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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG05 : WP 3/5�: Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG05� C�(2012-10-08)�


ICT and climate change

Periodo de estudios 2009

Reuni�n� del 2012-10-08 al 2012-10-12

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2012-04-112011-09-202011-04-272010-11-232010-10-012010-04-122010-01-192009-10-122009-05-252008-11-24

Resultados :49 documentos
Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 523 ]
Proposal on structure and contents of L.performance � China Q19/5 2012-09-27
[ 522 ]
Proposal on write into the efficiency and no-load power requirements of China in L.UPA draft on Appendix II � China Q21/5 2012-09-27
[ 521 ]
Contribution of Basic Configuration, Voltage/Current definition, Ripple and Ripple Noise Voltage measurement to the draft � China Q21/5 2012-09-27
[ 520 ]
General requirements for minimum data set of data center energy management � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q17/5 2012-09-26
[ 519 ]
L.ICT projects : some suggestions � France T�l�com Orange Q18/5 2012-09-26
[ 518 ]
Climate change adaptation, mitigation and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs): the case of Ghana � Ghana Q23/5 2012-09-26
[ 517 ]
Interworking solutions between EPS and ICT equipment � Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q21/5 2012-09-26
[ 516 ]
Proposal for a Recommendation on Universal power Adaptor for non-stationary use � Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 515 ]
Press Release from ANEC (consumers' association) on connector for mobile charging � Telecom Italia S.p.A. Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 514 ]
Contribution to Recommendation L methodology ICT Projects � European Union Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 513 ]
Proposal for preparing a new recommendation on an agreed eco-rating scheme for mobile phones � Telef�nica, S.A. Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 512 ]
Examples of ICT Projects in the ICT sector � Telef�nica, S.A. Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 511 ]
L.ICT in cities: aspects to be covered � France T�l�com Orange Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 510 ]
Proposal for validation and verification activities to ITU-T L.methodology ICT projects � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 509 ]
Proposal for resolving some of [Editor's note] issues of ITU-T L.methodology ICT projects � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 508 ]
Proposal for addition of project reporting guidance to ITU-T L.methodology ICT projects � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 507 ]
Proposal for updates of project results quantification for ITU-T L.methodology ICT projects � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 506 ]
Proposal for updates of baseline scenario considerations for ITU-T L.methodology ICT projects � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 505 ]
Proposal for additions and updates of terms and definitions of L.methodology ICT projects � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 504 ]
Proposal of additional items and normative reference for draft recommendation L.architecture � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q19/5 2012-09-25
[ 503 ]
Battery Standardisation (Universal Design) - Study Input & Conclusions � United Kingdom Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 502 ]
Proposal to modify for L.CPS_stationary_draft V005 � Japan Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 501 ]
Proposal to modify for L.CPS_stationary_draft V005 - Proposal to modify of DC output interface characteristics � Japan Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 500 ]
Proposal to modify for L.CPS_stationary_draft V005 - Proposal to modify of Scope and basic function � Japan Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 499 ]
Proposal on ripple noise voltage and measuring method of CPS in L.CPS_stationary � Japan Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 498 ]
Proposal on no-load power consumption of CPS in L.CPS_stationary � Japan Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 497 ]
Proposal on average conversion efficiency and 10% partial load conversion efficiency of CPS in L.CPS_stationary � Japan Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 496 ]
Joint industry response to contribution C421 � Motorola Mobility LLC Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 495 ]
A methodological framework for assessments of ICT solutions at a city level - some considerations for L.1440 � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 494 ]
Contribution to Recommendation ITU-T L-1410 & L-1420 � European Union Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 493 ]
Discussion document on requirements for a website portal on 'ICT and adaptation to climate change' � Egypt , Kenya , United Kingdom Q23/5 2012-09-25
[ 492 ]
Information about an ICT&CC-WG activity of APT Standardization Program Forum � Korea (Rep. of) , Thailand Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 491 ]
Methodology for assessment of GHG emission reduction enabled by ICT based Real-time Navigation Systems � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 490 ]
Points to be clarified on the text "Cellular network with capacity transfer" proposed in C378(SG5, 2012) � The ITU Association of Japan Q22/5 2012-09-25
[ 489 ]
Some proposals for next draft of L.1440 � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 488 ]
A case study for assessing environmental impact by Real-time Navigation Systems in Korea � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 487 ]
Presentations at TDAG, ASTAP and ITU-D SG2 on a plan to cost-effectively install optical cable infrastructure in rural and remote areas in developing countries � The ITU Association of Japan Q22/5 2012-09-25
[ 486 ]
Experimental results for draft Recommendation of L.rareMetals-measurement, "Measurement method to characterize rare metals of ICT goods" � Korea (Rep. of) Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 485 ]
Proposal for editorial and technical improvements to additionally refine ITU-T L.methodology ICT projects � Korea (Rep. of) Q18/5 2012-09-25
[ 484 ]
Proposal for best practices for cloud data centers for the revision of ITU-T L.1300 � Korea (Rep. of) Q17/5 2012-09-25
[ 483 ]
Recent development on electronic waste (e-waste) and rare metals in Asia-Pacific Telecommunity � Korea (Rep. of) , Thailand Q21/5 2012-09-25
[ 482 ]
Networking Devices and Power states � Cisco Systems, Inc. , Juniper Networks Q17/5 2012-09-25
[ 481 ]
Handbook on energy efficiency for telecom equipment � Cisco Systems, Inc. Q17/5 2012-09-24
[ 480 ]
Leveraging and enhancing the ICT Environmental sustainability : Options and Priorities � Alcatel-Lucent France Q18/5 2012-09-24
[ 479 ]
Information regarding review of L.1410 (GNS) and L.1420 (ORG) performed by TENNG consortia for the EC road-testing of standards � Telefon AB - LM Ericsson Q18/5 2012-09-24
[ 478 ]
Proposed Study on environment protection and recycling solution for Li-ion and Li-ion polymer batteries for mobile phones � Research in Motion Q21/5 2012-09-20
[ 477 ]
Handling of TD 1169 and a proposed way forward � Canada Q21/5 2012-09-20
[ 476 ]
Contribution for the Handbook on best practices - Setting up a low cost sustainable telecommunication infrastructure for rural communications in developing countries � Russian Federation Q22/5 2012-09-20
[ 475 ]
Proposal for assessment of environmental impact saving and rebound effect discussion � France T�l�com Orange Q21/5 2012-09-17
Resultados :49 documentos
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