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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG 13 : Reuni�n�2011-10-10�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG 13� TD-WP2�(2011-10-10)�


Redes futuras, incluidas las redes m�viles y las de la pr�xima generaci�n

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2011-10-10 al 2011-10-21

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-06-042012-02-172012-02-06� [ 2011-10-10 ]� 2011-05-202011-01-172010-09-162010-04-192010-01-292009-09-022009-05-222009-01-12

Resultados :30 documentos
Documentos Temporales �(WP2) �[�Origen:�Editor�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 292-WP2 ]
Draft Supplement Y.miptv-scen, Scenarios and Use cases of mobile IPTV � Editors Q24/13 2011-10-20
[ 290-WP2 ]
Y.nscreen-sc, Supplement on "N-Screen service scenarios" v0.2 � Editor Q24/13 2011-10-20
[ 289-WP2 ]
Updating contents and adding new figure of the draft Recommendation Y.iras � Editor Q24/13 2011-10-20
[ 287-WP2 ]
Output Draft Recommendation Y.son-ngn � Editor Q24/13 2011-10-20
[ 285-WP2 ]
Revised draft Recommendation, "Web-based IPTV brokering service models and scenarios" � Editors Q24/13 2011-10-20
[ 284-WP2 ]
Draft Supplement Y.pass (Profile based application adaptation service using NGN) for approval � Editors Q24/13 2011-10-20
[ 281-WP2 ]
oLS - LS on draft recommendation Y.energy-hn "Energy saving using smart objects in next generation home network" � Editor Q12/13 2011-10-19
[ 280-WP2 ]
Living list of Q12/13 - Y.energyMRM (Energy Measurement Reference Model) � Editor Q12/13 2011-10-19
[ 279-WP2 ]
Initial draft Recommendation Y.SUN-content, Framework of content awareness for Smart Ubiquitous Networks � Editor Q12/13 2011-10-19
[ 278-WP2 ]
Initial draft Recommendation Y.SUN-context: Framework of context awareness for Smart Ubiquitous Networks � Editor Q12/13 2011-10-19
[ 277-WP2 ]
Draft recommendation Y.energy-hn, "energy saving using smart objects in next generation home network" � Editor Q12/13 2011-10-19
[ 276-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.IPTVintwVoD, Framework of interworking for IPTV VoD services � Editor Q12/13 2011-10-19
[ 275-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.ipev, Interworking between NGN and legacy IP-based networks � Editor Q12/13 2011-10-19
[ 274-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.WoT, Framework of Web of Things, (ITU-T SG13 meeting, 10-21 October 2011) � Editor Q12/13 2011-10-19
[ 273-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-Web, Functional Requirements and Architecture of Web Service Component in NGN � Editor Q12/13 2011-10-19
[ 272-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.UbiNet-hn, Framework of object-to-object communication using ubiquitous networking � Editor Q12/13 2011-10-19
[ 261-WP2 ]
Baseline of new draft Recommendation Y.Cloud-SIDE-Reqts "High level requirements and capabilities for cloud enabled service environment" � Temporary Editors Q3/13 2011-10-18
[ 260-WP2 ]
Baseline of new draft Recommendation Y.NICE-reqts, "Requirements and capabilities for Network Intelligence Capability Enhancement (NICE)" � Editors Q3/13 2011-10-18
[ 259-WP2 ]
Candidate modification for draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-overview � Editors Q3/13 2011-10-18
[ 258-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.miptv-req, Functional Requirements of Mobile IPTV � Editors Q3/13 2011-10-18
[ 257-WP2 ]
Update of draft Recommendation Y.MOC-Reqts "Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment" � Editors Q3/13 2011-10-18
[ 250-WP2 ]
Update of draft Recommendation Y.MOC-Reqts "Requirements for support of machine oriented communication applications in the NGN environment" , output of the August 2011 Q3/13 meeting � Editors Q3/13 2011-10-06
[ 249-WP2 ]
Initial text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IoT-overview � Editors Q3/13 2011-10-06
[ 247-WP2 ]
Updated Text of Draft Supplement Y.miptv-scen, Scenarios and Use cases of mobile IPTV (July 2011) � Editor Q24/13 2011-10-05
[ 245-WP2 ]
Y.nscreen-sc, Supplement on "N-Screen service scenarios over FMC" � Editor Q24/13 2011-09-19
[ 244-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.ipev, Interworking between NGN and legacy IP-based networks � Editors Q12/13 2011-09-16
[ 243-WP2 ]
Draft Supplement Y.pass (Profile based application adaptation service over NGN) � Editors Q24/13 2011-09-09
[ 242-WP2 ]
Revised version of the draft Recommendation Y.iras � Editors Q24/13 2011-09-07
[ 240-WP2 ]
Revised draft Recommendation, "Web-based IPTV brokering service models and scenarios" � Editors Q24/13 2011-09-07
[ 239-WP2 ]
Output Draft Recommendation Y.son-ngn (Seoul, 12-19 July 2011) � Editor Q24/13 2011-09-01
Resultados :30 documentos
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