09-28
[ 902 ]
Proposed New Recommendation Y.ETS Security (Y.ETS-Sec) � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2011-01-10
[ 901 ]
Supplement: NGN Certificate Management � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2011-01-10
[ 899 ]
Proposed New Supplement: NGN Security Planning and Operations Guidelines � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2011-01-10
[ 898 ]
Comments on Y.2741 � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2011-01-10
[ 897 ]
Comments on Y.2740 � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2011-01-10
[ 896 ]
Comments on Y.2722 � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2011-01-10
[ 798 ]
Proposal for enriching the description of shortest path routing model in Y.PTDN_routing � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 797 ]
Proposal for enriching the description of alternative routing model in Y.PTDN_routing � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 796 ]
Clarifying the QoS guarantee of dual routing model in Y.PTDN_reliability � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 795 ]
Proposal for baseline text of draft recommendation for Y.PTDN_T_interface � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 794 ]
Proposal for baseline text of draft recommendation for Y.PTDN_M_interface � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 793 ]
Update the description of trail protection in Y.PTDN_reliability � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 792 ]
Update description of the shortest path routing model in Y.PTDN_reliability � CATR , MIIT, China Q20/13 2011-01-06
[ 672 ]
ATIS Input to Rec. Q.1741.7 (3GPP Release 9 Specifications) � ATIS Q10/13 2010-08-05
[ 535 ]
Proposal for adding a figure on clause 8 of draft recommendation Y.NGN-vehicle � China Telecom, CATR Q3/13, Q12/13 2010-04-09
[ 534 ]
Proposal for improving draft recommendation Y.NGN-vehicle � China Telecom, CATR Q3/13, Q12/13 2010-04-09
[ 498 ]
Proposed baseline text of draft recommendation for Y.PTDN_reliability � CATR/MIIT Q20/13 2010-04-09
[ 497 ]
Propose to enrich the clause 8 (Protection switching) in Y.PTDN_reliability � CATR,MII P.R. China Q20/13 2010-04-09
[ 496 ]
Proposal to enrich the content of protection routing model in Y.PTDN-routing � CATR/MIIT People's Republic of China Q20/13 2010-04-09
[ 495 ]
Proposal for adding the description of routing models in Y.PTDN-routing � CATR/MIIT People's Republic of China Q20/13 2010-04-09
[ 494 ]
Proposal for adding the description of routing architecture in Y.PTDN-routing � CATR/MIIT People's Republic of China Q20/13 2010-04-09
[ 493 ]
Proposal of the skeleton of Y.PTDN-routing � CATR/MIIT Q20/13 2010-04-09
[ 492 ]
Modification proposal to Sub-section 6.3 of Y.MC-REQ � CATR Q9/13 2010-04-09
[ 491 ]
Proposal to add description about functions of functional entities related to Mobility security in Y.mobsec � CATR Q16/13 2010-04-09
[ 490 ]
Clarification and proposal related to "capability" and "content" in Y.NGN-SIDE-Req � CATR Q3/13 2010-04-09
[ 445 ]
Y.ngnIdMreq: Example illustrative deployment scenario for IdM in NGN � Telcordia and AT&T Q16/13 2010-03-31
[ 444 ]
Y.ngnIdMreq: Proposed Changes and Modifications � Telcordia and AT&T Q16/13 2010-03-31
[ 443 ]
Event-Based Charging Scenario � Telcordia Technologies , Alcatel-Lucent , AT&T , Qwest , Verizon Q3/13 2010-03-31
[ 442 ]
Proposed Updates to Recommendation Y.2233 � Telcordia Technologies , Alcatel-Lucent , AT&T , Qwest , Verizon Q3/13 2010-03-31
[ 441 ]
Comments on Recommendation Y.2233 Charging Scenarios � Telcordia Technologies , Alcatel-Lucent , AT&T , Qwest , Verizon Q3/13 2010-03-31
[ 395 ]
Proposed Modification to Y.SecMechanisms. � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2009-08-26
[ 297 ]
Concerning Charging Information Records and Event-Based Charging � Telcordia Technologies , Alcatel-Lucent , AT&T , Qwest , Verizon Q3/13 2009-08-25
[ 296 ]
Concerning the Usage Metering for Service Layer Data � Telcordia Technologies , Alcatel-Lucent , AT&T , Qwest , Verizon Q3/13 2009-08-25
[ 294 ]
Proposed New Appendix in for Draft Y.ngnIdMreq: Example of IdM Architecture Deployment � AT&T , Telcordia Technologies Q16/13 2009-08-25
[ 293 ]
Proposed inclusion of 3G America IdM Use Cases � AT&T , Telcordia Technologies Q16/13 2009-08-25
[ 292 ]
Proposed New Appendix in for Draft Y.ngnIdMreq: Example IdM Transaction Models � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2009-08-25
[ 290 ]
Identity Management Use Cases for Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS) � Telcordia Technologies , AT&T Q16/13 2009-08-25
[ 289 ]
A mechanism for integration of the IMS- and OpenID-based authentication � Alcatel-Lucent, USA , AT&T, USA Q16/13 2009-08-25
[ 285 ]
Proposed Changes and Additions to Y.ngnIdMreq (NGN Identity Management Requirements) � Telcordia Technologies and AT&T Q16/13 2009-08-24
[ 235 ]
Modification about Draft Supplement of Global ICT fora/consortia Survey(TRY.FC-Survey � CATR,MII P.R. China Q1/13 2009-08-21
[ 234 ]
Proposal to divide the integration layer of Y.NGN-SIDE-Req to several functional groups � CATR Q3/13 2009-08-21
[ 230 ]
Proposal for packet format and field definition for connection-oriented network layer � CATR/MIIT Q20/13 2009-08-21
[ 229 ]
Propose to delete the section 8 "Addressing and numbering" in Y.PTDN � CATR,MII P.R. China Q20/13 2009-08-21
[ 228 ]
Propose to add the figure to describe the structure of the control and management packet in Y.PTDN � CATR,MII P.R. China Q20/13 2009-08-21
[ 227 ]
Proposal on the reference model of PTDN in Y.PTDN � CATR,MIIT, People's Republic of China Q20/13 2009-08-21
[ 226 ]
Proposal for adding figure control frame for sub-clause of Y.PTDN � CATR/MIIT Q20/13 2009-08-21
[ 225 ]
Proposed text of the sub-clause 6.1.5 "Mobility" in Y.Dsnreq � CATR,MII P.R. China Q19/13 2009-08-21
[ 224 ]
Proposed modifications of security requirement and sub-clause 6.2.5 in Y.dsnreq � CATR,MIIT, People's Republic of China Q19/13 2009-08-21
[ 223 ]
Proposed modification of the sub-clause 7.2 of Y.dsnarh � CATR,MII P.R. China Q19/13 2009-08-21
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